The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
There is a thin line between free speech and slander. This appears to be the latter. Using AI in this fashion SHOULD fall under slander or libel laws and Kamala should sue at the very least. Actually, we may need a new category for this sort of thing since it's not 'technically' written(libel) or spoken(slander). Maybe charge him with fraud, since you could possibly consider a video with an AI generated audio track replacing the original audio track as a forged document.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Section 230 means she can't sue Twitter directly, though she can sue Elon if he's personally spreading the stuff. The whole "you can't sue us for what our users post" kinda thing cuts both ways, even when we wish it didn't.


jumbled pile of person
My understanding of the distinction between slander and libel is that the spirit of the law is to acknowledge the difference between peer-to-peer gossip and publication, respectively. So sending lies via telegram should be slander and disseminating them via radio should be libel, even if probably no judge has ever actually ruled that way. The Internet has utterly annihilated that barrier, but all that means is that you could reasonably sue someone for both for the same incident and win.


jumbled pile of person
Surrrrrrre am glad interfering with an election is only illegal if you're working for one of them dirty foreigners. :rolleyes:


Now with hi-res avatar!
Lucky for him that laws don't apply to super-rich conservatives, or he'd be in some real hot water.

Anonymous X

Well-known member

Space Wanker is now predicting that Britain will erupt into civil war.

EDIT: The UK government officially condemned Space Wanker for this tweet.
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Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I think he forgot what happened to the side that was bent on clinging to the past during the LAST civil war the US had. The world doesn't need Musk, might be time to remind him of that.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
He’s in “all lives matter” mode about the UK
race riots now.

Wondering how much this constant amplifying of disinformation to spread disorder is a dry run for November in the States…


Well-known member
While we won't get any type of legal issues for Musk, here's some civil matters that will make Musk the laughing stock even quicker.

To sum up, Musk is throwing an antitrust lawsuit at the Global Alliance for Responsible Media because it told it's members to not advertise on Twitter. Because this makes total and utter sense and will get advertisers to spend money on your platform filled with Nazis, fascists, racists, Nazis, MAGA Morons, Nazis, and bigots.

Oh and his CEO was forced to post a video that is just hilarious.

Ironbite-this is not going to go the way they think.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
So the 'free speech absolutist' is upset that his speech actually has consequences..... Free speech doesn't mean what they think it means and this isn't an attempt to block competition or fleece consumers, so I seriously doubt the case has any merit under antitrust regulations, granted IANAL so I could be way off base here. With any luck this will end poorly for X and they will have to pay the court costs to the defendants for filing this case. Seems to me to be a desperate ploy by a company that is doing worse than they are letting on.


too old for this
Loving the video explanation. Has anyone sat down and explained what boycotts are and how they work? I know Linda is damn well aware and is just kissing the bosses ass, but maybe this was a time to educate instead?

This is the kind of lawsuit that not only gets thrown out, but gets you slapped with some major sanctions for wasting the court's time.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Space Wanker’s done it again and shared a faked ‘news’ story from the co-leader of a British neo-nazi group.

Our new government needs to bite the bullet and just IP block Twitter. I don’t like governments enacting authoritarian moves like that, but given twitter was used to enflame violent riots over the last week, action needs to be taken.

Edit: added direct link to news report.
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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Loving the video explanation. Has anyone sat down and explained what boycotts are and how they work? I know Linda is damn well aware and is just kissing the bosses ass, but maybe this was a time to educate instead?

This is the kind of lawsuit that not only gets thrown out, but gets you slapped with some major sanctions for wasting the court's time.
Yeah, musk is WELL past the point where anyone can tell him anything he doesn't want to hear. There's no educating him: just appeasing him, and the act of appeasement will ruin peoples lives.

Just like trump, musk is going to be "right" up until the point where he's just wrong: and it's gonna land pretty quick at this rate. And once you're wrong, you're never right again.

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