The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Grifter who got rich because of his daddy's money supports a grifter who got rich because of his daddy's money. Really, Musk is just Gen X Trump and the more he gets in front of the camera, the more obvious it is.


jumbled pile of person
The longer this goes on, the more I wonder why he's running an electric car company in the first place. He seems to have more in common with those assholes who cut the catalytic converters out of their ten-ton diesel pickup trucks to Own the Libs.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Simple. He's a techie industrialist who read a lot of SciFi while a kid and picked up the wrong lessons from said books. Internal Combustion engines are SOO 20th century. An electric vehicle, now that's cool. It also gave him an opportunity to be 'first' in some areas, which feeds his ego.(despite the fact that he didn't even found Tesla, he just kinda bought his way in and then forced the actual founders out)


Well-known member
Tesla's ACTUAL business model is to sell off EV credits to other companies- they get TONS since they only produce electric cars (regardless of quality).

The whole things' a house of cards.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon

Well he found his excuse to move the company to Texas and dump all the rent he's not paying, have courts more likely to side with him, etc. Also shed a lot of staff who won't be willing to move to Texas.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Yea, he's just throwing temper tantrums, as usual. X is slowly loosing relevance and Tesla's stocks are extremely inflated, If it weren't for Boeing's staggering incompetence lately, SpaceX would likely be too.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I thought it was due some new business or environmental regulations..... The guy is a MORON... The fact that his companies haven't imploded at this point is a testament to those under him who somehow keep their ships upright despite having an unhinged lunatic at the helm.


jumbled pile of person
At this point, if I were one of those people, I'd have stopped trying years ago, and at this point would be actively working to sabotage it just to ruin his life and make it clear to the world what happens when people like him are allowed to be in charge of stuff.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Well, that would mean their stock options would be worthless. People can put up with a lot of insanity if the paycheck is good enough.


jumbled pile of person
Well, that would mean their stock options would be worthless. People can put up with a lot of insanity if the paycheck is good enough.
Elon seems like the sort of person who wouldn't give his workers any stock options. Or pay them well.

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