Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread


Well-known member
I also think that, despite also having a once-useful/now-detrimental natural instinct toward seeing patterns that aren't there, humans do have a natural instinct toward skepticism.
An instinct that many forms of indoctrination actively suppress.


Well-known member
I guess I assumed they had both been arse further back.

I wonder if it just morphed because people didn't know that it referred to a donkey.
I think it might just be human nature to make things about your bottom. My daughter just mentioned "the crack of dawn" while playing and I remembered this conversation and remembered that I sometimes hear people instead say "The a**crack of dawn" for absolutely no good reason.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Apparently trump will have his first meeting with his probation officer today.

So what are the punishments for lying to a probation officer... cause trump will lie to them.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
He'll be very firmly asked to pretty please not do it again.

He'll then do it again before even leaving the meeting.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I've said it a couple of times myself: mostly while coming back on the 4 am airport run.

That... that right there is the asscrack of dawn.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh hey: trump might lose his liquor licenses in jersey. Turns out convicts can't hold those in that state.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
Back in the 2000s, nobody would have believed a Reality TV star could become president, and then we got Trump in 2016: a spoiled rich kid with a string of bankruptcies who played a smart and successful businessman on reality TV.

Today, nobody would believe that a social media influencer could become president. Therefore, I suspect America will elect its first social media influencer president around 2032. Congratulations in advance to President PewDiePie.
Imagine if Trump's plan worked perfectly on Jan 6: his mob of brownshirts successfully breaks into the Capitol building before the representatives can flee, and takes many of them hostage.

Let's be charitable and assume cooler heads prevail and they don't literally execute Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, and AOC on live TV, because that would obviously make it impossible to normalize what happened. So they have dozens of hostages, including high-profile politicians, and they stopped the certification vote. What's the next step?

Sure, he may have operatives in the Supreme Court, but what exactly were they supposed to do? Even crooked Supreme Court judges can't just say "insurrection is OK now". And in the meantime, there's a hostage standoff, with police and the army outside the Capitol building and Trump's angry mob inside. Even the most brilliant spin-doctors in the world won't be able to portray a hostage crisis on Capitol Hill as a form of legitimate political protest.

What's his end-game plan here? Did the orange idiot just ... not think about what would happen next?


Now with hi-res avatar!
He probably expected the U.S. government to give him a second term in exchange for the lives of the hostages. And then he'd order the brownshirts to kill the hostages right after he got it, because only a sucker holds up his end of a bargain after he's gotten what he wants.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
His plan was for pence to do as he was told to do, and not grow a conscious at the last minute. The attempted insurrection on the 6th was literally just trump winging it. You'll note that other than the media normalizing his trying to overthrow the government: no part of it has actually worked despite not managing to take hostages, execute his political adversaries, or claim the "throne". Trump still doesn't have political power, is currently in court, with many more new cases pending, and personal and business affairs are slowly being exposed.

Plus the dude openly has dementia now. Other than genuine punishment: what's left for trump?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Trump won't end up in a coffin. None of the kids can command his cult: without the head jackass, the voter base splinters and disbands. They will weekend at bernie his spray tanned ass until the hair plugs rot from his skull.

They are gonna have to bury trump at sea to prevent pilgrimages to his grave.


Well-known member
Alternately, he won't end up in a coffin because he'll have his body frozen like a lot of other weird rich people.

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