Transformers Legacy toyline


Somehow still sane
I don’t mind the Animated look. If I had infinite space and money sure, but it’s just too idiosyncratic. To save on space and costs, I had to draw the line somewhere and cut Animated, Movieverse and MP.

Prime got saved from the purge because there’s only like a handful on each side lol.
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I like The Motor Master, but unfortunately(?) this will not translate into a purchase as I already have the Botcon one and feel no particular need to own two of him.

Not at the same pricepoint, at least. Make a Core version and we'll talk.


Active member
Got everything I wanted preordered.

While I wish Slipstream had either gotten her own dedicated Fem Seeker mold or at least a new wings, torso, shoulders and lower arms/legs retool/remold. This is probably the best we're gonna get for a long time and it'll be the first version of her that I'll have in my collection. So, didn't feel I could pass on her.

Already have Metalhawk but the metallic grey paint really does make a good figure even better. Got him.

GoBots! Must haves for me. Hope we get more. Waiting in a Leader 1 Seeker and Cy-Kill Junkion repaint/retool.

Rocklord? I've gotten all of them so far. May as well finish the whole team.

Quake. Another must buy for me.

BUZZSAW!! and his accessory pack? Mine!

Emirate Xaaron and Autobot Flame. Also ordered.


Somehow still sane
It might actually look pretty good with the Earthrise trailer. That thing was always a bit small for voyager trucks but it might just fit this one.


Continuity Nutcase
I just want to see more of Not Missing Link Prime.

Come on, Mark. Show us how it looks with various trailers attached,
It might actually look pretty good with the Earthrise trailer. That thing was always a bit small for voyager trucks but it might just fit this one.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's ridiculous how much better that trailer looks with this Prime than the one it came with.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Was Xaaron the biggest remaining show/comic-only G1 character whose never had a toy? I'm trying to think of who's left now. Rack 'n' Ruin, I guess?

Arcee, Alpha Trion, the female Autobots and Devcon have gotten toys. Straxus, Scrourge and now Xaaron have gotten toys. (Though Scrounge is probably due for an update)

Who's the biggest G1 character left that still needs a toy?


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Was Xaaron the biggest remaining show/comic-only G1 character whose never had a toy? I'm trying to think of who's left now. Rack 'n' Ruin, I guess?

Arcee, Alpha Trion, the female Autobots and Devcon have gotten toys. Straxus, Scrourge and now Xaaron have gotten toys. (Though Scrounge is probably due for an update)

Who's the biggest G1 character left that still needs a toy?

There's a few that I can think of. Again, these are getting more obscure, but I don't feel like anything is off the table now:

The Last Autobot - Vector Prime is a pretty good stand in for him, but I'd like to see him get his own toy.

Trannis, the Decepticon leader before Megatron. He'd be a great remold of the Voyager Junkion toy, possibly in a two-pack with:

Sentinel Prime / U-Haul Robot, I'd love to see him made from Gamer Edition Optimus, now that we know that's a thing they can/will do.

sent  combine.jpg

Carnivac had a decent run in the comics, your basic Wolverine type of character. I can't believe we've never gotten him out of any of the various wolf transformers.

The majority of Squadron X, the DJD, or the Mayhem Attack Squad, tons of good characters there.

And last but not least, we still need Titan Class Spanner!

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