I downloaded Pixelorama and I am playing around with it now that I am back from vacation.
Gamewise, I am still working on the first level. I got it laid out, put the camera on it, and zoomed in to the screen size I want.
So I need to do the following:
1. Create three generic enemies and give them two attack animations as well as a walking one.
2. Create a car sprite with the boss in the driver's seat.
3. Create the collectibles that the enemies drop, and set a counter for them on the on screen menu, which I need to create.
4. Recreate the main character artwork, make an idle, walking, and running animations, then create three different attacks for them.
5. Make a main menu.
6. Make some of the NPC characters.
Then I still have a few more tweaks like adding in the background artwork, making the game not let the camera move until all the on screen enemies are defeated, and recognizing that they have reached the end of the level and need to go back to the beginning.