Show me your Retro gaming collections!

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I guess that depends on if he just wants something that looks like a case, or a real box for it. Which is probably going to be hard to come by, or if you do. It'll be overpriced.

I've seen a guy selling JUST THE CASE ONLY for one of the Starforce games I own, and they want 200 bucks for it. For just the case. I really hate I might have to go the re-production route for them myself, but money wise I might not have a choice.

There is a complete copy on ebay right now from Canada for like $20.



This is how a unicorn comments

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
...did I hear "Mega Man"?


The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Well, I got my copy of Megaman 3 in yesterday! It cleaned up rather nicely!

I have been trying lately to get some lots on eBay to try to get what I want and then sell back the rest. However, I have discovered this odd situation, where people will pay more than the sum of the individual games in a lot on eBay.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
My want list updated:

My NES want list:
Megaman 1
Super C
Zelda 2
Rescue Rangers
Castlevainia 1
Castlevainia 3
Darkwing Duck

My SNES want list:
Castlevana IV
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Legend of Zelda Link to the Past
Super Metroid
TMNT 4 Turtles in Time

My Genesis want list:

Altered Beast
Sonic And Knucles
Sonic 3
TMNT Hyperstone Heist

My Gameboy want list:

Mario Land 2 6 Golden Coins
Metroid 2 Samus Returns

My PS1 want list:

Beast Wars Transformers

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
My PS1 Nostalgia isn't as strong as it is for the other consoles. I mainly have all my old PS1 games, and really didn't get that into that generation as I did the previous ones. So the virtue of it being a Beast Wars Transformers game, and the fact that I played the heck out of the demo on PC in the late 90s, makes me want the game. I am sure that once I start collecting for the PS1 era of games, I will find a few more to add to the want list.

The Demo was fun at the time, but I don't remember it being anything special other than a 3D world where you got to control the Season 1 Beast Wars characters.


This is how a unicorn comments
Well I haven't had the money to really buy too many games anymore. It's rare I go out and find a deal for retro stuff. I'm mostly looking at the last few generations right now and picking up games for cheap I have a feeling will go up in price, and well just games I want to have.

So instead if you guys don't mind. I would like from time to time to point out some old school games that if you aren't looking to add them to your collection. You might want to reconsider. These are great titles, but certainly fall in the 'Hidden Gem' category of games. If you're like me and obsessively seek out those lists, you might know of these, but if not and I introduce to you a great game you might not have known about, then that'd be awesome!

First up for NES. If you are collecting, like Zelda and/or top down shooters. You NEED a copy of "The Guardian Legend"

The best way to promote a game I feel is to show it off, so one of the youtube people I follow "SNES DRUNK" sums it up best:

One of those games I got lucky with where I knew someone back in the day that had played it, told me about it and I was like: "That sounds awesome. I want a copy" and yeah it's great. So glad to have it in my collection. Actually found someone did a little postcard art of the main character and had to buy it while at a convention.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
My PS1 Nostalgia isn't as strong as it is for the other consoles. I mainly have all my old PS1 games, and really didn't get that into that generation as I did the previous ones. So the virtue of it being a Beast Wars Transformers game, and the fact that I played the heck out of the demo on PC in the late 90s, makes me want the game. I am sure that once I start collecting for the PS1 era of games, I will find a few more to add to the want list.

The Demo was fun at the time, but I don't remember it being anything special other than a 3D world where you got to control the Season 1 Beast Wars characters.
PS1 is my strongest PlayStation nostalgia, bar maybe the PSP.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
PS1 is my strongest PlayStation nostalgia, bar maybe the PSP.

