Star Trek General Discussion


Well-known member
ep 2 will probably mess it all up, but my fan theory tight now is that Picard and Riker will be caught and court martialed and the rest of the season will be all of the people they have screwed coming to testify. Last scene they’ll be sitting in the brig.


Well-known member
Someone has already picked up Eaglemoss' Star Trek license (as well as others sounds like). I got an email from them the other day to confirm I wanted to be on the mailing list - but I forgot who it was.
I heard Noble collection would be selling off the seized assets, but I haven’t been contacted by anyone.


Well-known member
Yeah, I confirmed I'd like to be on the list, but already trashed the email so I can't remember the company name.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
ep 2 will probably mess it all up, but my fan theory tight now is that Picard and Riker will be caught and court martialed and the rest of the season will be all of the people they have screwed coming to testify. Last scene they’ll be sitting in the brig.
This would make sense if Old Man Picard was acknowledging the "A Time to..." novel series.

Bridging the gap between ST: Insurrection and ST: Nemesis, it details how the unaligned planet of Tezwa had nadion pulse cannons installed on it by direct order of Federation President Min Zife during the Dominion War, in violation of the Khitomer Accords (but, backs to the wall and all that). The Enterprise gets drawn into a post-war mess when a new Tezwan government starts threatening the Klingons....

Anyway, Picard has a talk with friends in the Admiralty, whereupon Admirals Ross, Jellico and Nechayev persuade Zife to resign before things get really out of hand. What only Ross knows is that the Baskin-Robbins Gang (as I call a certain numbered section in the Federation's intelligence apparatus) then takes it upon themselves to remove the President more permanently....

So if they wanted to have a "the bill comes due" story, what better way than to have Picard be an unwitting coup conspirator.

The only problem is, that's a lot of offscreen events to infodump over a ten-episode series, and it isn't as though previous seasons gave any thought to the Pocket Books relaunch material.

Would be nice to incorporate some stuff, though, I've really wanted the Typhon Pact to be a thing....


Active member
I would have liked to have seen some of the Pocketverse details incorporated. I really enjoyed the Destiny novels, would have liked to have seen Tasha Riker, etc.


ep 2 will probably mess it all up, but my fan theory tight now is that Picard and Riker will be caught and court martialed and the rest of the season will be all of the people they have screwed coming to testify. Last scene they’ll be sitting in the brig.
Here I thought you were making a joke, as this is pretty much what happens in the Seinfeld finale.


Active member
Yep, “splicensing” as Adam Pawlus (Adam16bit here) has referred to it. Same reason you’re seeing Ninja Turtles from Super7 (toy-inspired Ultimates, Reaction), NECA (media reference “Ultimates”), BST Action, Playmates (retro toys), and, now, McFarlane (Mutant Mayhem kids toys).

In terms of Picard…I like what I saw. I watched bits of the series, but it just could never quite “grab me”. This time? Maybe it’s the visual and audio pandering, but I got pulled in. Ship design is gorgeous, the plot has a nice hook, and the usage of TNG cast members give a lot more weight than the sparse appearances in the prior seasons. The audio was FULL of fun Easter Eggs. In addition to the use of the Goldsmith Star Trek themes, it seemed like there was a LOT of Horner influence during the Titan sequences. Loved to hear the ending credits use the First Contact score as well the transition to the classic Goldsmith TNG music. Speaking of the credit sequence…

They certainly seemed to have learned from the criticism the first couple seasons endured and filled this to the brim with nostalgia bait and "remember that?" moments. The "Okudagrams" end credit sequence was masterfully done, and I agree the ship design this time around is appealling.... though I think they still need to work on their interior bridge aesthetic. Aside from The Enterprise on SNW, Trek bridges these days all look too much alike, and they're too dark and brooding.

The end credits music was pretty much lifted wholesale from the First Contact end credits, including the transition to the Goldsmith main theme. There's nothing original in that composition unique to Picard. I've been listening to it on CD for decades. It is nice to hear it used again... though I sincerely hope this season of Picard earns its use.

I fully expect later episodes to completely crap the bed, as has happened with this show in both its previous seasons. This is one case I'd be happy to be wrong, though... considering the fact we never really got a proper TNG film, it'd be nice to give the TNG cast a proper send-off after all this time. I'll happily eat my words if this season somehow pulls off a miracle and doesn't completely suck.

The first two seasons still never happened, though. All things considered, the Pocketverse would've made for vastly superior post-Nemesis stories.
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Well-known member
To be fair, starship bridges have mostly looked similar to one another across similar generations.

This new design is certainly interesting but I'm not 100% sold on the massive hump back. It's a bit inelegant.


Really. They get arrested for reasons that only exist in a sitcom, then their trial ends up being a parade of character witnesses made up of almost every major guest star from the entire series. It ends with the main characters jailed for a year. The last non-credits scene is them literally sitting in a jail cell.

not to hijack the thread, FWIW I did see the premiere of Picard and I’m hoping for the best, even though the first two seasons were meh. I liked seeing Picard and Riker back together again, although Rikers sudden availability from his family kinda feels hollow. There’s seemingly friction back home, just as Picard reaches out for one last adventure, like they couldn’t think of a better excuse.
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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
There was also a rumour that there was going to an ACTUAL final episode on the day the sentence was supposed to end.


Well-known member
I had no idea this happened at all until I saw comments on a Youtube video but Annie Wesching who played the Borg Queen in the last season of Picard had passed away at the age of 45 at the end of last month.


Active member
So sad, so young. And so close to most of our ages. Really puts things in perspective


Active member
ep 2 will probably mess it all up, but my fan theory tight now is that Picard and Riker will be caught and court martialed and the rest of the season will be all of the people they have screwed coming to testify. Last scene they’ll be sitting in the brig.

"Hello, Picard." "Hello, Lore."


Well-known member
I would have liked to have seen some of the Pocketverse details incorporated. I really enjoyed the Destiny novels, would have liked to have seen Tasha Riker, etc.
My headcanon is that Tasha and Thaddeus are the same person (the timeline almost adds up, and he could easily have transitioned between ages 6 and 18).

(I'm plotting out a fanfic of what Picard would look like in the Relaunch timeline [ignoring Coda because it was horrible], where René is preparing to enter the Academy, "Alton Soong" is actually resurrected Data [and Thaddeus is thus still alive because Data was around to save him], the Synth ban is a result of Section 31: Control, and the Federation's turn toward xenophobia is in response to the Typhon Pact.)


Active member
My headcanon is that Tasha and Thaddeus are the same person (the timeline almost adds up, and he could easily have transitioned between ages 6 and 18).

(I'm plotting out a fanfic of what Picard would look like in the Relaunch timeline [ignoring Coda because it was horrible], where René is preparing to enter the Academy, "Alton Soong" is actually resurrected Data [and Thaddeus is thus still alive because Data was around to save him], the Synth ban is a result of Section 31: Control, and the Federation's turn toward xenophobia is in response to the Typhon Pact.)
I just read Coda and actually enjoyed it. I understand the dissatisfaction with it though, and agree would have been nice if there was a Lost Light style of ending to that universe.

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