Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Trump and his goons ripped the mask off. They have no real choice left. They either go extreme and risk losing the mainstream vote, or back off and definitely lose the far right vote. For some reason, probably sheer ego and bullheadedness, they decided to go all in. Despite the simple fact that the far right would still vote for them just because they're not Democrats.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
If you're going all in on a group, and excluding all others... you might as well take the ridiculously over armed, easily ordered, already primed for violence group.


Well-known member
I mean, his Bio reads great

-Rags to riches
-Military Service
-Minority wife with mixed kids

Unfortunately/fortunately he’s just a deeply weird dude with negative charisma.


Well-known member
So Barron's been tapped to try and get the Gen Z vote. Cause he's 18 and can now "work" for his dad. But there be a bit of a problem.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I hope nothing happens to Mr. Weeks account for exposing Barron Trump. Putting these here just in case. <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; #Kamala4President2024🪷🇺🇸 (@Blabette_) <a href=" ">August 15, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Ironbite-turns out the kid's a psychopath.


Active member
Well, if some random dude on Twitter makes outrageous allegations against Trump's kid it must be true.


too old for this
Yeah, Ima need more than just "Mr. Weeks" word on this. If he's got the receipts, as he says he does, that's one thing. But right now that's a nothingburger until such proof becomes public.

That said, it would not surprise me. Something tells me that Trump's kids were all raised with little to no discipline, boundaries, or the word 'no'. When that happens, you get little monsters. Kids need discipline.


Well-known member
I will admit this seems suspicious, I am inclined to believe the allegations. Mostly cause it's about a Trump. ANYWAYS!

Trump had another one of his "news confrences" today. Let's see how he did.

Donald Trump on Thursday brushed off calls by fellow Republicans to focus on policy matters and lay off the insults during his presidential campaign, insisting that he is “entitled” to level personal attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris.
“I think I’m entitled to personal attacks. I don’t have a lot of respect for her. I don’t have a lot of respect for her intelligence,” he said during a news conference at his golf club in New Jersey, the second at one of his country clubs in seven days.
The coup-attempting former president, now also a convicted felon, then claimed that he was running a “very calm campaign” and had a clear plan to win. “All we have to do is define our opponent as a communist, a socialist, someone who wants to destroy our country.”
Trump again repeated many of his favorite recent lies, replete with invented statistics. He claimed that mortgage rates had gone from 2% to 10%. In fact, they were about 3% when Trump left office and are now at 7%.

He claimed, with no evidence, that 100% of the jobs created in the last year had gone to migrants who entered the country illegally — and then clarified that the share was actually larger than 100%. He did not, however, explain how this was mathematically possible.
He repeated a claim he has used many times — with zero support — that other countries are emptying their mental hospitals by sending all their patients to the southern border of the United States. “Their population in the mental institutions is way down,” he said.
After claiming at last week’s press conference that a stock market dip was a harbinger of a coming depression, Trump took credit on Thursday for the rebound that had the Dow Jones Industrial Average end the day gaining another 555 points.
He nevertheless repeated his dire warnings about a coming depression unless he was returned to office. “We’re going to have a crash like a 1929 crash, if she gets in,” Trump said.
He offered no rationale for this claim, which he also made without providing any rationale in both his 2016 and 2020 campaigns, facing different opponents.
This is the second straight week in which Trump has done almost no campaigning. The only event he had last week, apart from his hastily arranged news conference at his Mar-a-Lago country club in South Florida, was a rally for the Republican Senate candidate in Montana.
This week, he participated in a two-hour, rambling and lie-filled discussion with Elon Musk on Musk’s X platform, more commonly known by its former name, Twitter, followed two days later with an appearance in Ashville, North Carolina. His remarks there were billed as a policy speech on the economy, but Trump instead rambled on for 74 minutes with numerous personal attacks against Harris and other tangential matters.
It is unclear precisely which news outlets were permitted to attend his Thursday press conference. The Aug. 8 news conference at Mar-a-Lago was open only to handpicked reporters and outlets invited a day or two ahead of time. For Thursday, the campaign sent out a press release allowing journalists to request credentials.
HuffPost reporters were among the journalists denied credentials for the event, which featured 47 minutes of Trump rambling and lying. The question-and-answer session, which also featured a considerable number of falsehoods, lasted only 33 minutes.
When HuffPost inquired into the reason for being denied credentials, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung responded: “Interesting. Must be due to space restrictions…. Please try again next time. Thank you.”
Trump is facing both federal and Georgia state prosecutions for his attempt to overturn the 2020 election results to remain in power despite his loss. He could be sentenced to New York state prison as early as next month following his conviction on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to hide a $130,000 hush money payment to a porn actor just ahead of the 2016 election.
And he may again face federal charges for refusing to turn over classified documents he took with him to Mar-a-Lago upon leaving the White House. Prosecutors have appealed the decision of a Trump-appointed judge in South Florida to dismiss that indictment.
Should he win back the White House, though, Trump would almost certainly order the Department of Justice to dismiss any active federal prosecutions against him and would likely be able to postpone the state cases until after he leaves office.


Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
In the Theatre of Low Standards, all Trump has to do is sound like a normal person for 5 minutes, and all the media talking heads will praise him for sounding "presidential" today.

Trump is like America's spoiled child, getting effusive praise for completing the simplest of tasks.

If Melania and Donny actually ate meals together, she would probably have to make airplane sounds to get him to eat a piece of broccoli, and then the assembled boot-licking media would clap like seals to congratulate him for eating grown-up food. The New York Times would publish an editorial by Maggie Haberman saying that Trump is proving his critics wrong by blazing a trail in healthy eating.
Please stop asking why Trump supporters are willing to vote against their own interests. We know why they're willing to vote against their own interests.

One of the traits of the narcissist is that he loves payback. The narcissist is extraordinarily vindictive, because any slight to him is an injury to his ego, and because his ego is so important to him, no injury to his ego can ever be forgiven.

This is why road-ragers seek revenge for a minor traffic infraction that most drivers would just let go. This is why someone like Donald Trump says he has a list of people he wants to inflict payback on. This is why some estranged husbands will commit horrific acts of murder-suicide. You can't really escalate "acting against your own interests" higher than an act which results in your own death.

And this is why Trump-supporters are perfectly willing to vote against their own interests. They're willing to suffer the pain, as long as someone they hate will suffer even more.

Interestingly enough, there are times when this tendency might arguably work for good. During World War Two, the population put up with considerable deprivation for years, because they were determined to defeat an enemy and pay them back for every injury inflicted upon our people and our allies. That was a positive outcome from this kind of vindictiveness. But in the absence of a profound external threat or enemy, this vindictiveness turns inward.


Well-known member
“As far as the personal attacks, I’m very angry at her because of what she’s done to the country. I’m very angry at her that she weaponized the justice system against me and other people —- very angry at her. I think I’m entitled to personal attacks. I don’t have a lot of respect for her. I don’t have a lot of respect for her intelligence, and I think she’ll be a terrible president.” - Donald Trump

"WOULD, Mr. President. You say she WOULD be a terrible President" - Staffer afterward that I imagine.

M. Virion

If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie


Well-known member

why Howell of all places in MI?


wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I was going to say that "A single dozen people are not defining the community" but then I actually read about the community. I still doubt they are defining the community at large, but probably do represent a larger than average percentage because normally these kinds of hate groups prefer overwhelming numbers to protect from retaliation of the community at large. That a single group of 12 would be willing to advertise as they did, and weren't from outside: they knew they were safe.

Please don't forget, the only war on white children and/or people is the war on ignorance. Your weapon is education and your ammo is facts. Terrorists and racists hate those things, because it ends their power.


too old for this
Well, if there is a war on white children, we really should stop that.
The "war" is the thought that they're being replaced by all the little differently colored children.
I'd wondered about why so many in the GOP harped on white families needing to have more kids till I realized that they're scared that children of color will overrun the pure white country that exists only in their mind.
There's a reason nazis have the number 14 tattooed on them. It refers to the 14 words quote, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

I guess in the end, everything really does come down to racism, even the casual sexism that runs rampant through the GOP.


Well-known member
My brother married a Cantonese woman and they have two daughters. My sister adopted 3 boys and 2 girls who are 3/4 Native America and 1/4 Black. Here I am with these two white daughters. In a big family picture I look pretty unimaginative.

But the family name will be carried on only by the boys my sister adopted. I guess we're being replaced. Better make sure those boys turn out okay.

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