Star Trek General Discussion

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders

Patrick Stewart's idea on how Picard should have ended. Not a bad idea to have him finally be content at the Vineyard with his wife, which after Season 3, I would hope would be Beverly since they have Jack together. And I have been shipping them for 30+ years.


Well-known member

Patrick Stewart's idea on how Picard should have ended. Not a bad idea to have him finally be content at the Vineyard with his wife, which after Season 3, I would hope would be Beverly since they have Jack together. And I have been shipping them for 30+ years.
Honestly, I'd have been perfectly happy if they had him marry Laris (and especially if they didn't just drop her after S3E1). Just because he had a kid with Beverly doesn't mean they have to get married 20+ years later. I'm glad they reconnected, but if that ship's sailed, I'm okay with that.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Laris wouldn't be a bad choice either, but honestly, Crusher and Picard are just two characters that I want to end up together. I am sure that Laris understands when Jean Luc told her about Jack.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Why not both? I doubt the Federation has any laws against polycules, as long as all participants consent. Assuming Crusher and Laris get along well anyways.


Well-known member
Laris wouldn't be a bad choice either, but honestly, Crusher and Picard are just two characters that I want to end up together. I am sure that Laris understands when Jean Luc told her about Jack.
If Jean-Luc and Beverly want to get together again, I don't exactly protest. I just really feel it's important to say that, having had a son over two decades ago should NOT be considered one of the reasons. They've reconnected now. How do they feel about that? That's all that should matter at this stage.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
If Jean-Luc and Beverly want to get together again, I don't exactly protest. I just really feel it's important to say that, having had a son over two decades ago should NOT be considered one of the reasons. They've reconnected now. How do they feel about that? That's all that should matter at this stage.
I am putting this in spoiler tags since its discussing recent Trek that not all of us here have seen:

That is the thing though, Picard never wanted to disconnect. He didn't know Beverly was going to ghost him when she did.

Given that Jack has that picture of them all dressed up in formal attire(Yes I know that was a real world movie premiere picture from years ago), I would say that its more likely that they did get married somewhere between saving Star Fleet and Jack getting posted to the Enterprise G. Given that Picard has worked through his relationship issues in Season 2, I imagine that he and Beverly finally were able to make it work, especially since they could actually be together with her at Starfleet medical and him not being on a ship saving the galaxy anymore.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
As a 900 year old robot I don't think getting married is really a priority JLP needs to worry about. he's only going to last long enough to see Q again along with Janeway when they give the ex-titan it's boldly going mission statement at the start of Season 1 of Legacy or nexter generation.. whatever they call it. only for him to disappear to go keep an eye on seven and Jack.

once that Happens Picard can go back to the vineyard and toot his flute.

and while I'm wishing for the unlikely Paramount will greenlight a DS9 Movie

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Any DS9 movie that doesn't start with my fan fiction of Sisko raising his kid with Cassidy and Jake on Bajor is never going to get off the ground with Brooks.


Well-known member
Very much that.

Besides, with the inability to use Odo (certainly not as we know him) or Nog, I think the ship for a DS9 movie has long since sailed. Any attempt made nowadays wouldn't be what we actually want to see.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
They could always do a comedy movie where Weyoun and Brunt go on a series of misadventures after getting knocked into the 22nd Century during a transporter accident.


Well-known member
I feel like the best option would just be a Picard-era cameo, like a reference to Kai Kira, or mention Jake Sisko as an award-winning novelist, or maybe have Colm Meaney show up as a semi-retired Miles.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I'm already on ep18 of TOS and gotta get notes down cuz I see that the Gorn is the next ep with Arena.

General thoughts are how sexist it is (like, geez! I'm just going to ignore the females are treated / portrayed when i see them), how annoying that whistling sound is for communications (haha) and while it's almost always dangerous eps, the threats seem to be mostly mentally related somehow. Or on looks. And so many deaths!

Also, it's been a joke that Shatner speaks haltingly but I didn't notice it so far.

1x1 pilot The Cage - So this is Pike. Shame they didn't rescue the lady at the end. Oh, they did mention she was an Orion when she was a green skinned dancer.

1x2 Man Trap - I know that salt eating shapeshifter! From Lower Decks when Ransom met her at the bar!

1x3 Charlie X - mental kid

1x4 Where No Man Has Gone Before - I remember reading a picture book on this ep. I recall the guard getting strangled and the lady getting powers.

1x5 Naked Time - I get the drunk part but what hex is up with the time travel ending? So odd.

1x6 Enemy Within - this is the start of the Mirror verse idea?

1x7 Mudd's Women - well, it tried to be progressive.

1x8 What Little Girls are Made of - the big android looks like Lwaxana Troi's bodyguard. And this is Strange New World's Nurse Chapel's future husband? Another robotic type? No wonder she was into Spock, haha. Kidding.

1x9 Miri - creepy kids

1x10 Dagger of the Mind - it was ok

1x11 Corbomite Maneuver - I liked the actual alien ness of it but bluffing? Weird.

1x12-13 The Menagerie - Holy cow, THIS is the weird chair that Boimler and Mariner referenced in the SNW crossover ep? Poor Pike! Also mentions the saving of the crew that lead to it. It's more or less a cut of the Cage pilot but, wow, they made the retelling work for the plot to give Pike and the lady a happy ending. Very clever of the producers.

1x14 Conscience of the King - I think this is the ep I was kinda impressed by, for some reason. Sad too. Also I guess this is why Next Gen onwards have people doing plays and retro holo stuff?

