Transformers Legacy toyline


Somehow still sane
Tidal Wave would probably be a Leader or maybe commander at most. He has to attach to Armada Megatron and IIRC, Megatron already has some future-proofed attachment engineering going on.


Well-known member
I know it'll never happen in the age of almighty accuracy, but I'd love to see Megatron's Tidal Wave combination redesigned to add boots. I never liked Armada Megatron being so much shorter than Prime's super mode.

I kinda agree here, it feels like it was made in hindsight rather then planned. The only part i really likeed was the sorts flight back it gave him. But never really understood the point of him just wearing two boats on his arms. It feels like it could be redisgned to keep the look similar but improve it at the same time.


Wondering bot
I expect they might visit Tidalwave in Legacy year 3 along with Armada Jetfire that can be Optimus's pants (as the yankies call them) and then evenly Overload for him, with Megs, who knows, they might decide to do a brand new character who is a weaponizer, yet with the intent of combining with Armada Megatron, as for class size, I expect Tidalwave to be a commander class than leader, Jetfire I think leader would suit him while Overload would likely be a voyager as they'll take out the Minicon and give him a alterative alt mode, but that just my specluation!


Well-known member
I expect they might visit Tidalwave in Legacy year 3 along with Armada Jetfire that can be Optimus's pants (as the yankies call them) and then evenly Overload for him, with Megs, who knows, they might decide to do a brand new character who is a weaponizer, yet with the intent of combining with Armada Megatron, as for class size, I expect Tidalwave to be a commander class than leader, Jetfire I think leader would suit him while Overload would likely be a voyager as they'll take out the Minicon and give him a alterative alt mode, but that just my specluation!

Well, currently the original Overload actually work extremely well with Commander Prime. I think there's a bit of wiggle room, but it's not a "just perched" on. There's clearly a place for him.


Wondering bot
Jetfire ought to be whatever size class would allow him to best match the size of Optimus's super mode trousers.

Most likely leader class, why because its not exactly a straight forward transformation as he pretty much a triple changer, besides the trailer legs are taller than a voyager figure


Well-known member
He’ll probably be leader SIZED but they might need (or can at least feasibly justify) Commander price for the engineering.


Well-known member
If they're sticking to the original transformation, Jet to shuttle back then wasn't much more then laying him down and folding the wings down and cockpit up. The shuttle was basically just a shell with everything else going to the leg mods or robot mode. So they might not have to get Commander class complex.


Continuity Nutcase
Yeah, if they can basically just recreate the original figure's transformation, but with some improved hip articulation and much more secure shuttle bay doors on his back, he'd be a pretty reasonably simple figure to engineer.


Somehow still sane
Jetfire isn’t all that complex but I’d probably put him closer to commander than Leader in terms of plastic mass. Armada Optimus’s trailer is pretty sizeable and Jetfire would be a similar size on top of transformation and robot joints in the mix as well. He also has to set aside plastic for the wings, thruster gun, chestplate and landing gear minicon.

They could probably throw in one or two of the combining minicon weapons to improve the value proposition. Thematically, the blaster is the best fit but a Star Saber would work with Hot Shot and Starscream already released. (Also, Starscream’s Star Saber lol.)
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Wondering bot
I doult they would give him a Minicon, it likely be a proper landing gear, they seem a bit singy on Minicons of late and smaller than the current day legands class bots, unless they are planning to do a speical pack or something


Somehow still sane
They developed a release that's noncompliant to their entire pricing structure just to get a minicon out, so they're aware of the demand for them. I don't see why they wouldn't be able to squeeze one into a hypothetical commander class item that's not particularly large or complex. If they release Jetfire as a Leader, then yeah, landing gear guy is definitely out.

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