Sonic The Hedgehog

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
That was amazing!

Could have used more of Starline dancing. I miss him. With IDW folding, he'll be gone for good when Sonic switches publishers.

Unless he got a mention in Frontiers? Like Tangle did?


Pittied fools.
Huh. A patch dropped for Sonic Origins Plus.


Pittied fools.

So the Fast Friends Forever thing started a few weeks back. It's mostly an advertisement campaign but the site has what are presumably the current bios for characters. I don't know the upload speed since there are rather specific characters not there (Metal Sonic, Big, Team Chaotix). But there's some interesting confirmations and reveals here along with specific wording. There's a few I find particularly interesting:

-The nature of "Team Dark" has some nuance. While some of it is the edgy kids not wanting to admit that that they're friends, there's distinct differences in how they view each other. There's also one of the most concise explanations of Shadow's backstory and shows what is probably his goal moving forward.
-The fact that Cream is even there is a big deal, considering her recent absence and Sega's previous statements that she's supposedly just a civilian. And then, they go and state that Vanilla is in charge of a Chao Garden, which I don't know if that's new lore or always there but not brought up often.
-Silver might be the most interesting since it implies that some version of '06 happened but he can't remember what it was. It adds some useful vagueness that allows plausible deniability. They also revealed the nature of his time travel in that time portals open up, as opposed to him having innate time travel powers.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Whoever wrote those bios was not being lazy about it. They're so short without being just vague fluff. There's acknowledgements all over the place.


Continuity Nutcase
So, what exactly is it about these bios that has the Sonic fandom screaming "Controversy!"? I don't really see much in these bios to get that worked up over.


Pittied fools.
I actually watched that video today. Thing about Amy, especially if you read the bio instead of only taking the reviewer's word, is's how they have been writing her recently. She's not explicitly chasing Sonic but but is still attracted to him. The bio makes sense if you've been paying attention to everything around it--out of game they want to expand her character to not be solely about chasing Sonic and their in game interaction has been better so she has less need to chase him--but it's easy to kneejerk reaction on the internet.

There's also Team Dark/"Shadow has no friends" but I'm impressed by the wording and nuance chosen. We have to remember that Team Dark as a concept is Rouge's idea.

In other news, I found out Marine actually has a recipe in the upcoming Sonic Cookbook.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The complaints are silly. The bios are trying very hard to acknowledge that Team Dark are friends despite saying they're not friends, which is exactly how the characters feel about it.


Wondering bot
The complaints are silly. The bios are trying very hard to acknowledge that Team Dark are friends despite saying they're not friends, which is exactly how the characters feel about it.

Team dark are a couple of creatures with different goals, yet, it aline with the end destination, thus they choose to work together!


Pittied fools.
I've been thinking about these bios and realized that despite doing a great job at being succinct, there's things that are unsaid. It mentions that Tails was once ashamed of his tails but it never mentions the bullying. This caused me to look at Knuckles again. This is the second or third time since Frontiers that he gets mentioned as the guardian of the Master Emerald but not the last guardian. Sega used to be pretty adamant about that detail. Really makes me wonder if something is about to shift.


Continuity Nutcase
I actually watched that video today. Thing about Amy, especially if you read the bio instead of only taking the reviewer's word, is's how they have been writing her recently. She's not explicitly chasing Sonic but but is still attracted to him. The bio makes sense if you've been paying attention to everything around it--out of game they want to expand her character to not be solely about chasing Sonic and their in game interaction has been better so she has less need to chase him--but it's easy to kneejerk reaction on the internet.
Do people actually want Amy to be constantly obsessively chasing after Sonic? That was the most obnoxiously annoying thing about her during the Adventure/Heroes/X anime era.


Well-known member
Do people actually want Amy to be constantly obsessively chasing after Sonic? That was the most obnoxiously annoying thing about her during the Adventure/Heroes/X anime era.

To some, that's kinda like suggesting "Sonic always runs fast, maybe he should do something different."


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Amy's infatuation with Sonic wasn't just about Sonic. She wanted to live in Sonic's world. She has a craving for the exciting hero stuff, and Sonic was always at the epicenter of that. But then she started going on her own adventures. It's not as important for her to chase after Sonic anymore. She can go make her own fun now.


Pittied fools.
There is another interesting thing that is very rarely mentioned despite actually being acknowledged in-game. Amy's stunt on Prison Island is not the first time she's tried to rescue Sonic. Tails knows it's not the first time. Unless that first time happened between Adventure games, her heroics do predate SA1.
Looking back on this part of the earlier discussion, it makes me wonder if part of the online reaction is due to a lack of an updated rerelease of SA1/SA2/Heroes that showed more of the adventure seeking side of her. The Fast Friends Forever bio is mostly not a retcon but I can see how people wouldn't catch that. It's less that it's a retcon itself and more that it reflects other retcons, like Superstars showing her totally being part of the team the whole time, and lesser focused moments like the SA2.

But there is a problem that muddies the waters: Sally Acorn and Archie Comics. Amy wasn't always treated the best in early to mid Archie and some fans are resentful. Many are jealous of Sonic and Sally's relationship, and yes, I used present tense. While I'm behind on The BumbleKast, people have sent questions asking why Sonic and Amy's relationship hasn't progressed as far as Sonic and Sally's relationship did (dating, kissing, officially stating they're a couple, etc). There's an air desperation and feeling owed that specific plot point. This wholly ignores the differences in character design (Sally is designed as "attractive" while Amy is designed as "cute" and has overtly cartoonish elements in how she interacts with the world) and overall differences in writing styles. But there's one secret that's probably not supposed to be secret in all this:

Sonic Team ships SonAmy.

Sally was never a thing in Japan and outside of the attempt to stay different from Mario & Peach, Sega constantly tease Sonic and Amy together. It was once her chasing and him running but now it's written more even. But the fascinating thing is while people have been focused on Amy, I've noticed what they've been doing with Sonic. Across recent media like comics, Frontiers, and Prime, Sonic will have entirely different body language around Amy compared to Tails, Knuckles, and everyone else. As someone who GMs tabletop RPGs, I could easily see Sonic Team going "we're being obvious!" and no one notices. A shame since I think there's a different form of fun with shiptease versus a full relationship. Especially since people in universe (or at least Tails) notice.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Eggman totally ships them.

It predates recent media. It's right there in SA2. Notice that when Eggman holds Tails and Amy hostage, he only threatens Amy. He assumes that's going to bother Sonic more, and he specifically pushes the "If you really care for her" button. Sonic won't admit how much he cares for her, but Eggman is not fooled.


Wondering bot
Well Eggman is meant to be extremely smart, thou he has a massive ego which is shown in his massive creations, such as the Death Egg or the fleet of ships he created at the start of Sonic Unleashed, far as I'm aware of, the only one to be able to actually rival him in terms of intellegence, is Tails

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Well Eggman is meant to be extremely smart, thou he has a massive ego which is shown in his massive creations, such as the Death Egg or the fleet of ships he created at the start of Sonic Unleashed, far as I'm aware of, the only one to be able to actually rival him in terms of intellegence, is Tails
Tails is generally way smarter than eggman. Eggman has massive infrastructure; and tails usually finds the exploitable mcguffin that lets the good guys undo literally thousands of hours of work... from a wooden shed, with a home built computer, while flying a bi-plane.

If eggman could ever control his own ego long enough to do exactly ONE project where he acknowledges he isn't the smartest person involved (cause even if tails is working against him, that's involvement.) he could probably win.

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