Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Naruto Shippuden)

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
If we get a bigger Rattler, I want it to be Thundercracker and/or Skywarp. Those Devil's Due designs left a huge impression on younger me, and while I don't give two shits about Joe stuff overall, that particular stream cross would get me tickled pink.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
If Trooper 2 is Bee, it’s probably the VAMP mk2, the tan one with the missile launcher.

EDIT: As I think about it, its not just the placement of the cockpit that compromises HISS Megatron, its also that working gun turret. A ton of space gets used up by making that 3 3/4 compatible. I would have taken his fusion cannon and made it split into a swiveling gun turret that mounts externally. Then the entirety of the tank body mass could have been used to form robot parts.
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Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Ok so…. not as much of a GI Joe fan, but yeah, I get the appeal. I like novelty TFs, so I’ll most likely get this, seeing that it’s a bit of a novelty. What I don’t get is: why does this thing have like BW-Neo levels of engineering? As in like Bump or Longrack or Big Convoy. Like… they couldn’t integrate that kibble a little more? Instead they just cut a tank into fours for him to wear? That’s it? Really? After we got things like Kingdom Cyclonus? Did they make the one BW-era designer still on staff with that era’s level of technology take charge of this project? They really kinda dropped the ball on the engineer on this IMO.


Continuity Nutcase
Ok so…. not as much of a GI Joe fan, but yeah, I get the appeal. I like novelty TFs, so I’ll most likely get this, seeing that it’s a bit of a novelty. What I don’t get is: why does this thing have like BW-Neo levels of engineering? As in like Bump or Longrack or Big Convoy. Like… they couldn’t integrate that kibble a little more? Instead they just cut a tank into fours for him to wear? That’s it? Really? After we got things like Kingdom Cyclonus? Did they make the one BW-era designer still on staff with that era’s level of technology take charge of this project? They really kinda dropped the ball on the engineer on this IMO.
Evidently, they wanted to ensure that his robot mode looks as close to vanilla G1 Megatron as possible, at the cost of any proper integration of the altmode parts, for the sake of maintaining that evergreen look for Megatron.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I also realized part of my issue with the set is something of a “dissonance” between the offerings:
The Hisstank mode is based on 1983 vehicle and slavishly recreated. Baroness is a remake of a 1984 figure. Both very retro in concept and execution.

Then there’s Megatron, who’s sporting articulation and design elements of a figure from 2020.

I can’t help but wonder how the reception might have been if the robot mode was approached as a “retro” concept. Chonky design, little to no meaningful articulation, the necessity of stickers for details. Make it look like something from 1987-ish?


Well-known member
Not that Hasbro would go that retro but if they were i would think they'd shoot for a 84-85 aesthetic.

-ZacWilliam, don't get me wrong I love 87 and later toys, but if we're imagining them going a level of retro they never have before I feel like they'd go all the way.


Well-known member
That photoshop does look awesome, but I don't fault them at all for making the choice they did.

If I was being really greedy, I'd want him to embrace G2 Megatron colors for ultimate crossover power, but a bright green and purple tank might not make certain Joe fans swoon.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
That photoshop does look awesome, but I don't fault them at all for making the choice they did.

If I was being really greedy, I'd want him to embrace G2 Megatron colors for ultimate crossover power, but a bright green and purple tank might not make certain Joe fans swoon.
Wouldn’t be any worse than the Septic Tank version of the HISS.

I do like the black photoshop. It definitely gels better than the G1 colors, and makes the bits hanging off less obvious. I think all the previous Crossovers have worked because the robot modes still fit within their respective themes. Trying to shoehorn both the G1 look and the Cobra Hiss black on the same figure is probably not doing this any favors. Just out of curiosity, has anyone photoshopped the HISS bits into Megatron silver?


Staff member
Council of Elders
This is an easy enough pass as it's just not for me. From the o-ring figure to Megatron (not a new character, another stroke) not really integrating the HISS into robot mode (it's very much Megatron wearing the HISS rather than turning into it), it doesn't do much for me. Glad it exists for those who would be into it though.


Well-known member
I just can't imagine he'll be able to stand up considering the entire gun tub is hanging off his back.


