Transformers Legacy toyline


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Decepticon Junkion gets to hang out with RotB Scourge and Freezer on the right side of my Junkion shelf.

This is the correct answer. I was trying to come up with good "Evil Junkion Warlord" names for RotB Scourge last night (since I already have too many dudes named Scourge as it is.) Thinking of maybe Despoil. Good combo of something trash/pollution themed along with being reminiscent of "despot."

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Yeah, 'tis getting tough out there. I'm currently looking at paying $50 each for Beachcomber and Axlegrease as major retailers in Canada aren't getting that wave, and I'm wondering if it's really worth it...
When I saw TRU had deluxes priced at 49.99, I re-evaluated my purchasing requirements to be much, much stricter. I don't want to stop: but it's very quickly getting priced out of my budget.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
That happened to me a while back. Between wanting to eventually get a replacement truck (the current one is about to collapse) and other issues, a Transformer has to really wow me to get me to jump. I just got Origins Jazz, the only other one I have preordered right now is Deathsaurus which, the way prices are climbing, will be a real deal by the time he shows up.

Edit: Just saw that original Armada Prime with all the gimmicks like electronic remote autotransform, minicon compatibility, etc was $38.88, according to Dave's review. I know it's not a 1:1 comparison at all, and 20 years have passed, but...erg...
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Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
My shelves are getting pretty full; I have most of the characters I want and now it's basically a case of if a character catches my eye, or if they're just so obscure I gotta go "Well, that's never happening again, onto the shelf you go."

Honestly, I'm basically just waiting for them to get to the handful of IDW characters they haven't done yet and I might be ready to punch out of the collecting aspect of the hobby entirely and just retire to enjoying the fiction. However long that lasts. Given they gave up on the collector oriented cartoon and the comics are in limbo, who knows what that's going to look like over the next few years.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
At this point, unless it's my birthday or Christmas (where I have decided I'm allowed to splurge a bit) or if they're on sale, I literally only buy a Transformer if I absolutely 100% want it and not just 'well, this figure looks pretty cool and I got enough money with me, so I'll buy it'.


Well-known member
I have definitely cut back. I'm pretty much "G1 Character that hasn't had a modern update" and "significantly improved G1 updates." On paper at least, I did buy all the BW S1 updates so I'm not hard and fast with it. I don't dislike things outside of G1 I just have to limit things somehow and those are the ones that matter to me the most.

So I'm caught between wanting more tail end of G1 Characters: Pretenders, Post-87 Masters, Firecons and Throttlebots and the like to get more focus but I also fear that if they'd really really cause me a crisis of Budget.

-ZacWilliam, the fact that a 3rd to a Half of new toys are outside my loose mandate is pretty much the only thing keeping me in the game.


Continuity Nutcase
Pretty much the only time I splurge nowadays is when I'm at BotCon. And it's mainly on items in the dealer room from years past that are harder to come by these days.

At normal retail, I'm more picky. And for Titans and Commanders, I usually wait for a sale.

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
I pretty much retired from collecting after the Prime Trilogy, unless they did Beast Wars and well then Kingdom happened, now I've cut my buying back down to new characters, IDW inspired or JG1 since they don't make many of those three categories.


Two arms and one smile
I'm pretty close to ZacWilliam1's approach in mainly prioritizing G1 stuff; it's just what tugs at my heartstrings the most. However, I have grown along with the brand and there's a lot that I like that came afterward.

These days, I try to limit my purchases outside of G1-referencing toys/characters to just those that I absolutely love. Or unique, one-off kinds of releases that are so outstanding that I can't pass them up. These are often - but not always - HasLab, Selects, or con-exclusive figures.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
At normal retail, I'm more picky. And for Titans and Commanders, I usually wait for a sale.
Same, and I like to think that, after all these years, I’ve kind of been able to peg the general “sales trend” for these kinds of items. Then again, I don’t recall Motormaster ever getting a big “sale”, but Rodimus Prime ended up hitting some impressive lows.

I’ve scaled back like everyone. Something has to REALLY intrigue me to drop a preorder or really hit a nostalgia note. And it’s turning out to be the weird international stuff or deep cuts. Though, I’m not immune to a good nostalgia hit (like Dirge and Shrapnel, among the few “TV characters” I actually had as a kid). Still sad we ended up with Tigatron rather than Polar Claw in Kingdom…

Though, I’ll be damned if, after 20 frickin’ years, I’m actually feeling nostalgia for Armada, of all things!


Active member
Armada Prime looks great! However, I don't feel I need EVERY Optimus that gets released.

Now, if this guy gets repainted as Thunderclash...


Continuity Nutcase
Same, and I like to think that, after all these years, I’ve kind of been able to peg the general “sales trend” for these kinds of items. Then again, I don’t recall Motormaster ever getting a big “sale”, but Rodimus Prime ended up hitting some impressive lows.
Yeah, Motormaster never getting a big sale is the reason I still don't have one.

That, plus the fact that he kinda sold out everywhere at full price (which is obviously why he didn't get a sale, so grrrrr).

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Like seriously, If it weren't for BBTS, Pulse, and TF Source, I would have bought like 4 Transformers in the past three years.....


Staff member
Council of Elders
I never owned Armada Prime back in the Prime days because I didn't like the look of "Pants Prime", but I feel this update really improved the overall look of the toy and make it worth the commander price tag IMO.

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