Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion Update with Commander and Titan listings


Staff member
Council of Elders
Looking back at that list of stuff on the first page, I'm hoping Wasp has opaque windows (not likely, I know). One reason I couldn't talk myself into getting this Animated Bumblebee is how the torso just threads a bunch of moving bits through clear plastic.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
I think the ship has sailed on us getting an Animated Omega Supreme as a titan... but if this new smaller titan class takes off... maybe he's back on the maybe list
doesn't leave much point in keeping the commander class though


Another babka?
I fell he's on deck for a Titan release in the next couple years.
In the same interview they mentioned they'd never run out of Titans.
Which tells me they're not gonna just ignore Animated Omega. He's absolutely on the shortlist for the size class.

but if this new smaller titan class takes off... maybe he's back on the maybe list
doesn't leave much point in keeping the commander class though
Smaller Titan class? What? What makes you think it's going to be "smaller"? People have explained that Star Convoy is canonically huge. I don't think they need to "shrink" Titan class to do him.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Core Class, IMO, was a superior product to what is generally offered at the comparative price point (1 Steps). I still feel a modest sized and price, traditional converting, item at $10 has value. But maybe not as part of the more expansive Studio Series or Generations segments.

I agree 100% with this. The issue (I think, based on anecdotal evidence) is retailer buy-in for shelf/hook space. Target has carried Core pretty consistently, but Walmart has been extremely hit or miss, and (when they do have them) their annoying habit of overloading on 3-5 figures at Christmas and then letting them take up the space that should be filled with newer figures has probably skewed their sales numbers horribly. (My nearest local WM has the same issue with Studio Series; anyone still need 86 Kup or Blurr?) And smaller retailers that could carry Core have the Authentics line, instead.

My hope is that Hasbro will still make new Core figures, but package them in multi-packs at a Deluxe or Voyager price point to keep them in line with retailer shelving practices. (Of course, that runs up against wave allotment issues, so idk. I just don't want to see Core-size figures go away...)


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Not a bad idea. The hulk hands could be used as adapters for Core to go from 3mm to 5mm accessories.


Somehow still sane
A pretool for Stege.

This but with battle damage all over.


Kaiser Dragon
He is supposed to be about Combiner-sized, but not Cityformer-sized. The height of Siege Jetfire would have been perfect for him.

My only hope for this Star Convoy is that it's less of an actual Titan and more of a "Titan class in name only", as in a Commander class-sized figure but made with the budget of a Titan.

Okay. I keep seeing people say Star Convoy is 45 Meters tall.

I dunno where that info is from. But that would make him considerably larger than a standard Combiner/Guardian Robot which I believe clock in around 16/18 Meters.
Per the Battlestars catalog, Star Convoy is 45m tall. This tweet calls out the specific images where his and Super Megatron's 35m heights are stated:

The manga also shows them being far bigger than their original bodies. Humans came up to around Optimus Prime's knees, while humans only barely stand taller than Star Convoy and Super Megatron's ankles.

For reference, the scale charts for Masterforce and Victory put God Ginrai, King Poseidon, and Victory Leo at 20m, and Star Saber at 22m. So if these official figures set the target for AotP Star Convoy, Titan seems entirely appropriate.

Now, whether I want a Titan Optimus Prime is whole 'nother question. I'm going to need to see it before making any decisions. Unless it comes with a new Hot Rod of course, in which case he's instabought...


Staff member
Council of Elders
I know the current line tends to be about diegetic scale unless other scale priorities take over (like SS86 Magnus being able to carry cars in altmode), but I'd really rather not an unwieldily large Star Convoy.

I mean, even the extra height for SS86 OP is right at the limit; the Voyager height of Earthrise OP was a good range. I'm not a fan of OP essentially dwarfing his team, which is why even though I picked up a few MP cars I never bothered with MP10 (iirc i got the Voyager height KO instead), because it seemed weird for everyone to be waist height to him.

Now yeah, Star Convoy has a base mode, and combines with his trailer; still, for that I'd use Armada OP as a benchmark for size. At most.


Continuity Nutcase
Per the Battlestars catalog, Star Convoy is 45m tall. This tweet calls out the specific images where his and Super Megatron's 35m heights are stated:
I see it in the text, and it does say that, yes. However, the illustrations in the story pages don't reflect that. Star Convoy is shown to be about two heads taller than Sky Garry, who is shown in the first Battlestars story page to be about one head shorter than Dai Atlas, who was shown in Zone to be just a little shorter than Victory Saber, who is just Star Saber wearing extra boots, and Star Saber was shown in Victory to be within the same height neighborhood as both Deathsaurus and the four Combiners of that series.

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