Transformers: One - New Animated Prequel coming September 20th, 2024 - New Toy Official Images!

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Wild idea about the plot that I'm hope I'm wrong about.

When Alpha Trion gives Megatron and the others transformation cogs, he's pulling them out of the ground, in what is apparently a graveyard of the 13 primes?

Are those transformation cogs are from some of the primes?

If so, I wonder if Megatron gets Megatronus', which is why he'll take the name, and it just corrupts him or something ("he's changed"). Prime would probably gets Prima's which might explain how he eventually finds the matrix.

Cogs don't normally work like that, but it's a newish continuity, so who knows.

Hopefully I'm way off here.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Hopefully not the case, yeah.
I think those are better explained as artifacts and bygone tech/creations of the 13 rather than the more grisly alternative.

Also I'd rather that character development come from the events they process rather than any specific plot device, and there's plenty of room for the former in what they're building here.


Continuity Nutcase
Yeah, I previously brought up the possibility of Megatron's change for the worse being the product of exposure to some kind of corruptive substance like Dark Energon or something, based on a couple of shots in the trailer where his chest and arm look to be surging with some kind of evil-looking glowing purple energy, but I hope that isn't the case since that would heavily simplify and cheapen his character journey and just add one more thing to the story that doesn't need to be there.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm already suspicious of all the praise from early viewers, but if that turns out to be the plot I'm going to be disappointed.


Another babka?
I'm already suspicious of all the praise from early viewers, but if that turns out to be the plot I'm going to be disappointed.
Like... let's be real. Anyone getting an advanced screening of this thing is getting it because they're in good with either Hasbro, Paramount, or both. No one who's a "content creator" in the TF fan community is going to burn those bridges by going "you know... kinda mid."

I want to like this thing, the character designs and VA seems on point. But we'll wait and see. I was hyped for RotB which had competent people up and down the line and still fell flat for me.

Anyway I've never been a huge fan of Megatron getting his name from "Megatronus Prime of the Thirteen."

I don't mind The Fallen as a character/member of the Thirteen but I almost think it's cooler if we never found out his name... like it was stricken from history to the point where even he just embraces being "The Fallen."
Hearing that his name was "Megatronus" and that was where Megatron got his name had me rolling my eyes so far back I could see my brain.
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Continuity Nutcase
I have to wonder if the idea of The Fallen having a name similar to Megatron and serving as the in-universe inspiration for his name was possibly inspired by the Megatron of myth described in the Covenant of Primus in the Beast Wars series finale, with those who got the idea from that not understanding that the Megatron myth was supposed to be about Beast Wars Megatron himself, meaning Beast Wars Megatron named himself after himself.


Another babka?
I want that kind of Megatron back. Not corrupted by anyone or anything. Just driven mad by his own increasingly out of control ambitions.
Fully agreed.

I have to wonder if the idea of The Fallen having a name similar to Megatron and serving as the in-universe inspiration for his name was possibly inspired by the Megatron of myth described in the Covenant of Primus in the Beast Wars series finale, with those who got the idea from that not understanding that the Megatron myth was supposed to be about Beast Wars Megatron himself, meaning Beast Wars Megatron named himself after himself.
My head canon was always that the CoP Megatron was a prophecy about BW Megatron, but for the longest time was just a name in some spiritual texts. G1 Megatron took the name, which would be like people today named "Issac," "Abraham," "Jesus," or "Mohammad."

Then BW Megatron took the name to honour the Decepticon leader and ended up becoming the very inspiration of the name in a timey-wimey sort of way. Nice and circular and doesn't need The Fallen to have a fanfic-y name.


Continuity Nutcase
I mean, the Nemesis 2-parter kinda went out of its way to all but state outright that the prophetic quotes in the Covenant of Primus were referring to the events of that 2-parter. The intention seems pretty clear that the "Megatron" described in the book was indeed referring to Beast Wars Megatron, and that he himself didn't originally realize that until the specific events of those two episodes began to unfold and continued to play out accordingly. Ergo, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a little more canon than headcanon.


Another babka?
I mean, the Nemesis 2-parter kinda went out of its way to all but state outright that the prophetic quotes in the Covenant of Primus were referring to the events of that 2-parter. The intention seems pretty clear that the "Megatron" described in the book was indeed referring to Beast Wars Megatron, and that he himself didn't originally realize that until the specific events of those two episodes began to unfold and continued to play out accordingly. Ergo, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a little more canon than headcanon.
My headcanon is that G1 Megatron was either named after, or named himself after, the "Megatron" in the scriptures. Essentially making it that G1 and BW Megatrons named themselves after each other.

Either way shoehorning The Fallen in as "Megatronus" isn't necessary or welcome 😛


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's all extremely ambiguous. I've seen that 2-parter hundreds of times and I have no firm opinion on what it's trying to imply.

And that's okay. If we got that story today, we'd meet the author of the Covenant of Primus and he'd tell us exactly what he was writing about and how he knows, and it would be boring.


Another babka?
It's all extremely ambiguous. I've seen that 2-parter hundreds of times and I have no firm opinion on what it's trying to imply.

And that's okay. If we got that story today, we'd meet the author of the Covenant of Primus and he'd tell us exactly what he was writing about and how he knows, and it would be boring.
The Fallen was, as stated, much more interesting when we didn't know as much about him.


Another babka?
It was fun when history was more than two generations long. Now we have the era of the Thirteen, and the present era, and that's it. And they overlap.
IDW kind of messed up the whole TF timeline. Nova Prime was originally presented as this Prime from an era long past, some point between the Thirteen and the modern era.
And then it was revealed that multiple characters alive and kicking today were alive during Nova's era, which was then revealed to have not so insignificant overlap with the Thirteen.


Continuity Nutcase
IDW kind of messed up the whole TF timeline. Nova Prime was originally presented as this Prime from an era long past, some point between the Thirteen and the modern era.
And then it was revealed that multiple characters alive and kicking today were alive during Nova's era, which was then revealed to have not so insignificant overlap with the Thirteen.
The Covenant of Primus book did this for the Aligned timeline too. The novels painted the Thirteen era as a totally bygone ancient era completely lost to time with no one still alive other than Alpha Trion having ever been there. Then the CoP went and put nearly every major character from the WFC/FOC games and the Prime cartoon (minus Bumblebee) in the very next era that came right after that of the Thirteen.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
IDW had Nova Prime having existed in living memory very early on, ever since Spotlight: Optimus Prime where he talks to Omega Supreme about one of Nova Prime's evil projects, Monstructor. Which actually means there were already seven people from Nova Prime's era running around and this was 2007, less than two years after the continuity started.

The age long lost was

The age of the God War between Adaptus and the other members of the Guiding Hand. The 13 in IDW were just kind of powerful dudes who got mythologized later.

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