Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I'm beginning to wonder if someone within the Trump campaign is either simply stupid or is actively trying to get Kamala elected. The way that image is composed exudes positive vibes, not exactly what you think the Trump campaign would like to convey, especially given the garbage that has been coming out Trump's mouth.
Yeah, you don't understand trumps cults mindset: everything on that screen is BAD to them. Female, educated, minority: any ONE of those would be disqualifying, and she's ALL OF THEM?!?!?

They don't have anything but outrage.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Wasn't talking about the text, was talking about the rest of it. Bright colors, Kamala looking upwards with a friendly look on her face, etc. The composition of the image itself doesn't exactly exude negativity.


jumbled pile of person
Now I'm imagining it becoming a built-in feature of the site. Knowing Musk, he'll probably be adding it to the to-do list as soon as he gets wind of the idea.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
Trump's disastrous NABJ interview was the result of rally-induced brain damage. He replied to her first question with the exact same talking points he would typically use at one of his rallies: ranting about how unfair journalists are to him, making fun of Kamala for not having a single racial identity because racial identity is super-important to his base, etc. But it was not one of his rallies: it was an actual interview with someone who had real questions.

Joe Biden looked slow and confused, but Trump only looks energetic and aware because he's saying well-rehearsed lines over and over and over. He has a certain repertoire of talking points and phrases he just throws out all the time, and they're so well-rehearsed that he can get them out despite serious brain damage. That's what he did at the NABJ interview even though it was totally inappropriate for that venue.

Remember when Ozzy Osborne could only mumble incoherently due to the damage done by years of massive alcohol and drug abuse, but he could still sing his old hits because they were basically muscle memory? That's what Trump is. He's a performing artist who can still belt out his greatest hits, but (much like Ozzy) his brain is not OK.


Now with hi-res avatar!
And my suspicions are officially confirmed. I really hope that the Dems also anticipated this ratfuckery and have a plan to counter it.


Active member
Didn't think Trump saying the VP pick didn't even really matter could be topped, but now JD Vance is saying it too. 😅


“People are going to vote primarily for Donald Trump or for Kamala Harris," Vance said in a podcast interview released Friday. "That's the way these things go." | Jae C. Hong/AP

JD Vance has been trying out different responses to the wave of scrutiny he’s faced since becoming Donald Trump’s running mate. Now, he’s downplaying his own relevance to the election entirely.

“My attitude is, it doesn’t really matter, as much as this hits my ego,” Vance said in an interview on the “FULL SEND PODCAST” released Friday. “People are going to vote primarily for Donald Trump or for Kamala Harris. That’s the way these things go. I think my job over the next few months is to just drive home the message that Kamala Harris has been a bad vice president, and she’d be a worse president.”

It's a cliche at this point, but yeah, kind of weird. And as historically weak and irrelevant as that office has been at times, he'd be next in line for an 80 year old guy who could die of old age at any moment. "Don't mind me, pretend I'm not here" doesn't really cut it.


jumbled pile of person
Lucky for him, Trump's base thinks of him as an immortal god-king, so the idea of him dying from anything ever is preposterous.

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