Transformers: One - New Animated Prequel coming September 20th, 2024 - New Toy Official Images!


Another babka?
IDW started with Nova Prime having existed in living memory, ever since Spotlight: Optimus Prime where he talks to Omega Supreme about one of Nova Prime's evil projects, Monstructor. Which actually means there were already seven people from Nova Prime's era running around and this was 2007, two years after the continuity started.

The age long lost was

The age of the God War between Adaptus and the other members of the Guiding Hand. The 13 in IDW were just kind of powerful dudes who got mythologized later.
Sure, but what I took away from Spotlight: Optimus was that only Omega Supreme could be asked about Nova Prime because he was one of the few characters who was alive back then.

I'm not pulling this out of my ass either. Furman wanted the Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons to have lasted "only" 10,000 years. Nova Prime reigning ten million years ago was supposed to establish him as a pretty old dude. But Furman never canonized his vision for IDW's Great War length and later authors went with the G1 "six million years" length, which made Nova's reign suddenly not so long ago, comparatively.

The age of the God War between Adaptus and the other members of the Guiding Hand.
That wasn't something that was on the table during the initial -iation run though, where Nova was introduced.

The 13 in IDW were just kind of powerful dudes who got mythologized later.
Neither was this, but this is part of a bigger problem. Sure, the Thirteen in IDW1 were just normal dudes who got mythologized need a number of things for a factual person or event to be mythologized. You need distance. And you get distance by the passage of time and the death of people who were there. Both allow for a game of generational telephone to play out without people who were there to correct the record.

The Old Testament story of Abraham leading the Hebrews out of Mesopotamia to the Levant, for example, is likely a mythologized retelling of pastoral migrations north after the establishment of the first Mesopotamian city states. You're talking about an event that likely sits around 5,000 years ago and was codified in its accepted "mythologized" form ~3,000/2,500 years ago. That's thousands of years of "drift" to the original recounting of events. And if some old ass dude from the original events survived thousands of years he'd (assuming he had his faculties) be able to go "ok so that didn't happen, that did but not like that," etc...

IDW1 really wants to play with this "real events become mythologized" idea with the Thirteen but it all sort of falls apart. Nova Prime fought side by side with Prima, the "leader" of the Thirteen. He was Nova Major, an officer in Prima's army. Following the flight of the Thirteen he meets Alpha Trion who allows him to take the "Prime" title. Because IDW1 ended up establishing that Nova Prime's reign was in living memory not just for super old characters, but for a bunch of normal dudes (Rewind has speeches he gave that he recorded himself) that means that the "era" that immeditaly proceeded the Thirteen was a lived time for multiple characters who are still around in the setting's present. Hell, Arcee was a huge part of the Thirteen's ascendency. And Alpha Trion's still kicking around.
So it becomes increasingly hard to say that the Thirteen would have been mythologized. Not enough relative time has passed and the existence of multiple characters who remember their reign are still alive.


Continuity Nutcase
What am I missing?
IDW1 established their version of the Great War was six million years old.
Which, IIRC, was taken from the G1 show where the Arc crew lies dormant for six million years.


Well-known member
Hadn't the war been going on for a couple million years before that though? Admittedly, my memory of all the timelines is completely muddled at this point.
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Continuity Nutcase
Hadn't the war been going on for a couple million years before that though? Admittedly, my memory of all the timelines is completely muddled at this point.
Yep. "War Dawn" placed Orion Pax being shot by Megatron and rebuilt into Optimus Prime as having happened "nine million years ago".

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Sure, but what I took away from Spotlight: Optimus was that only Omega Supreme could be asked about Nova Prime because he was one of the few characters who was alive back then.

Arcee too dates back to the era of Nova Prime and always did since her first appearance, where it's revealed she was experimented on by Jhiaxus.

Arcee, Galvatron, Cyclonus, Jhiaxus, Omega Supreme and Monstructor were all Nova Prime contemporaries in Furman's original work. They're not common, but also not unheard of.

