Star Trek General Discussion


Well-known member
Coda had an impossible task to accomplish, and honestly, I think they did it well. I'll fully admit that all the time-mechanics were confusing from time to time, but necessary to do the job the story set out for itself to do.


Well-known member
Coda infuriated me because "everyone dies horrifically, none of it matters, genocide is the correct response" is the exact opposite of Star Trek. It wasn't a tribute, it was a slap in the face. It was a particularly bloody Warhammer 40K pastiche featuring fan-favourite Star Trek characters getting mutilated.

For that matter, Coda didn't even succeed in its stated goal of "concluding" cliffhangers; the Full Circle Fleet never returns home, Rebecca's Prophet-related abilities will never be explained, Altek Dans never actually does anything, Taurik's future-knowledge is irrelevant, we'll never get any fallout from the Section 31 trials (and the loss of what must have been a major chunk of Starfleet's command structure and the Federation government), there'll be no resolution to Garak's work to bring Cardassia into the Federation, or Weyoun and his Dominion refugees, or Moriarty and his family, or how Naomi Wildman ended up working with Starfleet Intelligence. The Typhon Pact is namedropped in the first book then never mentioned again, parts of "Collateral Damage" (the epilogue, taking place in 2389) are retroactively erased. . .

Even within the trilogy itself, K'Ehleyr and Alexander never speak two words to each other on the page, despite the whole Worf/K'Ehleyr subplot. For that matter, Alexander himself is barely an extra once he joins the cast; we get no scenes at all from his POV.

Plus it never needed to be done in the first place: it only exists because commentators were comparing Picard to the Disney buy-out that ended the Star Wars EU, but that's a false dichotomy; Star Wars has always presented itself as a single narrative continuity (as far back as "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" in 1978), but Star Trek has always embraced the idea of alternate timelines and parallel universes, ever since TOS (arguably) codified the idea of a "Mirror Universe" into pop culture. Even if no further books could chronicle it, there is absolutely no reason why the Relaunch Timeline couldn't persist as a valid alternate timeline --just as Star Trek Online is, despite being just as irreconcilable.

There's no reason a future writer couldn't have done a Picard (or Prodigy, or even Lower Decks) story where the characters get a glimpse of another timeline featuring President Bacco, or Admiral Akaar, or a wildly redesigned DS9, or the USS Aventine commanded by Captain Dax.

Hell, if they wanted to "realign" the publishing imprint, they could just as easily have copied a trick from the Abramsverse and have a Relaunch character get shifted into the Picard timeline, letting us explore the new canon through their eyes.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Looks like Discovery's wrapping up too. With that and Picard tieing off, I wonder if they're finally going to do that Section 31 show they were talking about doing a few years ago, or just going to stick with what's running(which would be fine by me).



Well-known member
Discovery is in a weird place. Whatever century they’re in is so divorced from the other shows. I’d also assume most people don’t like the Federation falling apart. Especially because a child being sad blew up all their ships.

I’d bet on this clearing the way for another Matalas lead 24th Century series after Picard wraps up.


How did we get so dark?
Yeah, I feel like this is less "making room for something new", and more just cutting back in general.

It seems like there's been a lot of belt tightening across the streaming services as of late, and it's catching up to Paramount now.

My guess is that Star Trek gets pared back to just SNW and Prodigy, and we'll hear that the upcoming season of Lower Decks will be the last one as well.


Well-known member
I’d be really shocked if they cut Lower Decks. It’s animation so cheaper to produce than live action and it seems to have both fan and critical acclaim.


How did we get so dark?
I don't want to see them cancel it, either. I just worry that they'll cut back to one "adult" show and one "kids" show, plus both are the newest members of the franchise.

But, I guess we'll have a better idea in the coming months.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Was catching up on some Kurtzgesagt videos, and seems like the Hobus supernova idea does have a grain of truth at its core:

If a star close enough to Romulus blew, It basically really would wipe out life for light years around. Not the galaxy(without subspace magic), but evacuation of Romulus and nearby planets would definitely make sense, and if it was only a few light years away they'd only have that many years to deal with evacuating after the boom... and it wouldn't be just Romulus/Remus, any nearby colonies would have had to be evacuated too. The planets wouldn't be physically destroyed, but they'd be so constantly irradiated they wouldn't be habitable for a long long time(if Hobus was close enough).

Subspace magic (and the red matter thing was more subspace magic to counter subspace magic) of course was involved, but they could have done a more hard sci-fi approach and still had roughly the consequences to drive some of the needed plot(outside punting Spock across timelines).


Active member
It’s a catch 22 for them though. We only pay for P+ when there’s an active Trek show. I’m not a Disco fan. But, I do enjoy SNW, Prodigy, Picard, and LD. At 10 episodes each, that keeps us paying 40 out of 52 weeks per year.

Losing Picard *and* LD? That’s 20. So less revenue for their streaming service, which means more belt tightening which means we only subscribe for 10 weeks a year?


Active member
It’s a catch 22 for them though. We only pay for P+ when there’s an active Trek show. I’m not a Disco fan. But, I do enjoy SNW, Prodigy, Picard, and LD. At 10 episodes each, that keeps us paying 40 out of 52 weeks per year.

Losing Picard *and* LD? That’s 20. So less revenue for their streaming service, which means more belt tightening which means we only subscribe for 10 weeks a year?
It's the streaming service for Paw Patrol and Pepa Pig. They could cancel all the Trek and they'd still be getting this family's money 52 weeks a year.


Well-known member
It's the streaming service for Paw Patrol and Pepa Pig. They could cancel all the Trek and they'd still be getting this family's money 52 weeks a year.
I didn't even realize that. We watch clip streams of those on YouTube.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
On the shelf at an airBnB we are staying at, just thought I should share:


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I only had time to read about halfway through The Tholian Web, so I can't really speak to the quality of the writing, but it's kind of fun to revisit the stories in a slightly different format and let the combination of imagination and memory fill in the gaps.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
It’s a catch 22 for them though. We only pay for P+ when there’s an active Trek show. I’m not a Disco fan. But, I do enjoy SNW, Prodigy, Picard, and LD. At 10 episodes each, that keeps us paying 40 out of 52 weeks per year.

Losing Picard *and* LD? That’s 20. So less revenue for their streaming service, which means more belt tightening which means we only subscribe for 10 weeks a year?
There are some other exclusives that they have. 1883 and 1923 are westerns series that are a prequel to Yellowstone. I haven't seen Yellowstone, but I loved the prequels.

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