Well, we got our PlayStation halfway into its life cycle when I was 16. Previously, we had played on one of our friends PS1, and tried out games like the original Resident Evil and the demo for the second game and Silent Hill. We got a PlayStation for Christmas 1997, as my brother was in the local community college and still living at home, but still working. He got the PS1 and Final Fantasy 7 for me and him as a Christmas Gift. I didn't really play that much after the summer of 98, as that was the year that I started my junior year in high school, working at a nearby Hardee's, and playing Varsity basketball. My plate was pretty full for a while, and my brother moved out and took the PS1 with him. Eventually I got the PS1 back in 2000 or so after some of my brother's roommates stole all the games my brother had bought since he left. My local friends and I played the heck out of some Smackdown 2 and Resident Evil 3. We didn't really get too many games for it though, as Summer of 2001, I was going off to university, where I would eventually upgrade my PS1 with a PS2, Xbox, and eventually a Gamecube.


This is how a unicorn comments
Well for PS1 my Hidden Gem recommendation is "Machine Hunter"
This is just gameplay of the first level, no commentary. No one I follow on youtube has really reviewed this, or if they have they might mention it briefly in a 20 minute video.

It's a very neat little co-op top down shooter from the early 90's. D-pad controls which way you move, while the buttons signify which way you shoot. So if you press triangle, you'll shoot up, and can use the d-pad to move around while shooting up. If you press X you'll shoot down. Naturally square and circle will fire left and right.

The main draw of the game is, as you might see in the gameplay, you can come across these robots that shoot at you. However damage them enough and they'll basically become this faded orange color and have electricity spark out of them. This allows you to walk onto them and possess them. Taking on their form and abilities. It doesn't get too crazy, it's usually just mobility and weapons.

Every time you possess a new robot, you get a full life meter. However you need to be careful. If you keep shooting them while they are in their 'possess me' stage, you CAN destroy them completely.

You can also see in the gameplay them getting level ups to their firepower. There is the green level 2, and blue level 3. Sadly using them depletes a meter and you'll go back to level 1 after a bit, but thankfully you can toggle the extra firepower off and on.

Levels pretty much have objectives you need to complete. Like the second level has you looking for bombs to disarm.

It's a really cool game to mess around with, but naturally being an early 90's game it's not great by today's standards. The missions can sometimes feel dragged out, and the controls aren't the greatest, but this was WAAAAAAAAY before twin stick shooters. Heck this was before we even got twin sticks!

It has some neat environments to explore though. Later you end up in a hospital area where the top half of corpses will crawl at you, leaving a blood trail behind them. Pretty sure when you walk/ drive through blood it sticks to your feet/threads for a bit too. Just a cool little relic from the past, but one I do suggest at least checking out if you can.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I actually dug out my PS1 games last night out of a packed closet. Here is what I have.

Medal of Honor
IHRA Drag Racing
Sampler disk 7
Spyro riptos rage
MSG VR Missions
Smackdown 2
wipeout XL
Tony Hawk Pro Skater
Xmen mutant academy
two copies of Beast Wars Transmetals for some reason.
Resident Evil 3 nemesis
Resident Evil 2
FF7 regular and Greatest hits collection
Sim City 2000
NHL Face Off 98
Grand Turismo
FF9 regular and Greatest hits collection
Metal Gear Solid
Crash Bandicoot

A lot of these are games that I got in a bundle when I got my PS2.


This is how a unicorn comments
If you have the black label Final Fantasy 7 with the typos it could be worth a lot. I sadly only have a greatest hits version.

Let's see from that list I also own:
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis
Resident Evil 2. (Well mine is the two-disc version. Pretty sure they did a re-release of it with only one disc and some upgrades)
Already mentioned I have FF7 greatest hits
Also have Final Fantasy IX black label
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid VR Missions.

The rest of my stuff is mostly platformers, Music games, and RPGS with a few one on one fighting.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Going to go check out some new stores next week. Hopefully, I will find something good!

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Sadly, both the places I went to on my vacation were tabletop gaming stores. I found it weird that both of these cities were devoid of retro video game stores. There was one place I was recommended, but it would have been a 45 minute detour through some rough areas to get to, so I skipped that place.

I did stop at that 2nd and Charles again and they didn't have anything on my wishlist sadly. They did have a complete Chrystalis for the NES for $70, which was tempting.

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