Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
Next years Generation Selects Titan guesses:
Shattered Glass Nemesis

Nemesis is too new, and we've not gotten any SG Titan yet; and if we were I feel like the first would be Metroplex since 1. He was in the IDW Comics and 2. He can be sold as or used as Metrotitan, to easily increase sales.

Gigastorm would be my main choice, since it gets us a BW2 Baddie, and its colors are close enough to Triptacon that anyone that might have missed him could get this one if they don't do a straight up reissue.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I just want an Omega Supreme reissue.
I’ve seen this crop up at several sites and in the “fan reissue request”…but I KNOW they’ve reissued Omega at LEAST twice since his original release, plus the Selects Guardian Robot. I’m still baffled that there remains THAT MUCH demand after all these runs AND a repaint. Especially for a $200-250 figure.


Somehow still sane
They reissued Jetfire again this year. They’re probably just waiting for some factory time to open up to do it.


Well-known member
I wish Omega looked as good as the prototype did.


No idea *why* they had to elongate the crotch and lose the upper leg covers but it really negatively impacted the sculpt.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I’ve seen this crop up at several sites and in the “fan reissue request”…but I KNOW they’ve reissued Omega at LEAST twice since his original release, plus the Selects Guardian Robot. I’m still baffled that there remains THAT MUCH demand after all these runs AND a repaint. Especially for a $200-250 figure.

I don't remember him being reissued before. I was unemployed when he was first released and couldn't afford it.

The repaint is irrelevant to me because I don't want to spend $200 on a literal non-character.


Continuity Nutcase
A recent discovery has been made regarding discarded plans for a Leader class toy of Straxus in the pre-Evolution year of Legacy.

Originally, had a toy listing for a "TRA GEN Legacy EV Leader DARKMOUNT," (recall that all of the first-year Legacy toys were listed by stores as "Legacy EV" instead of just "Legacy"; this is not an indication that said toy would have been part of the second-year Evolution line). But when the final toy for this listing went live, it ultimately became the order page for Legacy Leader class Transmetal II Megatron instead, meaning that toy replaced the Legacy Straxus/Darkmount toy.

Awhile back, F.J. DeSanto (the head writer of both the Machinima Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons and the Netflix War For Cybertron Trilogy cartoon) had pitched a Legacy cartoon to Netflix that would have lasted for three seasons, but Netflix passed on the pitch.

More recently, a mysterious piece of artwork in the style of the Legacy toy packaging popped up online and DeSanto himself has confirmed it to have been artwork created by Hasbro to represent a character who would have been the main villain of the Legacy animated series had Netflix picked it up.



IDW artist Anna Malkova also chimed in to confirm that the artwork was none other than Straxus, for whom she had done preliminary design work. She created two different designs for this new Straxus, one being his "Original Body", and a Frankenstein-esque "After 'Accident'" design. The first one was used for "Straxxus" as he appeared in the 2019 IDW comics, while the second one went unused.


It is this second one that resembles the design seen in the artwork DeSanto confirmed to have been for the Legacy cartoon villain, meaning this monstrous version of Straxus with his head floating in a liquid tube inside his chest might have been what the Leader class Legacy toy may have looked like (the way it would have actually transformed, and into what, exactly, is anyone's guess).
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I feel a special connection to that "Original Body" Straxus. It's like the artist reached directly into my soul and created a perfect embodiment of why I don't miss IDW.

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