Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
Flame and Xaaron (Xa-A-Ron?) are on their way! Been waiting a long time for that wily old buzzard!
I'm not sure if there's ever been official guidance on Xaaron's pronunciation, but for what it's worth, I've only ever used two syllables (either ZAY-ron or ZEH-ron, admitting that it alternates in my own head)


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I guess the name "Aaron" being pronounced that way is a reason to assume "Xaaron" might rhyme with it?

But I always assumed the first syllable of "Xaaron" was the same as the second syllable of "bazaar".

Same here, I've always assumed it to be pronounced like "czar on". Apply it directly to the czar.


Well-known member
Man, the more I see of the Legacy United G1 Optimus the less I'm impressed. He's WAY too small (shorter than Beachcomber) and from what I hear just feels really light and cheap. I like that there's an affordable alternative to Missing Link, but it feels like they really dropped the ball on this one.

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