The Nintendo Thread of Jumping, Slashing, and Home Decorating


jumbled pile of person
Sure, but they ultimately got to decide the terms of those contracts, and if "we get to modify the games' controls to better suit the needs of our players" wasn't one of them, that's nobody's fault but their own. I can't imagine that having been a dealbreaker for anyone.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Honestly I just can't imagine playing the N64 NSO games without the NSO N64 controller.

Yes, I am a defender of the N64 controller. It's a good controller and I genuinely think you get a worse experience playing N64 games using other controller layouts because the games on the platform were designed around the controller and its layout.

(Mind you I'm also someone who just doesn't play the NSO N64 games that often because I just emulate them on my laptop at a better performance than what Nintendo gives us using CRT shaders for that authentic 1990s feel but like if I want to play them on my Switch I use the N64 controller lol)


jumbled pile of person
That may be true for the majority of them, but even Rare wasn't confident that it was the best way to play GoldenEye. That's why they concocted that absurd alternate scheme where you have to hold one controller in each hand. They knew dual analog was the future.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I tried setting that controller layout up using my 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ controller once in an emulator to get dual analog controls in GoldenEye using a dual analog controller

Never figured out how to do it and I didn't care enough to figure it out lol

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
That may be true for the majority of them, but even Rare wasn't confident that it was the best way to play GoldenEye. That's why they concocted that absurd alternate scheme where you have to hold one controller in each hand. They knew dual analog was the future.
Y’all should go back and read some of the reviews for Alien Resurrection on the original PlayStation. Some reviewers tore it APART for its awkward control scheme.

A control scheme that became standard a couple years later with Halo and most other FPS titles.

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