Star Trek General Discussion


Active member
Saw Star Trek Strange New Worlds Series II on DVD as well as the final episodes of Picard. I can't wait for next year for Strange New Worlds.


Heroes And Icons has this list for Star Trek

Sunday - Friday

Tar Trek - The Original Series
Star Trek - The Next Generation
Star Trek - Deep Space 9
Star Trek - Voyager
Star Trek - Enterprise

8:00 PM - 1:00 AM EST in the USA.

I watch TOS at 7:00.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Did I post this before? I might have.



Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Funny thing is if you look at the crew compliment of the Enterprise D and compare it to the size, good chunk of the corridors WOULD be empty. The thing is way bigger than a Nimitz class carrier yet has a smaller crew size. The thing could handle over 10,000 civilians in case of an emergency evacuation on top of its standard crew compliment.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Yeah, for peacetime operation: automation made the crew compliment smaller than for any other ship in history. The galaxy class wasn't just a new type of starship, it was a new KIND of starship.

Edit: but you also have to be aware: when they state the crew compliment, they usually omit dependants and family.

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