1x15 Balance of Terror - Holy cow, they totally lifted lines from Strange New Worlds! The Romulan captain saying Pike / Kirk would have been friends in another life was so cool. Also the person on the ambushed base looked like the same shot. Such a tense waiting game between the two ships. Added tragedy of the lady who was about to be married too. But there were no repercussions to the Romulan attacking the base?

1x16 Shore Leave - wow, they had budget for an actual tiger, hehe

1x17 Galileo Seven - wow, the away crew really had it in for Spock being logical, sheesh

1x18 Squire of Gothos - practically the same as Charlie X. Is this the prototype Q?

Well, I'm about 1/4th done. It's been... an experience, haha


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Keep in mind the shows treatment of women was considered progressive for the time. We have, as a society, improved in that regard since the mid-to-late 60s, thankfully.

As for Shatner's speech cadence, it's played up significantly for humor in the parodies and jokes.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I feel like the best option would just be a Picard-era cameo, like a reference to Kai Kira, or mention Jake Sisko as an award-winning novelist, or maybe have Colm Meaney show up as a semi-retired Miles.
That would be neat. Like just bring in some characters to Legacy, like Obrian and Bashir. Have them go to DS9, where Kira is in command, to solve some mystery. Then after they leave, follow Kira as she hops on a runabout and goes to Bajor with Bashir and O'brien to pick up a new Federation recruit to take back to Starfleet academy.

She takes them to Sisko's house where he has lunch waiting for them, and his Daughter/Son goes off with them to go to the academy and maybe show up as an ensign in the legacy crew in season 2 or 3. Have Jake and Cassidy at the house too for the big send off.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Also, it's been a joke that Shatner speaks haltingly but I didn't notice it so far.

Bruce Campbell explains it best.

1x1 pilot The Cage - So this is Pike. Shame they didn't rescue the lady at the end. Oh, they did mention she was an Orion when she was a green skinned dancer.

You will see what happens to the lady later on. She is the same character that is in Discovery Season 2, BTW.

1x2 Man Trap - I know that salt eating shapeshifter! From Lower Decks when Ransom met her at the bar!

I love this episode and how it features Mccoy. Spock's two hand attack on her was insane too considering how hard he punches.

1x4 Where No Man Has Gone Before - I remember reading a picture book on this ep. I recall the guard getting strangled and the lady getting powers.

Yeah, this was the second pilot, and I rather enjoyed this episode. Pity that Kirk lost his friend.

1x5 Naked Time - I get the drunk part but what hex is up with the time travel ending? So odd.

They copied this idea for an early TNG episode too.

1x6 Enemy Within - this is the start of the Mirror verse idea?

Nope. The mirrorverse starts with another episode. You will know when you get there because Spock will have a beard, which is a trope that TOS started.

1x7 Mudd's Women - well, it tried to be progressive.

I actually liked this episode when I rewatched it a few weeks back.

1x8 What Little Girls are Made of - the big android looks like Lwaxana Troi's bodyguard. And this is Strange New World's Nurse Chapel's future husband? Another robotic type? No wonder she was into Spock, haha. Kidding.

Lol. Yeah, SNW Chapel will marry this guy before he sets out on this doomed adventure and gets put into a robot body.

1x11 Corbomite Maneuver - I liked the actual alien ness of it but bluffing? Weird.

The first of Clint Howard's many guest appearances in Star Trek.

1x12-13 The Menagerie - Holy cow, THIS is the weird chair that Boimler and Mariner referenced in the SNW crossover ep? Poor Pike! Also mentions the saving of the crew that lead to it. It's more or less a cut of the Cage pilot but, wow, they made the retelling work for the plot to give Pike and the lady a happy ending. Very clever of the producers.

Yup. It really works well, and its Pike's destiny to end up back there. Not such a bad retirement for him after all. I love how Spock kidnaps Pike and steals the Enterprise. It just goes to show how much these characters care for one another.

1x14 Conscience of the King - I think this is the ep I was kinda impressed by, for some reason. Sad too. Also I guess this is why Next Gen onwards have people doing plays and retro holo stuff?

I love this episode, and how it gives Kirk's family a little bit more backstory. The plot twist of the killer was and is still a great one to me.

1x15 Balance of Terror - Holy cow, they totally lifted lines from Strange New Worlds! The Romulan captain saying Pike / Kirk would have been friends in another life was so cool. Also the person on the ambushed base looked like the same shot. Such a tense waiting game between the two ships. Added tragedy of the lady who was about to be married too. But there were no repercussions to the Romulan attacking the base?

Lol. Yeah, that SNW episode is pretty much a remake of this episode. I think that the bride died in the SNW episode, IIRC. The Romulans probably denied that they attacked the outposts, but no war breaks out. The Romulans actually pull back a bit from this since their new super weapon ship was destroyed. They will show up more in TOS, but they aren't the big villains that they will be in TNG.

1x16 Shore Leave - wow, they had budget for an actual tiger, hehe

I always loved this episode. It's fun, campy, and makes you think that a major character died for a while there. Also seeing Kirk get his revenge on his Academy bully was great.

1x17 Galileo Seven - wow, the away crew really had it in for Spock being logical, sheesh

Yeah, and it was the one illogical thing that he did that got them back home.

1x18 Squire of Gothos - practically the same as Charlie X. Is this the prototype Q?

Yup. This is the original version of Q. Here is John DeLancie talking about it:


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