Transformers Galactic Trials: new console game (Sept 5: gameplay trailer released)


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Something about the Evergreen designs is subtly off-putting to me. I can't explain why. They're so inoffensive that I feel like I should have no reaction to them, but there's definitely a vague "ew" feeling.


Continuity Nutcase
Something about the Evergreen designs is subtly off-putting to me. I can't explain why. They're so inoffensive that I feel like I should have no reaction to them, but there's definitely a vague "ew" feeling.
Is it that they feel "corporately safe"? Like they were focus-group tested?


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maybe, but I don't see why my reaction couldn't just be indifference. Like, I have no feelings whatsoever about the game itself, or anything else the Evergreen designs have been in. Total indifference. Doesn't bother me. Don't care. But I see those designs and some quiet alarm goes off.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm not quite sure what that's like specifically, but my own reaction is a weird sort of aggressive apathy.

Like, they're not designs I know from G1, so that hook is unavailable. But they're not particularly distinctive either in the way that other reinterpretations are, so there's nothing there as well. They're like pre-style guide, "let this artist draw them as whatever just close enough" for a tie-in coloring book or whatever. And so all that's really there are the broad strokes and little of the... Spark? That one might hope for from these. It's a bit odd because I didn't mind them when designs in that vein were used in Cyberverse.

Doesn't help that apparently the Evergreen artwork notes for Hot Rod specifically don't mention the flame deco as a signature element. I mean, I'm glad to see the pipes and spoiler there, but wow. Your whole thing is boiling characters down to their aesthetic essentials, and this guy doesn't have Hot Rod Flames?

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