The dangers of religious privilege

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
ACLU, the satanic temple, the american atheist organization... gonna be a busy fall for everyone.


too old for this
I know why they're doing this. They think the SCOTUS case is in the bag with Alito and the other conservatives. But, I really don't think they've got it on this one. This is blatantly unconstitutional to the point where only Alito and Thomas will be able to make even the thinnest of justifications.


jumbled pile of person
I'd never even heard of sexual abuse liability insurance before, and apparently there's a whole business dedicated to providing it to churches?

How am I supposed to interpret that except as an admission from that company and all of their clients that this is a common issue among churches AND that they're willing to subsidize the ones that get caught? This is not a business model that should be allowed to exist. If a pastor gets caught raping kids, he and his church should be getting the Alex Jones treatment. You know, on top of being personally sent to prison and beaten to death by the other inmates.


too old for this
Seriously, how is the story not that churches require sexual abuse liability coverage? That's just . . . . holy shit. . . . .

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I mean... the obvious comparison would be car insurance: the vast majority do not actually NEED it because they've never had or caused a car accident... but everyone is required to have it use the road. The vast majority of churches and priests do not cause problems but there are enough trouble makers who ruin it for everyone.

But holy shit: why sexual liability become a ******* industry and not continent wide police investigation?!?


Well-known member
The difference between this and accident insurance is, well, accident insurance is for accidents.

Not for intentional criminal acts by the insured.

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