Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
I've already worked Rock Lords into my continuity, so I guess I can parse these guys as representing the first generation of Cybertronians to land on Quartex, who haven't yet fully adapted.

So it would go Armorizers (Cybertronians wearing armour) -> Rock Lords (built to use native rock as insulation) -> RiD-style Minicons (built with hardened systems and energy shielding).


Continuity Nutcase
No, I see Fixit as something else. Maybe some kind of possibly-sparked ancestor of the Diagnostic Drone.
Which RID Mini-Con types, specifically, does it apply to? There were six types: Buzzsaws, Torpedoes, Cyclones, Caretakers (which you've excluded), Weaponizers, and Activators.


Well-known member
Mainly the Buzzsaws, Torpedoes, and Cyclones; the ones that transform into inanimate objects (and which appear to be nigh-invulnerable when transformed).

The Weaponizers and Activators are more similar to the classic Armada-style Minicons, so I don't feel any real need to justify them (though some of the Weaponizers could easily be more advanced versions of Ferak's little pets --as could the melee-based Battle Masters like Lionizer, Smashdown, or Pteraxadon).


I was really hyped up for this wave, but after seeing pictures I am disappointed in all of these. I was hoping for a better beast mode for Tigerhawk, but this one looks just as awkward as the original. The hawk feet are also missing the back toes which looks strange.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm not an Animated fan. I'm someone who still just can't get into the aesthetic. The designs are brilliant. The transformations have as much personality as the two (or three) modes. I'm impressed. I want to love them. I just can't get over the funhouse mirror filter. It's just too far. It's not even trying not to be too far. It embraces being too far. It's not for me.

This Optimus is for me. This is the best looking of the Animated redos so far. By a mile. It's not just an Animated head Frankenstein'd onto a blocky body. It's a blend, but a much more successful blend than Prowl. They just gave the design enough angles and straight lines to fit outside an Animated collection, without overthinking it, and without destroying the things that made me wish I could love the design in the first place.


Well-known member
See for me, the Prime still looks way too Animated to fit in with the Legacy aesthetic. And it kind of has to be, otherwise it'd mostly just be another Prime but without a face plate. It's not a bad thing; I honestly wish they'd done all the Animated updates like this vs the weird head on a G1'ish body.

That being said, I probably wouldn't buy those either because I still have my whole Animated collection. It'd be a nice chance for people that came along later to build one though.


Two arms and one smile
I liked the Animated show. I thought that some of the characters were well thought-out, and the actual stories were good. However, I really didn't warm up to the designs and as a result, did not seek out the toys. It's cool that they are referencing this period in TF history for the new line, but I am not in a hurry to buy updates of toys that I didn't like to begin with.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It looks like Legacy to me. It's obviously not G1, but for me it's now on the same level as something like the Unicron Trilogy. It's still its own thing. It's a different direction. Just not a whole different universe. Divergent evolution vs an alien.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
i love the animated aesthetic to pieces but i totally admit the hybrid aesthetic legacy TFA prime is going for is kinda my ideal TF aesthetic. dynamic lines and proportions like animated, but with added details and a bit more anime-ish.

honestly, he kinda looks like what i think a TF cartoon done by studio trigger would look like.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
There is some speculation about this Prime at some point getting released as a Leader with armor pieces like the abandoned season 4 design. I don't know if they are planning on doing that, but if they decide to do it at some point, this thing does have ports in all the right places to make it easy.


Wondering bot
I liked the Animated show. I thought that some of the characters were well thought-out, and the actual stories were good. However, I really didn't warm up to the designs and as a result, did not seek out the toys. It's cool that they are referencing this period in TF history for the new line, but I am not in a hurry to buy updates of toys that I didn't like to begin with.

Animated leader Megatron is a pretty cool figure, it was certainly the best of the Megatrons and still stands as the best leader class Megatron from before they seriously were focused on scale!


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It just occurred to me that not only do the feet have the necessary ports for super mode boots, but the weird new leg transformation places those ports right where the super bits would need a place to attach in vehicle mode.


Wondering bot
It just occurred to me that not only do the feet have the necessary ports for super mode boots, but the weird new leg transformation places those ports right where the super bits would need a place to attach in vehicle mode.

Um, Animated OP never got a height boost, he got a pair of gloves to aid wielding the Magnus hammer and a jetpack with wings, that's it, animated went a different route compared to the previous Optimus prime toys and character


Continuity Nutcase
Um, Animated OP never got a height boost, he got a pair of gloves to aid wielding the Magnus hammer and a jetpack with wings, that's it, animated went a different route compared to the previous Optimus prime toys and character
They're talking about the Season 4 design that never came about, not the Season 3 winged design.



Not this:



There is some speculation about this Prime at some point getting released as a Leader with armor pieces like the abandoned season 4 design. I don't know if they are planning on doing that, but if they decide to do it at some point, this thing does have ports in all the right places to make it easy.
That sounds like the kind of "speculation" that amounts to "this would be cool, and since Hasbro has been doing unlikely-sounding things, every cool thing is probably happening."

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