The tomb of no one who mattered


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
There's also Ganimes from Yog, Monster from Space, but I'm pretty sure that's not what Destron meant...

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
I wasn't sure if I was off track, maybe I can turnit around... (now there's an old in-joke for the old mayhem hangoutkateers)

No one

Well-known member
So I'm pretty impressed with Studio Series Rhinox.


No one

Well-known member
Oh my God I'm in so much pain. I did a bunch more walking than I'm used to yesterday and now all my joints have set like stone.

No one

Well-known member
Oh God it's worse today because now I've also developed a really nasty headache alongside the pain.

No one

Well-known member
This will be an interesting test of who watches/reads my little slice of Mayhem.

Does any one need a Bluesky code? I have one available.

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