The Terminator Franchise

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I searched, but didn't find a dedicated thread for the new series (might be some postings in the Anime thread), BUT...

Terminator Zero dropped on Netflix. It's good. REAL ******* GOOD. There's a lot of callbacks, but it never really devolves into pure "fan service". It SUPERBLY captures that oppressive dread the first film had, but doesn't shy away from cribbing some of the niftier ideas from the sequels. Fantastic voice acting across the board. I'm not sure if really elevates the "conversation" or message from those ideas, but it executes on them perfectly. The Japanese influence feels suited to the more metaphysical discussions, and I'm glad/amused they even had a really well done "addressing" of the peculiarities of time travel in this franchise. But the base drama was expertly written, I think this is most I've been "into" a series in years.
I'm a "casual binger", I'll watch a few episodes and save the rest for later. But I did a full series run because the writing and action were just so damn good.

Seriously, this might be the best Terminator "thing" since T2.


Wondering bot
I'm up to ep 6 and will watch more later on, but from ep 5 the series starts going and doing its own thing after taking stuff from the first three movies

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So, I watched the first episode, and I really liked the future fight scene it started with, but honestly, I got really bored once we went to pre-war era.

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