So I am making a video game.....

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I think I am going to change it to 10 frames if I can. That might make it more smoother.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Word of warning from my own experience. Don't overthink the animation this early in development. I have a tendency to zero-in on one issue on my projects and obsess and tweak and obsess and tweak that one aspect until I end up losing interest in the project. Don't want you falling into the same trap I keep falling into.


jumbled pile of person
In fact, you probably should barely be thinking about asset development at all, this early on. Unless it's your main area of expertise and you can just crank them out as quickly as any placeholder assets anyway, it's more important to get a working prototype together as quickly and simply as you can, so that you can give it a spin and figure out what needs work.

When I was in the Team Fortress 2 mapping community, it was a near-universal standard to block everything out using plain development textures (that looked like a cross between graph paper and Tyvek sheeting) and iterate on the layout many, many times before even starting work on turning it into something that actually looks like something. And that's just environment design for a game whose mechanics had been locked in years ago. It certainly pays to have a vision and draw up some concept art, but you never know when that vision won't hold up to real-world testing, and it's a lot easier to make sweeping changes to what you've built when it's all just a bunch of nondescript flat surfaces than after you've gotten used to it looking like a haunted house or a pie factory or whatever.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Word of warning from my own experience. Don't overthink the animation this early in development. I have a tendency to zero-in on one issue on my projects and obsess and tweak and obsess and tweak that one aspect until I end up losing interest in the project. Don't want you falling into the same trap I keep falling into.

Good advice! I am just working on this for this character, so I can make the main character a bit more fun to play with. If this ten frame animation doesn't fix it, I will just move on to the next part of the level.

To show you what I am talking about for the walking animation, previously I was using this for my guide:


If you notice there seems to be a few frames that should be in there. Like between frames 3 and 4, I added another frame, and I might add another before frame 8 to keep the pattern.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I have the punching animation done for the character. Its a loop of two left hand jabs with a giant right cross with a huge fist like Battletoads did. I am not happy with it, but it will have to due for now.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Working on the concept art now for the generic enemies. I have a couple ideas but they are a little derivative. I am going to see if I can come up with something better.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So I have been watching some good Godot training videos on Enemy AI lately. Learning a good bit about it. I also decided to update my robot design to not use legs, as wheels are easier to animate.


The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So I added a simplefied version of the enemy to the game and made the AI for it to chase after the player if within a certain range. Next I will add the attacks in for both the player and the enemy.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Well, I got ti to where I can attack the enemies and kill them, but I need to fix the enemy attacks as they don't seem to want to work.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Also, I have found a person to follow on youtube for some coding advice. Devworm, anyone watch their videos?

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Worked on the combat system some more yesterday, but I am still having trouble adapting the tutorial to a brawler type game. I need to go back and clean up the code some, and try to find out where and why my animations are messing up.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Well, I got it working fairly well, but the attack is confusing the flipping animation, so I am going to have to rework that.

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