Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Naruto Shippuden)

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Maybe it's not Megatron, it's the tank Destro made Baroness using scans of him for an anniversary present. It explains the box markings and why she's riding it in both modes.

Also, in some level I want to see Megatron's Race Queen figure riding in this. I don't have one, but you know someone will try it.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's not great, but it's not terrible. If I was a big GI Joe fan I might spring for it, but as it is, it's one that I can skip without feeling like I'd regret it down the road.


An oldie but a goodie!
That is a very chunky looking Megatron that looks more like he's just wearing HISS Tank parts instead being made from HISS Tank parts.
Yup, he looks absolutely terrible to me, and despite waiting since forever for Transformers/GiJoe figures to be made, I'll be easily passing on this guy.

I'm very disappointed can do so much better than this, and you know it.

Powered Convoy

Part of the issue is wanting to make the cockpit fully functional and fit a figure. They likely didn't want to have they split up and integrating it into the transformation more (not having it hang off the back) would have led to either a much bigger figure or something that looked very derpy.


Well-known member
I said it elsewhere but what I feel like is they really wanted it to look like G1 Cartoon Megatron and it's largely because they did that rather than create a new design for Megatron that was designed from the start to turn into a Hiss that they ended up with something awkward and kibble-ish.

-ZacWilliam, that said it's cool enough conceptually that being a slightly awkward execution isn't enough to put me off wanting it.


Another babka?
Part of the issue is wanting to make the cockpit fully functional and fit a figure. They likely didn't want to have they split up and integrating it into the transformation more...
They did an entire line of mainline figures that incorporated functional cockpits into the designs. A GI Joe figure is bigger than a TM, yes, but I don't see why a Hiss Tank Megatron with a functional cockpit couldn't have been designed with more alt mode integration.

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
So for those that might not have watched he's the same scale as the original Hiss tank and he's roughly Commander size but isn't officially in the Generations line.

I'm sure there's been a lot of different designs over the years but I like it, I think.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
That's because Cobra bought their tech privately with their own money and shopped for the best they could get via decent contractors. GI Joe was limited to taxpayer funding and their few 'big budget' tech items got cut back when they went over-cost.
Is this legit? Because I could easily believe it.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I preordered it. The HISS tank was always one of my favorite Cobra vehicles and G.I. Joe was a pretty big part of my life back in the 80's. Even though I sold off my collection a long time ago, I still appreciate all things Joe. I might not be incorporating this Megatron into my Gimzo-verse, but he will have a nice spot as a display piece.


Wondering bot
I'll pass, robot mode looks ok, I guess, alt mode, just looks plain stupid and very impartical, it looks kind of like someone took a very sleek van and removed the wheels and put some werid catapillar tracks on it


Personally, I would have preferred it to be a new character, but still looks pretty cool. Not sure it's $90 cool, but I put in a preorder. I can always cancel it later...


Well-known member
I'll pass, robot mode looks ok, I guess, alt mode, just looks plain stupid and very impartical, it looks kind of like someone took a very sleek van and removed the wheels and put some werid catapillar tracks on it

Have you... never seen the HISS tank before?

Anyway yeah - could have had a little better alt-mode integration, but it appears to be about "full-sized", so that's pretty big.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
To be a little fair, not every Transformers fan is also a G.I. Joe fan.

(I'm not, for instance)

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I have only a passing familiarity with GI Joe, mostly from the times it does intersect with Transformers. I find it neat when the two sister franchises meet like this, but it doesn't hit me in the feels the same way that the Jurrasic Park crossover did. I do know there is a lot of overlap in the fandoms, though, so I'm sure a lot of people are very excited by this.

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