Well-known member
Wouldn’t be any worse than the Septic Tank version of the HISS.

I do like the black photoshop. It definitely gels better than the G1 colors, and makes the bits hanging off less obvious. I think all the previous Crossovers have worked because the robot modes still fit within their respective themes. Trying to shoehorn both the G1 look and the Cobra Hiss black on the same figure is probably not doing this any favors. Just out of curiosity, has anyone photoshopped the HISS bits into Megatron silver?


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Evidently, they wanted to ensure that his robot mode looks as close to vanilla G1 Megatron as possible, at the cost of any proper integration of the altmode parts, for the sake of maintaining that evergreen look for Megatron.
I mean, that’s fine and all, but when they’ve got the genius level of engineering in MP figures, or, hell, the genius of the SS Megatron molds where the entire damn giant-ass wing assemblies or THE WHOLE ENTIRE TRUCK CAB accordion-folds into shins (SHINS!) and it still leaves the robot modes looking no more widely out of proportion than other typical TFs with basic amounts of kibble; with that level of engineering know-how, they could have easily used some of those methods to make the kibble tuck away some more. If anything it would enhance the evergreen look because evergreen Megs does NOT have giant-ass kibble bits hanging off the backs of his shoulders. (Well, technically Cyberverse Megs kinda did, but the WfC Megses don’t.)

All I’m saying is we’re way pass the days where the entire bottom half of the penguin is hanging off the left bicep of the robot mode and the entire top half off the right shoulder, and this looks like an 90s-level of engineering (and NOT in a good way), and they’ve achieve so much since then and didn’t seem to draw from any of it.🤷🏻‍♀️


Well-known member
Yeah they could have done Masterpiece level engineering if you want to pay Masterpiece prices. Does $200 to $300 sound good for this?

Generations retail prices mean retail style product.

-ZacWilliam, I also expect this being a Hasbro originating and supported project and maybe not of much interest to Takara so maybe this didn't get the most effort on the design front.


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Yeah they could have done Masterpiece level engineering if you want to pay Masterpiece prices. Does $200 to $300 sound good for this?

Generations retail prices mean retail style product.

-ZacWilliam, I also expect this being a Hasbro originating and supported project and maybe not of much interest to Takara so maybe this didn't get the most effort on the design front.
Ummm did you miss the entire rest of my post where I talked about Studio Series? MP prices are also as low as $70 for some (like Barricade and BBM Bee). And we’re not getting “retail prices” as it is; we’re getting Exclusives pricing, at ~$90. So if anything, we’re getting something with low-mid-level MP pricing, but with 20-odd something years behind on engineering of even basic SS “retail pricing”-engineering levels, hence my ire.

And I can understand quality engineering lacking if Takara wasn’t involved (which was most likely the case since I’m not sure if they have any rights to the GI Joe name, cus ‘Murica). We got Star Wars Crossovers as a result of that. (Ohhhhhhh yeah, that’s what probably def happened; this clunker reminds me of those design aesthetics too).
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Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
FWIW, I DO like the Photoshop that integrated the silver into the HISS mode. No, it’s not a “pure” 83 HISS, but after things like HISS 3, Crimson Squad and the black original, a silver version really pops against that line up. But not so much that it would overtly stand out as being “abnormal”, maintaining the disguise element.

Though, it would make me wish a little harder we’d gotten Destro with the set rather than Baroness.


Well-known member
Sadly this is retail price for a Commander Class figure and between size and including a G.I.Joe figure that's pretty much what it is.

-ZacWilliam, modern masterpieces have grown much pricier.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
One thing I noticed looking at the few Joe figures I have (though I will be trying to get a Destro to go with this, as I noted before) was that the foot peg holes seem to vary with the generations, and I've never kept track of which was which. Does anyone know if the cockpits for the 'o-ring' style of figures can be shared with the more poseable 3.5's? In all honesty I may see if I can fit the 25th Anniversary Baroness in place of the one that comes with Megatron, as for some reason I just don't like the look despite it being clearly the same character. I've never been a big Joe fan, so a lot of the variations over the years are only something I'm learning about now.

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