Studio Series 86 Appreciation Thread


Wondering bot
ER is going to be tough to beat, same with Legacy Armada as both are great figures, so what I would expect is this to have more posabilty and can do the hand gengesters that OP does in the movie, such as when he talking to Ironhide!


words pain, funny man
Meanwhile I'm just here like: ER Prime looks fine and y'all must be turbo nerds to think otherwise. Go touch grass or sumn.
Same. He's perfect to my eye. Maybe his legs are A BIT long but it's a very minor quibble.

I'm sure the Commander price point will let them do all kinds of nifty things, but SS86 makes me think it'll lean heavy into the Sunbow accuracy which is no buys from


How did we get so dark?
I just realized that a SS86 Optimus is going to have that post S1 head design that I'm not quite as keen on.

That said, I'll echo what others have said about ER Prime being great but not without flaws. So this definitely has piqued my interest.


Well-known member
Ah, I see. Earthrise Optimus is now old enough that actually he was Terrible all along.

ER Op is like MP-10, he's an amazing figure; but that doesn'y mean he can't be improved on. That said, this is gonna have to do some very amazing things to make bite. IMO Rodimus Prime is the weakest of the Commander Class toys, becuase he's basically just the original toy, but with an actual transformation. Yeah he's complex and cool and I don't feel like he wasn't worth the money; but I can't see a 86 Optimus being much different. He might be more complex with more moving parts, and maybe a trailer they can actually fit the other Autobots; but he's just going to be an upscaled ER Prime, even if a completely new mold.


words pain, funny man
ER Op is like MP-10, he's an amazing figure; but that doesn'y mean he can't be improved on.
That's true. Unfortunately the direction they decided to go in for improving it was the exact thing I didn't want. And that seems to be the underlying idea behind this new announcement. More Sunbow accuracy, not my cup of tea.

Like... I'm not writing anything off. Maybe it'll be amazing. Maybe it'll be something I'll get if/when they do it in a more toy-accurate deco. Maybe it's something I just hard pass on. I have no idea, and I'm keeping an open mind.
But I'm not ready to write ER Prime off quite yet, just due to the design mentality behind SS86.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I missed out on EROP, so hopefully this does the trick for me.

IMO Rodimus Prime is the weakest of the Commander Class toys, becuase he's basically just the original toy, but with an actual transformation.
TBH, that's kinda my favorite part. It felt like what the original should have been, what the cartoon (and RG1) made me want, but with modern flourishes.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
The Core Optimus and Bumblebee set scratches my G1 Prime and Trailer itch; Classics Prime is still my default Optimus.

...Hasbro needs to show some Core love to Sideswipe and Sunstreaker some time soon...

It makes the most sense to reserve judgement until we see it, but ss86 Prime would have to be pretty amazing to get me to pull the trigger at this point.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Guess this reveal kind of puts the kibosh on my little hope of getting a redeco’d Earthrise Optimus Prime in a retro G1 box (like the Headmaster Retro releases)


Well-known member
I missed out on EROP, so hopefully this does the trick for me.

TBH, that's kinda my favorite part. It felt like what the original should have been, what the cartoon (and RG1) made me want, but with modern flourishes.

I'm not saying he's bad. If other Commanders are 10s, then Rodimus is a 9. Jetfire and Sky Lynx before him did A LOT more then just be updates. Armada Prime and Motormaster after him are pretty amazing at what they do with combining. Which is why I'd love to see a Commander PMOP. But Rodimus by comparison doesn't do anything "special" compared to others. Even Magnus I'd say is doing something interesting since he's they're attempt at copying the MP and giving a different take on Magnus so between Kingdom and Studio Series you have a modern Magnus that covers Toy and Cartoon bases.

I love that Rodimus is the G1 toy done right, I had to show a friend the G1 toy just to make them realize how bad it was, even for G1 standards. G1 Rodimus is the laziest figure imo. He barely transforms at all and doesn't even have any articulation; and I don't mean modern articulation. G1 Galvatron, his comtemporary, is incredibly articulated and not all of it was just for transformation purposes: Hips, Knees, waist, fairly universal shoulders, elbows. Rodimus could have at least had elbows, Hot Rod did, and hips and knees since his lower half did exactly nothing in any mode.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I actually like Rodimus Prime's vehicle mode, so the Commander is a bummer for me. It's close enough to be more frustrating than if they went with a total reinterpretation.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I was always going to be willing to pay Commander prices for a full Rodimus Prime, however unfavorably he seems to compare value wise to the immense Sky Lynx etc. Whatever. And do like so much about it.

But I'm with Coffee on this, the execution is maddening. Robot and base mode, great. Solo alt mode, wasn't expecting that, but fine. But the full combined altmode, with the car half sticking out juuuuuust enough to look out of place, and with no apparent way to remedy it, has annoyed me from the get-go. Like how in the hell do you deliberately greenlight that.

Conversely, I've always been fine with Earthrise Optimus; I've never cared very strongly for the trailer and its accoutrement, so seeing that minimized didn't bother me because hey, we got the stuff at all. And I like how they implemented the basic torso turn (that we'd see on the Core figure too) and the folding up of the upper half of the chest. It's solid.

But even though I'm less rankled by the proportion issues in the robot mode than I am by Rodimus' car half sticking out a bit much, I can't unsee them whenever I try to pose the thing. The wee arms, the high waist. It's not a deal breaker for this mold but any new take should address that.

Given all that I may skip the Commander at least at first, if it's just a straight Op And Trailer Except With More Bits. But we know so little right now. If it manages to get more interesting than that (and idk how given this is SS86 and Magnus was similarly ehh), I may consider it more heavily.

They did great with Armada Prime at this price point. I'd love to see a PMOP at this price point as well.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'd be more understanding if Rodimus were an inherently difficult design. He's really not.


Two arms and one smile
I like Rodimus' design and overall, the Commander figure hits all of the right notes. But I am in agreement with the criticisms leveled at the vehicle mode. I understand that some compromises must be made even at this pricepoint, but I just don't see a reason why the vehicle mode should have ended up like it did. It feels like it needed just one more tweak before it was "ready for market", and they either couldn't or didn't want to address the wonky-looking trailer fitment. In my current display, I have Commander Rodimus in robot mode and PotP Rodimus in vehicle mode.

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