The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor


Fabulously Foxy Dragon




wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Good. There needs to be more consequences beyond "minor fine that not even an inconvenience" to these ultra rich assholes.


jumbled pile of person
Elon will probably pull out of Europe voluntarily rather than face being kicked out. He probably thinks his European users are all communists anyway.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Problem is EU users are a significant chunk - between guests and registered, there was ~100 million users over the past year. Doesn't mean he won't do it to save face though, I suppose.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Remember, Musk is an unhinged egotistical idiot. I could very easily see him just pull out of Europe out of spite. He's the same man pulling Tesla out of California due to California's support of trans rights.


Well-known member
Twitter in Brazil is probably no more. Why? Because Musk is an idiot. Follow me.

So basically, Brazil wants the accounts of the far right morons who decided a coup was the best thing to do with their lives and Musk said "No you can't make me". So Judge Alexandre de Moraes, the highest judge in the land, said "oh bet?" and has told Twitter it better pay up it's fines, give over the data Brazil wants, and get your legal representative before me. Musk, responded by pulling out all operations from Brazil under the thought process of if there's nobody representing him, nothing can be done. So Judge Moraes gave Musky 24 hours to get his crap together. That 24 hours has, as of posting, now passed.

Ironbite-he's about to lose the 6th biggest advertiser market because he won't comply with the law.


Well-known member
Yep and now he's about to get a lesson in "free speech" because it's not what he thinks it is world wide.

Ironbite-and he's lost the 6th biggest advertiser market as well.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Not good for a platform already hemorrhaging advertisers. Of course he'll likely lash out at the Brazilian government just like he lashed out at that group of US advertisers when they pulled out. He just can't seem realize the problem isn't the people who work for him, or the governments and businesses that refuse to work with him, it's the guy sitting in his chair smoking weed while acting like an internet troll. I don't even know how much longer Tesla can weather him, TBH. A good chunk of the QC problems the company has been facing are squarely his fault. Rushing engineers to get a product to market, treating his employees as easily replaceable cogs so that the work on the factory floor gets shoddy, etc. It's a miracle that SpaceX is still doing ok, really. Testament to those who are working under him at that company who have been able to largely keep his hubris in check.

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