Transformers Legacy toyline


Staff member
Council of Elders
RB Heatwave's head and chest on Energon Barricade/Nexus Prime Heatwave's body. And the altmode has Shadow Striker's hood.


Continuity Nutcase
Artist Scott Johnson has posted an image of an early design of the promotional poster for the Legacy line, specifically for its first year. This is from back in 2020 before Hasbro's plans for the line changed to be what it became upon the line's release in 2022.

Notable elements shown in the poster art below that differ from the final version of the line are:
  • "Evolution" was originally going to be a subtitle for the first year of the line instead of the second, which is why store listings labeled all of the first-year Legacy toys as "Legacy EV".
  • Straxus is pictured prominently at the bottom-center just above the logo, as he was going to be the main antagonist character of the line and would have seen release as a Leader class toy, until he was canceled and replaced with the Legacy Transmetal II Megatron toy.
  • HasLab Unicron's head sits ominously in the upper background, suggesting he might have played a role in whatever the original plans for the toyline's story was.
  • A tagline for the line is given at the top of the poster.


The final Legacy (Year 1) poster art for comparison:

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Well-known member
He looks more like hobotron from Transformers Monstrosity which was inspired by Dark of the Moon.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Regarding Straxus:

Hasbro planned to center the storyline of Transformers: Legacy around Straxus as the main villain. To this goal, a Leader Class Straxus toy was solicited for the first year of the toyline, and art was produced for his eventual design in the franchise. Anna Malkova created the design featured in the 2019 IDW comics as a stepping stone toward this purpose, along with an "after 'accident'" design closer to the Legacy art and homaging the character's fate in the UK comics of being a head in a jar. When Netflix declined to pick up the planned three-season Legacy series, those plans were dropped—the second design for Straxus never appeared in the comics and the toy was replaced with Transmetal II Megatron.

Regarding the person above Bulkhead, it's Blaster.


Wondering bot
When did Straxus start wearing skulls, chains, and a poncho?

Far as I'm aware, he never did, but I guess with the original plan of him being the main villian for whatever would of followed on from WFC trilogy, he would likely be living in the wastelands of Cybertron and wears it to keep the harsh environment effects at bay and to hide his idenity until he decides to reveal it, likely in front of Megatron, I would expect he would be extremely pissed at Megatron, prehaps the place that Shockwave was recomending to shutdown was wear he worked and when Megatron betrayed the Decepticons in his optics, he became vengenful as everything they fought for, became worthless in a single moment and if the story had carried on, I expect Tarn would of made his animation debut, seeking to bring Megatron to justice for similar reasons!


too old for this
Watched Emgo's video on Tidal Wave. Gotta be honest, I am not happy about some of the decisions made. I'm still going to get him, but honestly, I really just wanted the original toy with knees.

Like, the mini dark fleet is, to me, just dumb. I never cared for that 'combining' gimmick back in Armada. Here it feels tacked on and stupid. The concessions made to the toy to accommodate that feature hinder it more than I thought it would.
I didn't think that being unable to get from one mode to the other without taking him apart would be a big deal to me, but the more I watched, the more I wished that was possible.
The back being open so you can see the mini fleet just stuck there looks horrid. Were you able to flip that panel up and hide that, I think it would look better.

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood tonight (absolutely true) but I wish some things were done different.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I agree about the transformation. This is one of the most annoying cases of partsforming I've ever seen, because it's a design that worked in the first place. They took something that already worked and found a new way to make it not work. The new proportions are beautiful, but if they made it impossible to keep the original transformation then I'm not sure they're worth it.

The loss of all the original gimmicks also really sucks. I always considered them part of what made Tidal Wave such a seemingly good fit for Titan Class. At this size Ramjet wouldn't even need to fold up to fit in the elevator. Instead it's all just gone. Even if they do release a Ramjet separately, what's the point?

It's big, beautiful, but boring.

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