Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread


Well-known member
I seem to recall the last one being nominally identified as a Trump supporter. The kid. But, you're right, we'll know more soon.
I heard he was identified as registered Republican, but it is common for people his age to be registered what their parents are. He didn't have political stuff on social media and had googled the schedules of both Biden and Trump. I think he would have shot at whichever was convenient.
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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I mean: as a group they're deranged. One of the cult might have decided to take a shot since trump was failing, and even fox news is calling him out on it. You can only deny reality for so long before you get snapped back.


Well-known member
All sorts of things are possible and we'll have some answer this week, but if you want a working theory there is no prize for acting like every unhinged gun nut is a conservative. Yes, they strongly skew that way because of party platforms, but this is one guy out of 333 million and we don't know who he is.


Now with hi-res avatar!
*puts on tin foil hat*

Maybe it was a Trump supporter who — seeing him flailing post-debate and noting how the last assassination attempt gave him a big boost — decided that the best way to help Glorious Leader was to stage another assassination attempt.

*takes off tin foil hat*

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
See, you're thinking that like it's crazy. I had the same thought while making dinner: and they didn't find the guy who was shooting. I think someone in the trump camp offered a local some coin to take a few shots in the air and then leg it. Wouldn't be surprised if he used his own rifle either. Bet they find the guy responsible and then it very quietly slips from the news cycle.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
The last shooting disappeared from the news incredibly fast for an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate. This one won't stay in the headlines long either. Didn't even draw blood this time.


Well-known member
See, you're thinking that like it's crazy. I had the same thought while making dinner: and they didn't find the guy who was shooting. I think someone in the trump camp offered a local some coin to take a few shots in the air and then leg it. Wouldn't be surprised if he used his own rifle either. Bet they find the guy responsible and then it very quietly slips from the news cycle.
They knew all of the people doing shooting. They were Secret Service agents. They think they found the guy that was holding a gun and the they shot at because he ran and got in a truck and they followed that truck and got him back out of it.

How much would you have to pay someone to pretend to try to assassinate the President? I would think an awful lot. He'll probably go to prison.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
They knew all of the people doing shooting. They were Secret Service agents. They think they found the guy that was holding a gun and the they shot at because he ran and got in a truck and they followed that truck and got him back out of it.

How much would you have to pay someone to pretend to try to assassinate the President? I would think an awful lot. He'll probably go to prison.
They're literally run by psychopaths: why would they have a problem sending someone to prison, or even potentially killing them, for a publicity stunt, so long as great leader gets what he wants. And all he wants is attention.


Well-known member
They're literally run by psychopaths: why would they have a problem sending someone to prison, or even potentially killing them, for a publicity stunt, so long as great leader gets what he wants. And all he wants is attention.
There are plenty of people willing to send someone else to prison, but not an awful lot that you can convince to go.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
They could say the same things again, but it wouldn't be news. There is nothing else to investigate, there will be no trial, there just isn't any more news.
As if saying the same things over and over again with nothing new to investigate is anything new for conservative news. Which is the overwhelming majority of news sources these days.


jumbled pile of person
Yeah, and to be fair, the last failed assassination attempt on a President was before the 24-hour news cycle was invented. And the last time it failed so hard the candidate didn't even need to go to the hospital was before the invention of television, period. We really don't have a frame of reference for how long to expect the news to keep banging on about it.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
There are plenty of people willing to send someone else to prison, but not an awful lot that you can convince to go.
That's the point of a CULT. You don't need a lot, you need the one fanatic: and trumps cult has fanatics. Look at the THREE STRAIGHT DAYS of bomb threats in springfield ohio. Look at how many jan 6ers passed before judges, bawling and whining, and then switched right to threats and insults when they couldn't get out of the consequences of their actions. Look at his mouthpieces literally try to white wash insanity, re-write history, and flip their positions so often you'd think they were playing "the floor is lava".

This is what we've been trying to tell you axaday: Trump is a cult of personality, with all the trappings that come with it. He's a psychopath, a narcissist, and a very real fascist.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
Trump is such an inveterate con-man that his economic campaign platform is literally a get-rich-quick scheme for America. And the usual brigade of stupid people is falling for it.

He's talking about making trillions of dollars overnight by slapping massive tariffs on imports, and he's already making plans for how he's going to spend this imaginary windfall!

