Studio Series discussion


Somehow still sane
I saw this 3d print kit a while back and thought it was a cute and thematically sound idea. Not something I'd pay for but i'd totally use them if they came in the box.
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Continuity Nutcase
It'd be incredible of they were somehow compatible with every single Studio Series Gamer Edition figure.


Somehow still sane
It looks like they slot into Optimus’ shoulder assembly but it shouldn’t be too difficult to modify them to peg into the standard 5mm
It'd be incredible of they were somehow compatible with every single Studio Series Gamer Edition figure.


Every couple of months something happens that suddenly reminds me that I, entirely by accident, have never actually seen TLK. This time around it's that I caught myself staring at that picture and trying to figure out whether you guys have been concealing a lizard robot man from me for six years.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Every couple of months something happens that suddenly reminds me that I, entirely by accident, have never actually seen TLK. This time around it's that I caught myself staring at that picture and trying to figure out whether you guys have been concealing a lizard robot man from me for six years.
My dude... just wiki the character and save yourself the 1.5 hours you could spend doing better things than watching the last knight.

Seriously, you could microwave your head and have a better time than watching TLK.


Continuity Nutcase
If nothing else, the first scene of the movie with King Arthur, Merlin, and the Knights, is fine. It's just once that scene ends and the movie shifts to the present day, that it completely nosedives and never recovers.


Staff member
Council of Elders
To me that first scene felt like it went on way too long, but maybe time was already getting weird on me.


Somehow still sane
It’d be okay if it turned out relevant to the rest of the movie. As it is, it’s basically the Family Guy Conway Twitty gag but with cool CGI.
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The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Back when it came out, I got a free DVD of TLK from a raffle at work. I opened it to make sure the disc wasn't damaged, brought it home, tossed it on the TV stand, and promptly forgot all about it until about three months ago when we got a new TV and found it under the dust. Never really even thought about watching it. The only interesting part to me was the dragon knights, and I can watch their whole seven-ish minutes of screen time on Youtube without having to endure the rest of it.

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