The Repaint Concept Thread


Well-known member
TL Adventure Lockdown

Adventure Lockdown.png


Continuity Nutcase
Last year, I made four posts in here showing off Tweets of old BotCon/TCC concepts from Joe Moore.

Sadly, since Moore left Twitter, he locked his account and all the Tweets I embedded here became dead links.

However, our very own @SHIELD Agent 47 was able to recover all of the lost content from that Twitter thread, and he shared it all with me over Discord. I've uploaded each image to ImgChest for safekeeping.

Brace yourselves, though, for he shared with me even more than what I posted originally: A whopping 152 images! So, due to this forum's limit of 20 images per post, this will be spread across nine posts.





















Staff member
Council of Elders
That memory dump of such a fun era was a trip. Thanks to all of you who played a role in getting it together. Some of those are particularly cool, and it's just gratifying to see so many UT-era concepts and molds again. There really was an energy and ethos that's just missing from the brand approach as we know it now.


Another babka?
Replaced by Springer.

(Probably because the story was set at a time when Sentinel was supposed to be long dead for eons)
It makes sense storyline wise. They clearly had to work whatever they ended up doing into Club fiction and Sentinel being long dead is a harder task then just using Springer (though as TR proved, death never stopped anyone from coming back from the dead in comics before).

My only real desire for it to be Sentinel is... I like the jerk and want him to have more toys 😛

But my devil's advocate take would be "Springer can only really be done justice as a triple changer which this mould isn't. It fits Sentinel better and if you need to justify it in fiction... do a flashback or something."

ofc G1 Sentinel's first actual toy ended up being a triple changer so you know what they say.

It's been a long road.
Getting from there to here.


Staff member
Council of Elders
They could have done a flashback with this Sentinel Prime just to get that into the comic. Or tell it in two parallel stages, with him being the core hero of a past-set story, and the current bots trying to get a Macguffin he protected or his or whatever. It was kind of a schmozz anyway.

I love the Springer they ended up with, and one of the fun ideas I've idly played with for some time has been to find a story for Springer getting split into two bodies (this one and the Generations/GDO/whatever helicopter). Or hell, maybe these are like Springer Soldiers or something, sidekicks or fans of his that emulate his look and style or something.

But as much as I like the Springer, it would've been cool to get the mold in these colors. It's just such a cool mold. I'm glad to get the first Cybertron Hot Shot design again, but we really gotta see this one revisited too.


Another babka?
Springer's also likely a much more popular character for being more recognizable.
It was probably also reflected of fandom wants. People forget that Classics wasn't supposed to be anything but a filler line to bridge the gap between Cybertron and the first movie line after the movie got pushed back a year. Hasbro was kind of caught off guard by how well received Classics was among the fandom in general and as a retail line. I remember very distinctly that, back then, everyone wanted a Classics Springer. He was on the top or near the top of most fans' wish lists after the first Classics line had ended.
Hasbro hadn't committed to doing another line like that yet by the time BotCon 2007 would have been in the planning stages, so the FunPub people probably saw the online chatter and desire for "Classics Springer" and decided to capitalize on it.

Even though the mould doesn't work that well for the character :p

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