Transformers Legacy toyline

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
It's a badly kept secret that Mars Bars are actually made on Earth from local materials, just to reduce transport costs. I think it's scandalous and to the best of my knowledge the candy companies have never dared address it or even bring the subject up.

But then again, I have from various inside sources that, sooner or later, it will come out that the entire Star Trek and Star Wars franchises were faked. Due to a lack of spaceships available, in both cases they just rigged some sound stages to look the part and hope no one noticed. Heck, I heard the actors themselves claim in interviews that they would throw themselves around while the film crew shook the camera to try to make it look like the ship was moving. Decades of fraud...


NOT a New Member.
I can only say the following things contain nuts:




And, of course, these two chaps.



Somehow still sane
More images of the Thundertron multi-pack. Thundertron definitely has his Prime toy colors. Nightstrike and Calcitron are look about the same but the wish the color on rock guy were a more stony blue rather than the arctic vibes he currently has. Very much prefer the more monstrous head though.
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Somehow still sane
And the correct robot mode head. Though, strangely, the stock photos with the white background still use the old mass-retail head instead.
The white background pics straight up use stock images of the general release Thundertron toy so I guess it was just an error. He shouldn’t even be able to hold the sword on the right because exclusive Thundy has a hook there.
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NOT a New Member.
The white background pics straight up use stock images of the general release Thundertron toy so I guess it was just an error. He shouldn’t even be able to hold the sword on the right because exclusive Thundy has a hook there.
And also, Thundertron is always looking for booty and hos...


(I'll get my coat)


Another babka?
And the correct robot mode head. Though, strangely, the stock photos with the white background still use the old mass-retail head instead.
I like to think of the two versions being a younger and older take 😁

He starts out, his beard is shorter and trim, dark rich colours...

Over time he loses a hand, his colours fade a bit.... his beard grows to epic old man pirate proportions.

If someone wanted to represent Thundertron's past and present.... his two Legacy figures do a good job at reflecting that, I think.

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