Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Naruto Shippuden)


Somehow still sane
It’s no Batmobile but there is the Titan-class Bat-Overlord.


Well-known member
So I got the second JP collaberative set, kudos for having new molds for both Dilophocon and JP12. I wonder if there will be a third? maybe a JW Rescue truck or JW helicopter and 'Blue' from the Dinobot mold?


Somehow still sane
Guiledart as the sick triceratops with one big pile of shit blast effects.
Just close that exposed rib up, or hell, keep it open as a homage to the JP toy battle damage gimmick. We know they have the mold as of TLK.
Takara Transformers Siege SG-39 Omega Supreme with Autobot Countdown (22)__scaled_800.jpg

Use these in brown if new tooling isn’t feasible. Maybe retool the spark crystal on the tail underside into a 5mm port for maximum lolz.

Holy crap, this was meant to be a shitpost but this totally works on too many levels that I want it now.

BTW I’m taking offers Hasbro.
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Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Make one of those rare cross-faction combiners!

"Dinobots! Insecticons! Merge to form-"

-dead dinosaurs rotting in the sun surrounded by flies-

"On second thought..."


Party Wallop arrived the other day, and he's fine. The accessory storage doesn't quite work with a few of the weapons, which is okay because there are a lot of them, and it's not like I'm going to switch up the colors and weapons much.

They kind of missed an opportunity to do Metalhead, but A) he's a deeper cut than Collaborative usually does, and 2. another head (and probably weapon) would probably be a bit much.

Like, if they sold separate "flavors" instead of the all-in-one approach, sure-- but then the toy would almost have to be smaller for a "collect them all!" approach...

Anyway, a series of design choices and compromises that I'm pretty happy with.


Well-known member
Mine holds the accessories fine. Ok, the Sai can be easy to knock off the hips but everything else is super secure. I'm actually very impressed how well he holds everything, even the alt head pieces.

He's a little kibble-ish but not horrible really. Overall I like him.

I may have ordered a Power Rangers/Turtles crossover Raph to join these two.


-ZacWilliam, considering Ghostbusters/Turtle Leo to finish off the team.


Koopaling Aficionado
I got mine and his weapons store fine, but I haven't gotten around to transforming him yet so that could skew my perspective on things.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I can store his weapons pretty easily in both modes, though the robot mode does require some careful handling on where you try to pick him up or manipulate him from, as things can pop off if you grab them the wrong way.

The four heads and staff fit in his backpack, his nunchucks fit in his shoulder panels, the sais can fit on to his hips on on his legs when in vehicle mode, and his katanas can fit on his back, or under the vehicle mode.

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