This is beyond stupid: it's like falling for a Nigerian money scam and then putting in an order for a Lamborghini, in anticipation of all that sweet Nigerian money. Anyone who thinks this makes sense can count his IQ points on the fingers of one hand.
Blue-collar workers talking about the CEO of the place where they work: "I hate when that guy comes around. All of us have to drop everything and put on a dog-and-pony show for him, and we have to make sure all the most expensive machines are running when he comes through so he doesn't think he wasted his money. That idiot is just an empty suit and he has absolutely no idea what goes on here. This place would run a lot better if he just fucked off to the Bahamas with his 20-year old trophy wife and left us alone."

Blue-collar workers talking about Donald Trump: "He's the CEO of a major corporation, so he's OBVIOUSLY very smart and well-informed".
If you think the argument "he was found guilty of sexual abuse, not rape" is actually convincing, you're an idiot.

Consider this: imagine if the victim was a 12-year old child, and some jackass said "hold on, it's not that bad, it was only sexual abuse, not rape". How would you react? You wouldn't split hairs in THAT situation, would you?


Guess whos back
The social media war over "Whos side was this guy on" has begun in full. Tweets resurfacing that paint him as a republican, ones that paint him as some Dem social justice warrior. Truely amazing how you can make someone look like anything by mining the right quotes.


Well-known member
That's the point of a CULT. You don't need a lot, you need the one fanatic: and trumps cult has fanatics. Look at the THREE STRAIGHT DAYS of bomb threats in springfield ohio. Look at how many jan 6ers passed before judges, bawling and whining, and then switched right to threats and insults when they couldn't get out of the consequences of their actions. Look at his mouthpieces literally try to white wash insanity, re-write history, and flip their positions so often you'd think they were playing "the floor is lava".

This is what we've been trying to tell you axaday: Trump is a cult of personality, with all the trappings that come with it. He's a psychopath, a narcissist, and a very real fascist.
We are starting to get actual information on the guy and he is no rube just plucked. He's been causing his share of problems for some time and been a vocal Trump detractor for several years.


Well-known member
So... still a republican then, cause democrats don't tend to try to solve problems with violence.
I mean....I don't think that is a useful comment. Democrats do violent crime. They are underrepresented in flashy terrorist style crimes. But they assault people and kill people. In small numbers, just like Republicans. Democrats and Republicans are not fundamentally different kinds of people. The parties compete hard for an edge by selecting platform planks that will attract more voters than it will cost them. Neither platform really makes a consistent holistic philosophy. The Democrats are positioned as champions of the 1st Amendment, but they totally let the Republicans be the champions of the 2nd. And that's why hardline, all-in gun nuts (which is the type of people who do rampage shootings and assassinations, usually) vote Republicans. If the Democratic party started talking about the 2nd Amendment the way they do the 1st, they could get some of those voters, but they'd lose other ones.

This guy is a Republican but hates Trump's stance on Ukraine and seems to have become totally preoccupied with it. In our lifetime, the traditional Republican position on this sort of issue would be to support NATO, help invaded Ukraine to the best of our ability, and resist Russian expansion. Unfortunately, Trump has a crush on Putin, resents NATO obligations, and has a beef with Ukraine where Hunter Biden worked and with Zelensky whose phone call got him impeached. So Trump's not toeing the party line and he has muddied up the issue.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So... another republican, shooting at the republican candidate for president... again.

I mean, I appreciate your position; but the number of stochastic terrorism events in the US are rising, and according to the GOA 71% between 2010 and 2021 of them were either abortion based, racially or ethnically based, and anti-authority based. Those are literally the republicans calling cards, and the dog whistles they routinely blow. Sure democrats get radicalized just like the republicans do, but at a potential 1/3rd of the volume. I mean, only 6% were animals rights or environmental based.

And that's pretty telling, since there are more democrats registered than republicans. It seems they're more susceptible to being radicalized compared to the rest of the population.

To follow: trump isn't toeing the party line; because he SETS the party line. He, very truly, controls the RNC. I don't know if putin has kompromat on trump, or is just throwing money at him: but trump was willing to withdraw from NATO... an organization the US created specifically to counter soviet international actions. It's kind of why there was like a 6 month stop on material to ukraine. Traditional positions don't matter, precedent doesn't matter, last weeks position doesn't matter: he'll just lie and claim he never said it anyway. The whole ******* thing is just so ridiculous in conception, it's hard to believe it's being acted on.

You'd honestly think people would have taken a deep, calming breath, and done some serious soul searching after pizza gate... yet here we are.

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