Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
It's an open ended time line. Maybe you get to say something nice about it on your deathbed.


Well-known member
oh look; the Justice Department confirmed Russia paid millions to spread disinformation in Donalds' favor over social media.

what a breakthrough. maybe next week the Science office will confirm hydrogen and oxygen combine to make water.


too old for this
Let's see this get some play on Fox news.
I have a better chance of winning the lottery then that happening, but it'd be nice to see all the anguish as people realize they're being led around by the nose by agents of the Kremlin.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Want to make things more secure, PREVENT it from happening in the first place. Increase funding for mental health and make background checks more stringent. You don't need more guards, you need more guardrails.....

Anonymous X

Well-known member

Anonymous X

Well-known member
I’ve always wondered, going back to 2015/6, why the media weren’t making an issue about this. I mean, ours won’t because of the rules about impartiality on TV and radio. Over there that’s less of an issue. Is it about avoiding potential lawsuits? Some lingering sense of trying to deferential? I don’t get it.


Now with hi-res avatar!
What was that line in The Onion again? “Nothing can be done about this in the only country where it regularly happens”. Urgh.

#37 was published on Wednesday:

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I’ve always wondered, going back to 2015/6, why the media weren’t making an issue about this. I mean, ours won’t because of the rules about impartiality on TV and radio. Over there that’s less of an issue. Is it about avoiding potential lawsuits? Some lingering sense of trying to deferential? I don’t get it.
Our news media is a corporate industry. Corporations like people who promise them big tax breaks and payouts, which Trump constantly does. It's not profitable for them to go against him that much. Everything is about the almighty dollar.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh and his followers are brainwashed thugs waiting for the command to commit heinous act of violence for a leader that will never acknowledge them.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here

It's almost impressive how he can talk so much without actually saying anything.


Well-known member

It's almost impressive how he can talk so much without actually saying anything.
He said that the government is going to have so much money from taxing foreign nations that they are going to pay for child care for people who are not able to tax foreign nations, right?

No. His answer is clear enough and perfectly Trumpian. The answer is "Who care about child care?"
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The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Even that would've been an actual answer. (A terrible one, but still.) He didn't even give that. He gave a long-winded word salad that almost pretended to be within a hundred miles of a real sentence.

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