The Repaint Concept Thread


Well-known member



Machine Wars Blitzwing

People were frustrated with the MW set because, as such a tiny line, they could have covered most of the bases at one Botcon, done a complete set of the characters in some form and made some definitive fiction for the series, instead they put out a mishmash and the attendees were left with a set that is unlikely to ever see completion.


Well-known member
People were frustrated with the MW set because, as such a tiny line, they could have covered most of the bases at one Botcon, done a complete set of the characters in some form and made some definitive fiction for the series, instead they put out a mishmash and the attendees were left with a set that is unlikely to ever see completion.
exactly. the original MW line had 12 toys in it. and between a 5 figure boxset, attendee freebie, 2 souvenir 2 packs and 1 souvy 3 pack. that would have been just enough to represent the entire line, with one bonus character.
and on top of that, Funpub had 3 years worth of additional Botcons, membership incentives, club store boxed releases, and Figure sub services to complete the set, but just DIDNT.

Salt-Man Z

that is not dead which can eternal lie
I'm sorry, but "Here's 12 new toys redecoed as 12 old toys"--while perhaps the sanest/safest course of action to take with a MW-themed convention set--is by far the most boring option.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I bet the 2006 set wouldn't be half the price it is today if they never made Primal and Megatron, and if for some reason they made Tigatron but not Cheetor, and half the set was Micromasters or something.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I bet the 2006 set wouldn't be half the price it is today if they never made Primal and Megatron, and if for some reason they made Tigatron but not Cheetor, and half the set was Micromasters or something.
2013 did have Megaplex, so I can throw them that bone.
But lol, what a box set. I don't even know what molds would go to these, but these seem like a match for the 2013 lineups.
Box set:
  • Megatron, Waspinator, Dinobot, G1 Razorclaw, G1 Divebomb
Attendee exclusives:
  • Tigatron/Buzz Saw
  • Rhinox/Packrat
  • three-pack of Seekers because who cares about a theme when we can print money
and on top of that, Funpub had 3 years worth of additional Botcons, membership incentives, club store boxed releases, and Figure sub services to complete the set, but just DIDNT.
To be fair, as much as I dislike the omissions, I wasn't exactly pining for them for that long. Mostly because I just cherry-picked what I could from the 2013 set and wasn't very focused on trying to get all the MWs (I think to date it's just Sandstorm, Mirage, Thundercracker, Skywarp, and Obsidian I have from that year).

Although I sure would've preferred MW Prowl instead of Breakdown in that subscription service.
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Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Yeah, I'm always annoyed when, say, the Insecticons get spread out over different waves.

Or even, like, Skids and Mudflap. They're a team! They go together.

(Okay, bad example.)

I would absolutely buy a Legacy Skids and Mudflap set if they were dipped from their initial Ice Cream Truck design. With a Geewun-candy coating, those would be interesting to me.

(Though, truth be told, I would seriously consider the Legacy Skids mold in lime green and orange decos, also, just not as a team.)


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
You have a problem with Skids and Screech?
Nope, just forgot about that redeco team!

But I am a sucker for multiple color options for the same mold, so even without a fictional precedent, I would probably be hooked.

I kind of wish Hasbro would lean into new color options for their Authentics line. It's one step away from being a knock-off line anyway, so why not go wild with alternate colors that wouldn't fly in the retail mainline?
Blue with white accent "Ice" decos, teal with magenta "Neon", red and orange "flame", green and brown "jungle", yellow and white "solar". Honestly, if they promoted it as some kind of random blind box promo without the blind part, I think they could generate some collector interest in the line

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