The Pet thread

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
It was discovered yesterday that the vet was right that Shuri/Ash was a girl, so Valerie has renamed her cat Daisy.


Daisy and Silvie Petals are getting along great, but we are still isolating them for the most part.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Yesterday, someone left the master closet door open and the cat got in there and took a long nap. Meanwhile we had no idea where the kitten was left as the middle child had been playing with her all around the house. So we spent a good four hours yesterday tearing up the house to look for her. Eventually she just came out of the master closet into the bathroom to eat some of the canned food my wife put out for her.

moral of the story, don't let your closets get full of junk that you can't find a kitten in it.


Nonstop Baaka
When mine was small, she would sneak into the smallest spaces (eg under the couch) and come back out covered in cobwebs/dust. :ROFLMAO:

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
we have a turtle too here btw, didn't know about them until recently. i thought the pets we had were the indoor cat (lulu), two dogs (lucy and pinky), and the outdoor cat and her kittens (i dont remember their names)

the turtle tank is literally right next to my fridge btw, i somehow never noticed them.


idk why lucy was wearing a shirt, she was wearing a shirt for a few days for some fuckin reason. she likes me but i am not a dog person. dogs are not good for my tism.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Doing a heckin' update.

The orange blob is whiskey. He's like 3 years old at this point, fat, happy, healthy and largely unbothered. Once we pushed up the time we give them wet food: he even stopped waking us up at 5 in the morning.

The shadow is Charlie. Full name is Charlene Foxtrot. She's going on FIFTEEN! We've never had a cat past 12. Of late, I have been calling her "reupholstered charlie" because we stupidly gave her a heating pad last winter, and she burned her stomach by spring. We learned: the pad was revoked (we're going to get her some pet safe heating for this winter.) and spent the first few months of the year giving her fishoil and using a cream to heal her. She recovered completely. I was expecting bald spots... but no. It's all grown back and you can't even tell she was burned.

We still need some significant house work done before we can get a dog again. It's largely just doing the steps, but we need to fix the leak in the basement with french drains, and there's no point putting the fence back (requirement for the dog.) until the drains are done. So we wait.


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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
My dude: if the cat can't eat properly; it's time. You might get a few days or even weeks from babying him, and you're cherishing the time NOW, but in the future, you'll understand that you stretched out his life, extended whatever pain he's in for yourself. I know: we did the same thing with our newfie a few years ago. I regret it now, the extra weekend wasn't worth the pain and discomfort we caused her.

If this is just a speedbump on recovery: do keep it up. Try and heal your friend. But if this is just the way he is now... please don't torture him to get extra time. He'll suffer for a week for it, but you'll have that memory for a lifetime.
I didn't want to bring down the other thread, though I kinda worry about doing that here, but I wanted to respond to this.

I appreciate the concern, but we've talked to the vet, and my wife has worked in a vet's office herself; if there is any concern that he's suffering, we fully intend to put a stop to it.

The vet's orders were to make him comfortable while we can, and that's exactly what I've been doing in any way that I can. I'm certainly not forcing him to eat; if he doesn't take any of the food, I don't force it. But, the vet seemed to think this was a good idea, and was happy to hear it, and is suggesting a possible appetite stimulant if he doesn't move back to solid foods after a time.

Trust me, I'm not interested in stretching out his life beyond whenever he's ready to go. I want him to go as quietly, peacefully, and comfortably as possible. And as long as he is trying to move around, which he does occasionally, I don't want him hurting himself in the process.

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