Transformers Legacy toyline


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Indeed. It’s just a shame that when they swing and miss. More often then not, they miss by a mile.

As to the Straxus reveal. The IDW style Straxus is…fine I guess. I;ll be honest, that like, like the IDW1 pre empurata Shockwave are interesting looks, but not very distinctive. The ‘head in a jar’ Krang look ends up looking like what is, a frankensteinian mess of parts around a head. Personally, I’d rather have a Straxus who looks like Straxus.


Somehow still sane
I’d chalk this one up to sheer incompetence. This company has a history of mediocre toys and makes most of their sales off the fact that nobody else is touching the characters they make toys of.

Also, I can get how some of the fandom don’t care about the actual engineering and just want a toy to plonk down on the shelf but a lot of this company’s toys also end up absolutely hideous.
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Another babka?
Isn't that the same with most 3P and even some official MP TFs?
The saving grace of most mainline Transformers is that they have to transformable convertable by little kids. That keeps the designers and engineers honest.
They even scaled back difficulty when they admitted, post-DotM, that the movie stuff was getting a bit too complex for kids.

I think recently the mainline stuff has been on a role in terms of accessibility. CW stuff was all very simple by design but they still pulled off a number of great figures. TR and PotP's stuff wasn't that difficult and still worked in headmasters and powermasters. And the WfC/Legacy lines have hit a really good balance of quality with straightforward engineering. Even stuff that seems to make magic happen like ER Optimus or Kingdom Cyclonus have simple solutions that go long ways in transformation.

The problem is when you remove kids from consideration.
"We're making toys for the adult collector" has always lead to overthinking stuff in the worst ways, be it from HasTak or 3p companies.

I don't own any MP TFers anymore but I do own the two Brave MPs TT did and while I like them in all their end modes the transformations are entirely unpleasant. The thing is that Exkaiser, King Exkaiser, and Dragon Kaiser are not complicated designs, yet these toys go out of their way to be as intricate and complicated as possible because "it's an adult collectable."
And while I don't collect MP Transformers, a quick look at reviews of TT's latest MP offerings shows that mentality is still alive and well.

Of course 3p companies fall into the trap as well. Some of it is, admittedly, about trying to copy the feel and aesthetic of existing official MP toys. And you have some companies like BadCube who base their entire brand around having challenging transformations.

But I've seen enough 3p figures first hand that neither qualification would apply to that still had frustratingly intricate and complicated transformations because that's just what's expected with "aDuLt CoLlEcTaBlEs"

It didn't always have to be this way, of course. I had both the FansProjects UM upgrade kit for Classics UM and the Rodimus Prime upgrade kit for Classics Rodimus. Neither of those were overly complicated. But ofc the same company overthought the problem with their 3p Springer figure. And Mastermind Creations' Nova Prime was downright unpleasant converting from alien truck to robot. Far too many small pieces on ball joints that had to align EXACTLY right for anything to fit together as intended.

Again, not complicated designs. But take away the guardrail of "kids need to be able to have fun with this" and designers and engineers lose their minds, thinking simple and effective solutions don't cute it because "adult collectables" require complexity.


Continuity Nutcase
Sadly, some non-86 Studio Series toys are still like this, too, having such teeny tiny pieces that need to go in the absolute exact places in order to transform, but keep popping off at every moment during the transformation.

The problem is when you remove kids from consideration.
"We're making toys for the adult collector" has always lead to overthinking stuff in the worst ways, be it from HasTak or 3p companies.
And the same could be said for TF cartoons aimed primarily at adult viewers. The people making them overthink things in the worst way and the results tend to be the same each time: Unnecessarily excessive amounts of grim misery, uber-violence, occasional swearing, surface-level G1 references (or in Kingdom's case, BW references), and hardly any levity. It's like the people making these think adult fans only want to feel depressed and not have any fun.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I remember back in the early days of the 3P market when some company or other made a Skyfire that had intakes that moved location between modes and they were tied to the body with literal string just to avoid partsforming.

This is actually a step up.

It was especially funny because that Skyfire had multiple instances of partsforming anyway. So what was the point?


Another babka?
Sadly, some non-86 Studio Series toys are still like this, too, having such teeny tiny pieces that need to go in the absolute exact places in order to transform, but keep popping off at every moment during the transformation.

And the same could be said for TF cartoons aimed primarily at adult viewers. The people making them overthink things in the worst way and the results tend to be the same each time: Unnecessarily excessive amounts of grim misery, uber-violence, occasional swearing, surface-level G1 references (or in Kingdom's case, BW references), and hardly any levity. It's like the people making these think adult fans only want to feel depressed and not have any fun.
My biggest gripe is that everyone making "adult" TF content seems to be referencing TF:TM as their idea of what "G1" was. Prime giving heroic speeches, epic battles. Like I'm convinced the Transformers: Prime writing staff thought G1 Prime began and ended with the '86 movie.
When in reality G1 Prime cracked wise, trash talked, told Blaster his music sucked, called Astrotrain and Blitzwing "boobies," and played basketball. But no one ever remembers THAT G1 Prime.

Which is one reason I like both Earthspark and SB's Transformers title. Both seem to remember that Optimus is a compassionate guy who just wants the best for everyone and isn't above a dad joke or two. He's not an endless trailer quote machine.

As far as the toys? I have ER Optimus and I passed on MP-44. After watching a review of the latter I'm confident I made the right choice.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
TF:TM does have an oversized presence in the minds of pop culture, IMO stemming in part with the fact that it was probably most commonly available piece of TF media on home video for decades. You probably didn't have many, if any, episodes on VHS but you damn well had that movie! By the time stuff like internet piracy and DVD's became more common, the damage was done and we got an entire generation raised on that movie.

Which, that movie is such a weird, unqiue and specific happenstance that likely will never be repeated, so centering the franchise around it is unfortunate. Especially since people seemingly just remember the first 20 or so minutes and then the stuff at the end.


Continuity Nutcase
My biggest gripe is that everyone making "adult" TF content seems to be referencing TF:TM as their idea of what "G1" was.
And even then, TFTM wasn't all "Gritty and Mature Edginess", neither. It had Hot Rod and Daniel fishing. It had Eric Idle Wreck-Gar with his wacky obscure TV quotes. It had other characters with equally silly voices and speech quirks like speed-talking Blurr and rhyming squeaky-voiced Wheelie. It had cutesy Dinobots who just want to hear storytime. It had grandpa Kup who ended up being one of the funnier characters of the movie. And it had a music score that was less "Hollywood epic" like John Williams, Danny Elfman, or Hans Zimmer, and more "wondrous" and "party-going" like an 80s metal/techno/rock concert.

Too many people forget all of that.

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