The 3rd Party Toy Picture thread


NOT a New Member.
Autobot Buildbots .png

Full photo set can be found here.


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Council of Elders
Just stumbled upon the Dr. Wu line of tiny Transformers. I'd gotten a few Dr. Wu items in the past -- got their inaccurately-colored Slamdance by accident (translated listings are tricky) and had to repaint it, but I liked the outcome well enough -- and I still need to track down their Squawkbox, which has gotten pricey.

But these look so great that I'm very tempted to start the line. If they weren't so generally pricey, I might have given it a shot by now. (I'm not sure why I managed to resist the appeal of the Legend-adjacent scale ones like Magic Square and NewAge, which also do a good job, but not these as much.)

(picture from Reddit, comparing Core class Starscream and Legacy Eject)

I think they're set to come out with a Hot Rod soon, and that may be my trial figure. IDK.


NOT a New Member.
Just stumbled upon the Dr. Wu line of tiny Transformers. I'd gotten a few Dr. Wu items in the past -- got their inaccurately-colored Slamdance by accident...
Slamdance was anime-coloured, which was annoying as I believe they were showing the toy-coloured version prior, so I want to recolour mine too...


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
I have the Slamdance and Squakbox, and thought those were great. I generally don't buy much 3rd party stuff unless it's something that seems unlikely to be released by Hasbro at retail prices, but I'll admit to being tempted by those wonderfully tiny guys, too.


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Council of Elders
I think it's partly how impressively they managed to get articulated, accurate designs at that tiny scale, and partly the mental image of having a neat little display case of a bunch of them in that small unified robot mode scale. The latter was partly why I got sucked into QTFs as well.

But i have to keep reminding myself that at these prices it is reeeeally unfeasible right now. Short of someone suddenly letting a lot go for a song, I don't think I'll be able to put a collection of these together unless I... Drop the mainline. Or something.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I've often said that if I would have known the staying power of legends scale when they came out, I probably would have switched to those. I would also probably be in a lot more debt as most of the awesome offerings at that scale were 3P figures.


NOT a New Member.
I've often said that if I would have known the staying power of legends scale when they came out, I probably would have switched to those. I would also probably be in a lot more debt as most of the awesome offerings at that scale were 3P figures.
Those companies really are making figures that Hasbro can't/won't make.


Somehow still sane
There’s a company working on a $1200 4-foot Metroplex but it looks more like T30 Metroplex and somehow transforms less.

i guess there’s the Liketoys geewun 4 footer but I have zero confidence that ever gets made.


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Council of Elders
Now to do a Generations scale version!
I think I'd be fine with this actually. Have no need for the lights and such, but it looks great overall (even before unluckiness' great paint work). Seems hefty, and will be big enough vs the mainline to "feel" like a citybot. Nothing's going to really be in scale anyway, short of something ludicrously huge (and priced to match), so might as well.

I do wish that black ramp were a little longer, so the angle isn't so steep and so it has a panel that lays flat on the "ground" rather than ending just touching it.

I gotta say, I'm severely tempted by this now. Googling the prices, it seems like I dropped about the same amount on Deathsaurus, and this might be a bit more exciting/enjoyable.

Damn it.


Somehow still sane
I got mine for about ₱8000 but that was preorder price so I’d expect another 10-20% tacked onto that.

For what it is it’s great value for the price. Articulation is decent, has some simple but effective engineering and it’s a decent enough size. My gripes all involve the lights. They require installation of the out of the box. They have a bunch of batteries, LED and circuits included in the box that you have to put together. The lights use a literal car key FOB to turn on, which is a cool idea in theory but it drains batteries really fast in practice, like in one or two days. When I have some time, I may swap those out for the magnetic circuits they included. Those probably will last longer.

Personally, the only thing I don’t like is how he’s about the same height as my Devastator of choice but eh.


Staff member
Council of Elders
If and when, I might not ever bother with the lights. Maybe once, but if they're a lot of trouble either way, maybe never.

This is not a good thing to be contemplating ALONGSIDE being tempted by the tiny Dr. Wu stuff.


Somehow still sane
This thing was marketed for the burgeoning tiny G1 MP market but it may actually fit better with Dr. Wu's stuff. The Legends cars I have don't even fit in the roads made by the shins in city mode but the WFC Micromasters which are a similar size fit perfectly. On another note, he's a bit too small to go against TR Trypticon. Admittedly I bought this thing since they advertised it as 45 cm which would be perfect for TR Trypticon but it turns out it meant 45 cm to the tip of his shoulder guns.

The eye lights are easy to install and activate but they do that thing where his eyes light up behind the shades that I dislike so I'm considering painting over them. The chest light is designed stupidly such that once you install it, you're not getting it out. Had to dismantle the torso (admittedly, I'd do it anyway to paint) and drill a small hole to stick a chopstick through the chest light's back to pop it out. Cut a notch to on one side of the clear red jewel thing to make it removeable with a fingernail.

But yeah, lights are more hassle than they're worth. If the click button system didn't drain power alarmingly fast, I'd definitely use it a lot more.

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