Transformers Legacy toyline


Another babka?
Upset enough to start crying "G1 with knees" like it was an insult.
If "G1 with knees" is wrong then I don't wanna be right.

But on the original toy, the chest windows were actual vehicle mode windows, in that they folded out to the sides of the truck and became a pair of side windows instead of the windshield like on more traditional Optimus designs. So they weren't fake windows; they were just "different" windows.
My mistake. It's been a while since I had my hands on an original Cybertron Optimus.
Regardless, the Siege remould had faux windows everywhere and it bugged me. Nova sidesteps that issue entirely with his remoulded parts.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Please, I'd do some horrendously indecent things for a re-take on Cybertron Prime if Mark and Hasui-san worked together on it like they did Armada Prime. (And also an Energon Prime if I'm being super greedy, but correcting that soulless Siege mistake comes first.)

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Yeah, there wasn't terribly much on him that could have been improved since he wasn't gimmick-strangled like Override, and it is kind of a fool's errand.

...still want it, tho.


Somehow still sane
Hip ratchets that don’t give out would be Enough TBH. Plus not having electronics would only help out with long term stability. Mine eventually ended up doing the limbo whenever i put the super mode backpack on until I replaced the springs in the ratchets but even the teeth in the joint were starting to get worn down.

ankles would be cool too I guess.


Well-known member
I feel like Cybertron was far enough ahead (and close enough to present day) that any “update” is essentially going to be a more expensive, inferior version of the one that already exists.
Hell, they managed to do that with Laser Prime, a mold that came out nearly 30 years ago.


Continuity Nutcase
Why does he have Cybertron Downshift's guns?


LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
When Cybertron was out, Burger King had tie-in toys. One was an Optimus cab that transformed like a traditional G1 Optimus Prime, with the front of the truck forming the front of the torso, only now all futuristic and angular.


"Oh man," I thought to myself. "That is kinda neat. It would be great if that was done with a full-featured figure."

Years later, they did just that with Galaxy Upgrade OP, and somehow... it just didn't seem as cool as I always thought it would, and I'm not even sure why.



Staff member
Council of Elders
I love the idea of it. I love that GUOP's basic robot mode isn't just a boring version of the super mode.

They just didn't go far enough with it. It really needs some leg armor that actually looks like Cybertron Prime's legs.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
GUOP seems fine in a "This is hte only way we'll get a version of this character anytime soon." way. Like if I missed Cybertron, and wanted a version of that character on my shelf, it'd be fine for that.

But these days when we're getting stuff like Armada Op, he just feels like a missed opportunity. Glad he happened though, I'm super happy with Nova Prime.


Another babka?
I feel like Cybertron was far enough ahead (and close enough to present day) that any “update” is essentially going to be a more expensive, inferior version of the one that already exists.
Mostly agree, but Override proves there are improvements to be made. Sure she lost her Cyber Key gimmick, but on the whole it's a better proportioned and poseable figure than the original. So I'm not against them taking cracks at Cybertron just to see what they can do. They might surprise us.

I mean aren't Cybertron Hot Shot and Vector Prime rumoured to be coming up? That should be a good test to see what they can improve on, what they have to scale back on, and if the update is worth it. The originals of those figures in Cybertron were good but not great, so it's going to be interesting to see how modern takes stack up with what's improved upon vs what's taken away.


Another babka?
When Cybertron was out, Burger King had tie-in toys. One was an Optimus cab that transformed like a traditional G1 Optimus Prime, with the front of the truck forming the front of the torso, only now all futuristic and angular.

View attachment 16979

"Oh man," I thought to myself. "That is kinda neat. It would be great if that was done with a full-featured figure."

Years later, they did just that with Galaxy Upgrade OP, and somehow... it just didn't seem as cool as I always thought it would, and I'm not even sure why.

The way the robot mode arms just sit there at the sides, bolted onto the side of the cab, and the slightly off proportions all around to accommodate the armour gimmick limit the standalone robot mode.

If you hypothetically made an Optimus Prime out of a truck that looked like that, and it didn't have to combine with an armour set, it would look rather cool, I think.


Well-known member
I feel like Cybertron was far enough ahead (and close enough to present day) that any “update” is essentially going to be a more expensive, inferior version of the one that already exists.
That seems to be happening more and more these days. While I certainly still support new figures for those who now can't easily get the old ones, if it isn't superior in some important way to the original (and I already have the original), I'm not going to buy the new toy and will be perfectly happy with my original.


NOT a New Member.
Sigh, I just got the recent troop builder multipack and found that the "extra" Autotrooper head is really just a faceplate. In order to attach it to Earthrise Ratchet, I would need to hack his head in half and then file/saw away at the back of his head and to glue it to the spare Autotrooper face...

I REALLY think Takara missed an opportunity to make a cool Japanese police van from the Earthrise Ratchet/Ironhide mold. It hasn't really been used as much as the Lambor molds so I wouldn't mind some more characters made from it.

How about you folks?
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