Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
I wonder what the plan is for a G2 Prime? His “awesome as hell” G2 trailer is assured (right?!) but what is the cab going to be? Repurposed Santa Prime? Laser Prime? In Sureshot colors? In the cancelled Combat Hero deco?


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
Miami Vice-swipe is a thing of beauty.

All of them are great. I don't have any intention of buying the complete G2 Menasor, but I could see myself picking up that Dead End in a moment of weakness and repurposing him as a new character.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I still want my G2 Shattered Glass Glow In The Dark LaserRod Action/Target/Head/Power/Thighmaster Thundercracker with Pretender shell and Combiner Wars limb compatibility. And I want it to be entirely a single hollow piece of plastic with the Playskool logo on it to make the posters on some other message boards heads explode. I call it "The Whole Package".


Well-known member
I wish we would get more cassettes for Blaster / Twincast.

Curious what Leader Soundwave will be.

Cyb Hot Shot will be cool. Funny they skipped Energon. Guess they don’t wanna do the Powerlinking gimmick.


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