Beyond the Furman years, there's Alpha Trion (Who's one of the 13), Tailgate (was in stasis lock for millions of years) and technically Shockwave due to time travel shenanigans. Oh and Dai Atlas. I'm guessing I'm missing someone. Oh right, Infinitus who's an agent of one of the 13.


Another babka?
Arcee too dates back to the era of Nova Prime and always did since her first appearance, where it's revealed she was experimented on by Jhiaxus.

Arcee, Galvatron, Cyclonus, Jhiaxus, Omega Supreme and Monstructor were all Nova Prime contemporaries in Furman's original work. They're not common, but also not unheard of.

Beyond the Furman years, there's Alpha Trion (Who's one of the 13), Tailgate (was in stasis lock for millions of years) and technically Shockwave due to time travel shenanigans. Oh and Dai Atlas. I'm guessing I'm missing someone. Oh right, Infinitus who's an agent of one of the 13.
My point is that in Furman's original work on IDW1 'bots who remember Nova's era are very rare and Optimus had to go see Omega Supreme because he was the only one who he could ask.

Arcee was driven insane by Jhiaxus' experiments (let's not get into THAT can of worms), Monstructor was in Combiner Jail, and Galvy, Cyclonus, and Jhiaxus were just as old as Nova and trapped in the same Dead Universe as him.

Everything else? Yes after Furman left a bunch of other characters got added to Nova's era, but that's sort of my point. As originally presented Nova was from some bygone era that Optimus had to search out an ancient Cybertronian for info on because everyone else from that era was insanely violent, imprisoned for being a crime against nature, or trapped in the same dark universe Optimus sensed Nova's presence in.
When the timeline for IDW1 got scrunched Nova became Suddenly Not So Long Ago comparatively.

That Nova and his companions (Galvatron, Cyclonus, Scourge(?), Dai Atlas, and Jihaxus actually were around for the era of the Thirteen, and their era ended up not so long ago in relation to the modern era... yeah. I get what IDW1 wanted to do with the Thirteen being based on real beings who got mythologized but their own timeline doesn't allow that to work.


Well-known member
My head canon was always that the CoP Megatron was a prophecy about BW Megatron, but for the longest time was just a name in some spiritual texts. G1 Megatron took the name, which would be like people today named "Issac," "Abraham," "Jesus," or "Mohammad."

Then BW Megatron took the name to honour the Decepticon leader and ended up becoming the very inspiration of the name in a timey-wimey sort of way. Nice and circular and doesn't need The Fallen to have a fanfic-y name.
I thought the intent of the BW episode was pretty clearly to say that Megatron named himself (and then turned out to actually be) the Transformers equivalent of The Beast from the book of Revelation.
But adding Megatronus means that (if we still stick with the Bible) he named himself the equivalent of Cain.


Continuity Nutcase
I thought the intent of the BW episode was pretty clearly to say that Megatron named himself (and then turned out to actually be) the Transformers equivalent of The Beast from the book of Revelation.
But adding Megatronus means that (if we still stick with the Bible) he named himself the equivalent of Cain.
In the 2000s, The Fallen was considered more analogous to Judas.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I posted this in the deals thread, but worth reiterating here:
Target has Transformers 15% off and this DOES include Transformers One figures.


Continuity Nutcase
Anyone want to tell him? Somebody's got to tell him.
The post this was originally responding to has been moved to the correct thread.
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Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
We post reviews of TF One here on this thread?

Got to see an advanced screening but I missed the first 30min (or until the cave with teeth scene).

Mid credits and after credits bonus scenes.

No spoilers but... I think it's OK. I don't agree with a certain part in the new origin. There's cool callbacks. Some parts of the humor doesn't work for me (regarding certain characters).

Not too wild about Megatron's voice at certain times. It's the inflection that shouldn't exist in an alien culture and all that. Bee at least is made for comedy.

Have to watch the trailer to see what stuff I could mention. Cuz I luuuuv one character in there.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
If it’s not a big reveal or spoiler, who the heck is Steve Buscemi voicing? My bet is on the Quintesson, but it is strange to see him get high billing…but no information on his character.


Continuity Nutcase
Brazilian preview clip with more new footage and new reveals for characters named in the movie:


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