The "What made you happy today" thread!


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla

Haywire3 was extremely happy from a surprise (and very generous!) gift in the mail!

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
*fetches cup of tea, boots up game, and plays*

*finishes tea, pauses game, gets another cup of tea, returns to game*

*finishes cup of tea, realizes I have nothing of note planned for tomorrow: gets a drink of bourbon*

My brain: OY! I gotchu fam! *blows on the bourbon*

*realizes what I just did, giggles like an idiot for 5 minutes straight*

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
A random assortment of happiness from yesterday:

Got to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice with the wife, and quite enjoyed it.

FINALLY got those damn Coca-Cola Oreos to go with my Oreo Coca-Cola Zero.

Beat Haunted Castle Revisited on the Castlevania Dominus Collection.

And the cherry on top: I realized that The Matrix is not such a cultural touchstone anymore that Transformers is afraid to reference the Matrix of Leadership prominently in place of the Allspark in, say, a movie like Transformers One.

Yeah, that last one might be old news, but I just never really gave it much thought until a friend of mine brought up a Matrix in Doctor Who predating ours earlier.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Alright, so follow up post.

Months ago, my brother mentioned they wanted to get another fire proof safe. His wife kept saying they needed it cause she keep putting important paper work "somewhere safe" and then losing it. Same thing her mom did, same thing my mom did. Somewhere safe.

So... here we are.

What you aren't seeing: the two christmas gifts I wrapped, and stored in the safe. The safe is their christmas gift too, but I usually try to give fun stuff, so there's some trinkets in there for when they actually get around to opening it to use it.

My current estimate is that they won't open it till march. Thankfully nothing inside has an expiration date.


Wondering bot
Discovering a keyboard short cut that enables me to view all of my open windows at once and then selecting it, the buttons are: Win (the button next to Ctrl) & Tab, I found it purely by accident, at first I wasn't sure what buttons I pressed, so I looked it up and found the right combo, so its useful if you got more than 3 windows open at once

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Discovering a keyboard short cut that enables me to view all of my open windows at once and then selecting it, the buttons are: Win (the button next to Ctrl) & Tab, I found it purely by accident, at first I wasn't sure what buttons I pressed, so I looked it up and found the right combo, so its useful if you got more than 3 windows open at once
Just tried that.

Neat, but they were all kinda tiny.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Similar default shortcut for KDE Plasma is Windows-w(it also defaults to being triggered by moving the mouse to the top-left of the screen, but I hate that, so I turn it off).


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Started off today's Infinite Archive run in ESO really bad(died on a Arc 1 boss(!!!) among other things) but scraped out a Focused Efforts buff, a bonus thread buff, and finally remembered a skill swap I'd wanted to do since Update 43 dropped and kept forgetting, and managed to scrape together a recovery and push into Arc 4 when I was expecting to not make it much past 3-1-1.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I'm a simple person. I really like pizza pockets. Can't eat the mccain ones, they got flax in them and I'm allergic. Until about a year ago, it wasn't a problem. "No name" (which is the actual brand name.) had their own, no allergens. 8 in a box for 5 bucks. Dirt cheap and tasty. Perfect treat food. Until about a year ago... *sigh* the company (which is associated with loblaws.) refocused the no name brand towards uncooked, bulk products. Great idea, really, since right now the people need cheap food stuffs to cook inexpensive meals with, not more junk food... but still...

So I made my own.

They were not pizza pockets. But god damn were they good. Plus: you know, put what you want in there. Some red onions did the basic pepperoni pizza some good. I also purchased a ball of real pizza dough to go along side the pillsbury crap so next time I can make them better.


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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
What made me happy was basically landing a dream gig.

That was tempered somewhat by finding out I might not be getting my %$#@ing Studio Series Steeljaw because of some %$#@-up with's %$#@ing shipment. Meanwhile, isn't the one selling theirs anymore, but some %$#@ing third-party seller who doubled the price since I last checked.

It's like the universe doesn't want me to have this stupid yellow plastic toy representation of a cat that I've been wanting for Primus knows however long.

...I believe my anger and frustration at this turn of events has been tempered considerably by the aforementioned very good news.

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