Tell Your Tale Discussion Thread-Salute Our Shorts


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Bunnycorn slippers! That's how you KNOW Sunny is serious about this sleepover! Even though, every night is basically a sleepover since she lives with most of her friends.

Posey's joining the sleepover! Oh...I should have warmed up the ol' Rage Justification Counter before I started this episode. I hope it doesn't overheat....

Also, Posey has a teddy bear. (I shall name him...Toesie). And likes to pack a lot of clothes. Strange, since she almost never wears any clothes, but oh well.

I guess Posey's been single-handedly keeping Mane Melody in the black, with all those creams she uses. She's 54% cream by volume!

Everyone gets invited to the sleep over...except Hitch. Poor Hitch. Being the only guy on the team has it's downsides.

Wait, does this episode mean that all of Hitch's critters are actually female?

Your pillows mean NOTHING to Posey. (Posey's rage is justified count: 1)

Zipp's wearing sunglasses at night. Honestly, kind of looks more like a beach look than a slumber party look, but whatever.

I do appreciate giving everyone new outfits, though. The animators put in the work to make this work.

Pipp has to strike that pose whenever someone mentions makeovers. It's in her contract.

Posey has a room? How many rooms does the Brighthouse have? I's a magic lighthouse. I guess it could just grow extra rooms whenever it wants, but...

"I haven't slept in two days!" Izzy doesn't sleep. Sleep Izzys.

Nobody informed Posey that sleepovers involve very little sleep and even less over-ing. Posey's rage is justified count: 2.

Bows on Izzy's horn. I'm glad the tradition continues.

Misty looks pretty nice with blue-er hair. Kind of like her original look, but still different. It's a interesting look for her. I could do without the eye shadow, but otherwise it's good.

Bunnies are naturally attracted to ponies with Posey's color scheme, I guess. (Posey's rage is justified count: 3).

Expecting Posey to automatically know this song you're all singing is totally unreasonable. Posey's rage is justified count: 4.

Group hug during a song montage?! That's too powerful! Even Posey can't resist that kind of friendship magic!

"And what happened then? Well in Maretime Bay, they say that Posey belted out three tunes that day! Her rage, though justified, never appeared. Her fits, her temper, all disappeared! Perhaps she no longer needed a counter to tally her rage. Perhaps, just perhaps, Posey's friendship had turned a new page!"

That five seconds of dancing animation was pretty high quality!

A scary face competition! Barring comic hijinks, I think Izzy would eventually win. She's just more creative than the others. And more willing to go grosser.

Well, she did bring all those creams with her, she might as well use some of them.

Those are very bouncy beds. I'm pretty sure my bed couldn't survive such a bouncing.

The Brighthouse is going Super Saiyan!

Your friendship levels have unlocked: fluffy robes! Upgrade time!

Chocolate fondue fountain...from the floor! Floor Fondue is the BEST kind of fondue!

And they've conquered gravity! Gravity is NOT invited to this party anymore! (...Gravity slinks away crying).

Oooh, and stargazing ceilings. Without having to put up those little plastic stars yourself!

This Brighthouse is just glad to have another girl around, I guess. Hitch just wasn't cutting it.

Sunny thanking the Crystal Brighthouse is kind of sweet. Although...I guess we have seen this place might actually have a personality? We really need to follow up on that.

The good news is, if they sleep all day, they can wake up just in time for the next night and start the sleepover all over again! Which is just what the Brighthouse wants...

Now, who's going to put Posey's hoof in a bowl of warm water? What? It's tradition!

And my Rage Justification Counter survives! Even though, I don't know if we need it anymore. Rest well, my old friend. That'll do counter...that'll do.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Posey just needs a controlled environment, even if she's not the one in control. She will go with the flow as long as the flow is going in some clear direction. This event wasn't what she bargained for, but there was still a plan and structure, so she could cope with it, and even have fun.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.

We (finally.) see more comet, get some focus on other characters, and no affirmation. Sure, it was essentially a nothing burger setting up someone else being in the smoothie shop, but still fun.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I thought this background looked too big. It's not her old smoothie cart.

Comet! I thought you went back to your home planet.

Comet doesn't even think about it. He knows how hard it is to get a job in this market.

Comet needs everything to be properly arranged and color coded. I deeply understand.

"He took my job!"

Sunny is trying to give me new ponymotes.

*twitcha twitch*

Izzy isn't the most socially aware pony sometimes, but she knows Sunny's twitcha twitch face.

Another solution would be that Sunny could just go back to her old smoothie cart and let Comet do what he's quite successfully doing here, but maybe she set up here because her cart wasn't getting much business anymore.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I mean, she COULD go back to the cart... on the main... when everyone, their cousin, and extra-dimensional extra ponies are down on the board trot...


Well-known member
These ponies are as addicted as ever to smoothies, I see.

"Mine has chunks" I'm not sure if that's really a bad thing or not in a smoothie. Mind, it's always offputting when you find chunks where you're not expecting chunks, but still.

Sunny has upgraded from Smoothie Cart to Smoothie Stand! She's moving on up!

