Transformers Legacy toyline


words pain, funny man
Funny thing is I bought Missing Link... and I also want this? I donno... I've got sort of a growing "Optimus" shelf aside from ER Prime with the rest of my collection. So more neat Optimi that won't fit anywhere else is welcome.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Weird. I didn't have to login to see it.
I got that 'Log into Instagram' message at the bottom of the page and the video wouldn't play unless I logged into Shitstagram.

Screenshot from 2024-06-19 17-09-25.png


Staff member
Council of Elders
I tested it in Windows 11 and Linux. Video plays and I don't even have to close the log in message first.


Continuity Nutcase
I do also have an ad blocker, and may have once upon a time used it to hide that little login message. Maybe that's how it worked for me.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Jtprime17 hit us with one last set of revelations, sadly they're about what we're NOT getting, namely the Core Class has indeed not been solicited as part of the line next year and apparently wasn't selling the way Hasbro wanted.

I have seen about 95% of the solicitations for 2025 that was offered to retailers.

Core class is not one of the price points being offered next year. At least in the traditional sense. Some figures will trickle out in some multipacks.

In all honesty the data I have seen shows the price point has not been preforming the way Hasbro would like it.


Well-known member
I've seen some TF vloggers theorizing this for a bit now. Its disapointing, but honestly it'll return at some point. It always does.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I feel like the smaller price point figures, while I am a fan of them, are kind of a lost cause at this point because of the pricing. It's just too much money for the size of the figures and I know there are reasons for all that but when you're looking at the figures on the pegs at the store, you're not thinking about that, you're thinking like 'Wow that is $12 and it's so small, that ain't worth it'.


Somehow still sane
The character selection is questionable. If they’re not smaller versions of big guys who also happen to have better/bigger toys on shelves simultaneously, they’re absolute fodder nobodies. And that was before they flooded the size class with the core dinobots who mostly look very similar.


Staff member
Council of Elders
The Core Dinobots were a mistake. That was six slots spent on bots I was incentivized not to buy because I wanted to wait for the deco they were obviously designed for. I guess they assumed the Dinobots' popularity would be enough, but they just aren't that good as individual toys or as a combined bot, and seeing Dinobots other than Grimlock isn't a surprise or a novelty anymore. The only point here was Dinoking, and they haven't offered to sell me that yet.

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