Transformers Legacy toyline


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I do like Slipstream, her mix of colors just pops. Like others, I wish she didn't have to be a Windblade retool, but I'll take what I can get.

Not super-sold on Quake, but I like that he has his Targetmasters.


Well-known member
Maybe it's the lighting, but I'm not crazy about Quake's colors. He was a childhood favorite, and his deep maroon and dark blue color scheme was a part of that. I thought Titan's Return Quake captured it really well. These seem too bright.
Well whatever the case is, Mark is saying those colors are "accurate to his character persona".

The Phazer

Well-known member
Quake is just an embarrassment to the line. That isn't a tank. And if the plastic on the target masters were any thinner they'd only exist in two dimensions. That is a product that absolutely should not ship.

Slipstream is meh. That head doesn't go great with the rest of the body. Can the null rays not mount on the arms? But the colours are nice.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Didn't someone figure out if you spin Windblade's hips in jet more, the back half of the jet looks more like an F-14? Guess that was unintentional.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Both the blue and the maroon on Quake could be a bit darker, which makes me wonder if it's a lighting issue. Kinda disappointed that the guns are blue and purple instead of black and purple though, and the back half of the turret in vehicle mode feels like a bit of a mess so far, maybe better pictures later will help there(and clarify if the colors are a lighting thing).


Well-known member
Maybe it's the lighting, but I'm not crazy about Quake's colors. He was a childhood favorite, and his deep maroon and dark blue color scheme was a part of that. I thought Titan's Return Quake captured it really well. These seem too bright.

I agree that it's weirdly bright.

-ZacWilliam, I'm kinda content with the TR version. I may get this one just for the Target
masters, compair the two main robots in person and put the TM with whichever I like more.


Well-known member
I'm kinda torn on Quake, and yeah its due to his colors. I'll probably wait til someone has it in hand; just becuase while the robot mode looks over saturated, some of the tank mode shots make it look darker; maybe not to the degree I like but still might look better. I'd prefer a Maroon and Navy, but I'll take a brick red and deep blue. But After Needlenose and Spinister getting unique molds, him being a remold is kinda disappointing, but at least he's an extensive one.

Slipstream I'm also kinda torn on, but at least she's kinda expected due to having been a Windblade retool previously... I just wish it had kept to the previous' one legnths of being a heavier retool. Its not Chromia "bad/unfitting" but it still feels rather low effort.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I do kind of want those Targetmasters, though. I can see myself buying it to give the Targetmasters to TR Quake and using this new one as his new intern, Aftershock.


Kaiser Dragon
I like Quake well enough as an upgrade to the TR figure. I never liked his being a Hardhead repaint. I definitely like the look of this one better in both modes, even if the tank is... that. And he finally gets his partners. Now I hope they get matching partners for Spinister out there somehow.

Slipstream is just disappointing. I knew she would be to some extent just from being a deluxe instead of starting from the seeker tooling, but not even being able to mount her weapons on her arms is frustrating. Her face is pretty bland too. I don't love the old version, but I'm not sold on this one either.


Continuity Nutcase
Hate that Slipstream. Hate hate hate hate hate that Slipstream. Hate it.

Because it's not Slipstream. At all.

It's Slipstream's colors on Windblade's body. Windblade's body without any retooling is not a Seeker body in any capacity.

And that head is not Slipstream's head. Slipstream is female. That head does not look anything like any head Slipstream has ever had. It's too masculine, resembling some random male dude instead. (EDIT: Having now read Mark's designer commentary, he even admits that the head is just Starscream with new ears. New ears do not make something feminine, Mark!)

This is not Slipstream. Period.

Quake looks decent. Nothing too fancy, but it gets the job done and at least resembles the character.
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Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Depending on who you ask that's most of the retools in this line.


Well-known member
Okay, Slipstream doesn't look bad, but I am not sold on getting her. Quake, however, does look nice, and I can justify getting him.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
While I think that Slipstream is fairly disapointing, with the lack of wing retooling, the lack of any attempt to give her a more accurate chest and not even bothering to slap ports on her arms to mount her guns, I don't think the headsculpt is bad, and I certainly don't think it looks unfeminine.


That said, I'll be glad when we reach next year and not have to annoyingly slap a universe designation onto figures that look nothing like the character from that universe.


Slipsteam is okay in my book. An actual ER Starscream retool would have been better, but I don't have a version of her yet, so this will be her first appearance in my collection/world.

Not fond of that Quake, though. I was really hoping he'd be a new mold. One of my favorite things about G1 Quake was his transformation. The legs wrapping around was cool and unusual. (I actually tried cobbling together a T30 Megatron and CW Warpath at one point to make a version of Quake, because the transformation was about the same.) I might stay with TR Quake, since I have a copy of Adventure "Targetmaster" that I gave to him to be one of his Targetmasters. (My headcanon is that Chasm is the other, reformatted into a Titan Master.)

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