"You're next smoothie" Aren't they always, though? Again, they never seem to pay for these. We just talked about this. I guess you'd have to plug the codes into the app to get a discount on your subscription?

It's not working because you put oranges in a gumball machine, Sunny. I don't know why you thought that WOULD work.

Comet! I'm not sure if I'm happy to see him or not. I mean, since the Nova Charm got used up making these fair ground, I guess Comet can't go home until he manages to find the portal home somewhere in one of the games. Cursed to spend his life playing carnival games, hoping this time is the game that will bring him home.

"Fruit jam...heh heh" He appreciates puns. As long as he doesn't overdo it, he's fine in my book.

Comet's just happy to finally be included. Otherwise, he's way too excited about this part time customer service job. It will eat him alive.

"All the recipes are right there" You mean illegibly scribbled on the background?

Windy's a little thirsty...and not just for juice!

Does Comet just...bring his toothbrush everywhere with him? I mean...I guess he'd have to, since he doesn't have a home in this land he's stuck in.

"That's the best smoothie I've had in my whole life! EVER!" Oh no, Sunny's sense of self-worth!

"You took my customer! Who is still my customer, technically, because this is still my stand, but still!"

Well, this seems like a very minor squabble. This episode could have been a e-mail.

These Rube Goldberg machines Sunny concocted are fun...but terribly inefficient. No wonder she can't get anyone's orders right in a timely manner. Comet was right to change her system around. It's nuts!

I really don't know if you should be taking Izzy's word as gospel, here. She eats literal garbage on the regular. Still, good job cooperating!

Well, at least Comet has a place to live now. Because he's been homeless in this strange new, non-icy land. I guess the fruit will keep him warm at night. Unless you want to invite him to live in the Brighthouse? No? Okay.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I hadn't thought about Comet's situation because he seemingly went on a bus back to his home planet, but no. He's still here, which means he's stuck. And homeless. No wonder he was so desperate to take this job.

G5 is harsh. I love it.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I don't think they use a subscription for smoothies like you suggest: cause they wouldn't have paper coupons, they would just issue codes on the app. Seems very much like a tab kinda thing.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
They've only had phones since establishing contact with Zephyr Heights. Sunny's new to the app thing and only half gets it.


Well-known member
I'm just going along with the subscription service idea because I find it amusing. A subscription service...for smoothies of all things! That's so ridiculous that it's kind of funny!

...Please don't tell me that it's a real thing. It feels a little too dystopian for me to want it actually exist, even though it probably does. But, it's JUST dystopian enough to enjoy it in this pony show.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I mean, Doordash has its Dashpass subscription, and actually is worth it if you use it enough. I've been living on it since my only car got wrecked.

I haven't bought a smoothie with it yet, but it's possible.


Well-known member
Well, Doordash is a little different, isn't it? You're subscribing for the delivery service, not the food itself. You still have to pay for the food separately, don't you? (I...think that's how it works, I've never used it myself).

Sunny's business model seems to be that you pre-pay for, say, 14 smoothies a week, and you just pick them up whenever. It's a weird business model. I don't know if I've ever heard of something like that.

And, I'll admit, it's actually been a while since I've gotten a smoothie, myself. I would think any Dairy Queen would have them. Or even a Orange Julius, if those are still around your area. And I'm sure there's plenty of better smaller places here and there. I'm not sure who has the best smoothies around my area.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
You pay for the food separately but it's still through the app. The delivery driver hands you the food. You don't hand them anything. You can also pick up the food yourself if you feel like using the app for no reason. In that case, you pick up the food, again you don't hand them anything.

It is conceivable that Sunny's business works like that, and kids who lived through the 2020 delivery service boom wouldn't question it.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh yeah, that cave is still there... and no one's noticed. Does no one go to the beach anymore? They're all at the Boardtrot, all the time?

Animation seems vaguely different.

"Hi new friend!" She said the thing!


Kitty isn't aggressive. She really just wants to go home.

Pfffft This is the problem with memory spells.

Sunny has reached the height of her career path and she's having a crisis.

I wasn't expecting this to be the entire episode.

Someone's going to make a hour long loop of this.

Kitty really needs to just install a door.

Why didn't Kitty just do this the first time? Or the hundredth time?

Here's that slight animation bump again.

Confrontation time.


Theory time.

Those specials we were supposed to be getting all year aren't happening. This was going to be one of them. That's why there's a slight animation bump and it's the long long long awaited return to the plot.

I was 100% convinced that the Blockywocky special was adapted from a recycled MYM script. I'm now 1000% convinced. That show's dead. All the scripts for the next chapter got handed over to TYT to salvage, and they were to become this year's specials. They had one script that was finished or fairly close to finished, and that became the first special.

Subsequent scripts were very very far from finished, and some might have still just been treatments. The TYT crew had very few notes for what this episode was going to be. And rather than try to flesh it out to 22 minutes (which in all fairness is not the job they thought they were hired for when this show started) they adapted the few minutes of material they were given and stitched it together with a joke. I can respect that.

