Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread


Well-known member
A problem for Trump that will always be a problem is his inability to see anyone else's perspective. She says that world leaders don't respect him and he name drops Viktor Orbán "one of the most respected world leaders"....


Well-known member
They might have tried an image that actually tried to make those earrings look the same... they couldn't even be bothered with that?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh, and the people that believe their bullshit also believe in shit like bigfoot, climate change is a hoax, and trickle down economics. They ain't exactly auditioning for mensa.


too old for this
People tend to make more mistakes when they're panicky and desperate.
Or stupid. Let's not give any benefit of the doubt. They're stupid, catering to stupid people who won't notice. Remember, these people aren't looking for logic or real answers. They're looking for justifications for their own inherent biases and opinions. That bar cannot go lower.


Well-known member
The weird part to me is I see the earring and imagine that someone is feeding her information and I start to think about how big or small of an advantage it gives her and then I get distracted thinking about how if this is really a contest of whether these people can bring up information in a split second and argue against another person, then it isn't actually very useful. When you are President, you are allowed to have a cabinet and a fairly unlimited staff of advisors on any topic. It would actually be more interesting if they were allowed to have an earpiece and we could measure how deep their team is.


Well-known member
If Trump loses worse and by worse margins and loses Georgia and North Carolina and gets uncomfortably tight in Texas, I think the backroom decision makers have to pull the plug on Trumpism, but meanwhile he stuff has been papering over changes for 8 years and I think the GOP then has to make some big moves on the non-moral issues to balance the scale. Immigration, Race, and Climate Change.


too old for this
Any change to the GOP hinges on the defeat of Donald Trump. At this point, we face a watershed, like Goldwater way back when. He saw the dangers of the religious zealots taking over the party and tried to warn people. Now we face a similar situation where the party has been taken over by what is essentially a religious cult of personality.
The moral majority found a lot of success, which is why it flourished. We need to see a massive defeat at all levels for the powers behind the throne to abandon the cult. Even then there will still be those who cling to it and lash out as they see their power and influence wane.
But make no mistake, if there is any kind of victory condition for Trump, the cult marches on.


Well-known member
Any change to the GOP hinges on the defeat of Donald Trump. At this point, we face a watershed, like Goldwater way back when. He saw the dangers of the religious zealots taking over the party and tried to warn people. Now we face a similar situation where the party has been taken over by what is essentially a religious cult of personality.
The moral majority found a lot of success, which is why it flourished. We need to see a massive defeat at all levels for the powers behind the throne to abandon the cult. Even then there will still be those who cling to it and lash out as they see their power and influence wane.
But make no mistake, if there is any kind of victory condition for Trump, the cult marches on.
Religious zealotry is NOT running the GOP. The GOP is running religious zealotry.


Well-known member
Trump reiterated last night that he can end the Russia-Ukraine war in one day and can even do it before becoming President if elected. It was an awkward place for Kamala to call him on it because so many issues he made an effective argument that she is basically an incumbent and there is no good defense. But I would love it if a bunch of reporters and politicians started asking him to please stop war this week even if he doesn't win to save all of those lives and all of that money.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
1.) trumps way of ending the war would be to order ukraine to cede the land to russia; something he couldn't do outside of refusing to send them nato aid, cause it kinda requires ukraines cooperation... which, obviously, they will not. If they did cooperate; it will just end in consistent and frequent cedes over the threat of war from russia. 2.) if trump has a way to end the war RIGHT NOW, then he's a ******* monster for not trying, instead bragging about it and using that ability to his own benefit. Neither of those are things you want anywhere near the bottom echelons of power, never mind the upper ones.

Even if the RNC decides that this coming loss (and make no mistake, trump was going to lose election regardless of the debate; but he already lost it when he spouted that noise about immigrants eating pets.) is the end of trumpism... good luck with that. Trumps family is literally in charge of the organization. Unless they stage a coup, trump isn't going anywhere. When trump dies, his kinds will probably try to cash in on his "political dynasty" and they won't **** off either. They were INCHES away from the kind of power those psychopaths can only dream of: they aren't about to give up now.


Well-known member
1.) trumps way of ending the war would be to order ukraine to cede the land to russia; something he couldn't do outside of refusing to send them nato aid, cause it kinda requires ukraines cooperation... which, obviously, they will not. If they did cooperate; it will just end in consistent and frequent cedes over the threat of war from russia. 2.) if trump has a way to end the war RIGHT NOW, then he's a ******* monster for not trying, instead bragging about it and using that ability to his own benefit. Neither of those are things you want anywhere near the bottom echelons of power, never mind the upper ones.
If Trump wins, the war will continue to drag on. He doesn't have the clout to have Ukraine surrender and the rest of NATO is more directly worried about the situation than the USA. Trump doesn't have a way of ending the war. It is just bluster.

I think if the US pulled all support and Europe couldn't keep it up with supplies and money, some of those European countries would actually move their military in if they had to.


Guess whos back
If Trump could end the war in 24 hours, without even officially having the power of the president, then there is no reason he couldn't do it right now. And hey if he did imagine how much that would help him win votes! At that point you have to ask "Well why hasn't he" and the only possible answers are either "He's holding peoples lives hostage unless he gets his way" or "he's full of shit".


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Shades of the Iran hostage crisis in that. If the war were to end after he was elected but before he takes office, it would obviously be due to the CURRENT administration, not the one who hasn't taken power. Trump would have had nothing to do with it, much like Reagan had nothing to do with the release of the hostages then. Heck a common conspiracy theory that might have a grain of truth to it is that the Reagan campaign convinced Iran to delay the release of the remaining hostages until AFTER the 1980 election.


Well-known member
I suppose a reasonable answer (to a question about a totally unreasonable claim!) would be that if elected he could stop the war in November because of the reality of what he'll be able to do come January if they don't. But he needs that threat legitimized by the vote.


too old for this
Shades of the Iran hostage crisis in that. If the war were to end after he was elected but before he takes office, it would obviously be due to the CURRENT administration, not the one who hasn't taken power. Trump would have had nothing to do with it, much like Reagan had nothing to do with the release of the hostages then. Heck a common conspiracy theory that might have a grain of truth to it is that the Reagan campaign convinced Iran to delay the release of the remaining hostages until AFTER the 1980 election.
Uh, I believe that theory has been confirmed by people who were there and had firsthand knowledge. Reagan's campaign did convince Iran to delay the release.

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