Or the specials are still coming, and this is a lighthearted prequel before the next one drops. Time will tell.


This is how a unicorn comments
There is apparently a lot of talk that TYT is canceled/dead. It wouldn't surprise me sadly. I'd like to think that next episode will be another 22 minute special, but who knows. I have no idea how they can end this, and if they even plan to. At this point I wonder if they're just going to pretend the 'brother' to Allura speaking to her never happened.


Well-known member
Happy silly episode thoughts:
"I'm a FLYING unicorn!" That's called a alicorn, and you need a special certification to become one, Izzy. You have to take hours of undergraduate classes, and then at least a semester long internship. Or you have to go on a quest to reunite the pieces of a magical artifact. Those are the rules.

*squints* Did Izzy MAKE this sailboard out of garbage? Girls got talent, I'll give her that.

Hey, someone finally found Allura's obvious ice cave! It's about time! I suppose a "air conditioned" cave might actually feel pretty good on a hot summer day at the beach.

The lack of fruit baskets can ruin a potential friendship. We've all been there....

Sunny's REAL excited about these silly straws. As she should be!

Wait, you can just...get FRUIT from Sunny's stand? In non-smoothie form? Huh...that feels weird, but I'm not sure why.

Sunny put a lot of work into these special straws. Someone better appreciate them!

So, what has Allura been eating for the past....probably several weeks while she's been stuck in this cave? Snow Crabs? I guess chilled crab could be pretty good eats.

"Hi, new friend!" Izzy...never stop being you.

"Door was wide open" Also, it's gone. I think someone might have stolen your door. Unless it's out for repairs.

You know, ironically, I think Allura would have preferred a smoothie, instead. It'd help her keep cool, and all.

We've all had guests that we wish we could just shove right out the door. You know, that was actually fairly peaceful, by Allura's standards. She just wants to be left alone to chill.

Oh...oh no. Izzy's stuck in a loop. Apparently, Allura erased her mind while she was mind controlling her. That was maybe a mistake, if she wasn't going to send her farther away. How many times are we going to go through this loop?

Sunny is starting a cult worshiping her new silly straws. Where do I sign up? I have some kool-aid I need to drink, and I want a cult-brand silly straw to do it with!

Well, at least Allura will have plenty of food to eat, now. If she can even digest fruit. At least Twitch will enjoy it, I guess. Maybe just have your bunny sidekick escort her farther down the beach?

Izzy's going to catch a cold, being in and out of this cold area while wet over and over again.

I can't even blame Izzy for this. This is literally all Allura's own fault. What is she expecting to change? Learn to adapt!

It's like Groundhog Day, only it's happening every few minutes. Maybe change your ill-thought through plan, Allura? How is Allura MORE incompetent than Opaline? At least Opaline changed up her plans with what was going on.

Oh, hey, the other Manes finally get wise that something weird is happening. I mean, I don't blame them for taking so long to ask some questions, since this IS Izzy. Being weird is kind of her brand.

Sunny's inner thoughts: "...I really thought this episode would be about my special new straws. Oh well, maybe next episode will give them the spotlight they deserve."

...Are the straws a metaphor for Tell Your Tale? How Sunny put a lot of work and effort into them to make them fun and nice, and nobody ended up appreciating them?

To be fair, it took her...I don't know...50 attempts to REALLY get Allura angry. Even though, this is all Allura's fault.

Oooh, that's actually a pretty nice snowglobe. Allura's had a chance to practice her ice sculptures, it seems. She's got talent.

Hey, they shortened the roll call! Good!

...Was that music while Izzy almost gets stabbed with the icicle a reference to Sephiroth's theme from Final Fantasy VII? I could see this as a reference to Aerith getting stabbed in the back.

You saved the princess! Or I guess the princesses saved her! Now, is the cave going to crumble because you beat the boss of this level?

Oh, THERE'S your door. Izzy helped you find it!

Kind of a abrupt ending. Maybe next time we'll get a part two?

Depressing possible end of G5 thoughts:
There is apparently a lot of talk that TYT is canceled/dead.
Yeah, between stuff with the show, the toys, and the comics, it seems like we're probably at least in for a change in direction. Everything seems to point to...SOMETHING changing by the end of the year.

It's a shame, if it turns out to be true. Because, I think Tell Your Tale is really trying it's best as a show. There are some really good episodes! But, I feel like a lot of the older fanbase never gave it a chance. Probably because they didn't like Pony Life, even though TYT is a FAR better show. And I think a lot of Hasbro's expectations for G5 were a little...unreasonable, since they were based on how successful G4 was.

I don't know. I hope TYT gets a chance to wrap up the few plot threads they have left. Allura's brother and finding Allura a new home are really the only 2 outstanding plot threads they need to deal with. And they could wrap those up in a single 22 minute special, if they really had to.

If TYT or G5 as a whole really is winding down, they did a good job. I enjoyed my time with it.
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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Or you have to go on a quest to reunite the pieces of a magical artifact. Those are the rules.

I mean... she kinda already did that... remember. That red horse literally committed war crimes?

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