Transformers: One - New Animated Prequel coming September 20th, 2024 - New Toy Official Images!

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Thinking back, I was genuinely surprised by how good Scarlet Johannsson's voice acting was in this: I thought she was going to be a drag on this film, but she does very well.

Conversely, Steve Buscemi wasn't bad, but also didn't really stand out. In retrospect, I think his voice is just too iconic. Kept expecting him to go "How do you do, fellow Decepticons."


Staff member
Council of Elders
I really liked both of their performances. Scarlett stepped hers up (it's the most, er, animated I've heard from her, when it would've been easy to phone it in), and Buscemi elevated Starscream with his. There's an edge to the character as a boss and bully that we don't normally get when the focus is just on his wheedling side or "do a Chris Latta impression".

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I really liked both of their performances. Scarlett stepped hers up (it's the most, er, animated I've heard from her, when it would've been easy to phone it in), and Buscemi elevated Starscream with his. There's an edge to the character as a boss and bully that we don't normally get when the focus is just on his wheedling side or "do a Chris Latta impression".
I’m, frankly, surprised by both the inclusion of the character And the decision to get a “name actor” to voice him. Starscream’s role is as minor as Airrachnid’s, and not nearly as plot central.
I kind of wonder if the decision for Buscemi wasn’t a “stake claim” on his involvement in a sequel.

But in terms of the character? Again, I like the edge they gave him, but I don’t see his role as so vital they couldn’t have grabbed any number of high level Decepticons to fill it. Maybe even have Megatron completely off them to establish dominance and help that heel turn along?


Staff member
Council of Elders
Mm, nah, I like how it...

brings the "might makes right" to the forefront of D-16's mind, which is another part of his descent that could have been handled more smoothly but at least it's here. The High Guard resenting Sentinel's betrayal reinforces D-16's own resentment, and their own skewed ideology is ironically part of Sentinel's caste-system thinking that just happens to be presented in a way that becomes appealing to D-16.

And focusing all of this through Starscream is a good move. Out of him, Soundwave, and Shockwave, he's the most outwardly and directly interesting in terms of character texture. He's a natural fit for leading the High Guard with the whole Seeker/Air Commander thing (easy enough to adapt here). And having him clash with D-16 and be deposed by the latter (fair and square, through strength over him, no less) plants the seeds of their contentious relationship that can be followed up on later.

And yeah, good point on this possibly being an early establishment of future involvement from Buscemi... Which can only be a good thing. I love the different vibe of arrogance and meanness he brings to the character, and I hope they preserve that even now that Megatron is in charge.
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Well-known member
But there is a problem that's too late for word of mouth to fix, and that's that the film itself it too late. Releasing this in September when kids are back in school was just stupid. Weekends aren't enough. Kids don't have weekends. They have homework. This needed to be a summer release, and if Paramount couldn't make that happen then they are just beyond broken now.
So kids don’t have 2 hours on a weekend to go see a movie? I took my kindergarten and second grader with no problems in relation to homework. And I’m pretty sure that’s the target audience. Getting homework done in a timely manner takes engaged of parents to get done. You also have to look at the release schedule of other movies. Transformers would have been crushed if released the same weekend and up to 2 after Deadpool & Wolverine. Inside Out 2 would win too, connects to a wider audience.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Got to see it last night. The whole family enjoyed it and said that it was, by far, the best Transformers movie so far.

It was only us and one other family, but it was Sunday night at a small town theater that's struggling for a variety of reasons anyway, so hopefully it's been doing well enough nation-wide to get sequels. I'd love to have this as a fresh starting point for the franchise as far as films go. I think there's a ton of potential here. I think the writers/art directors did a fantastic job of balancing respect for past iterations with a willingness to do something new.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I gotta be honest, as a transformers fan, finally getting a great Transformers movie and watching it flounder financially is REALLY bumming me out.

I've made the "This is why we can't have nice things joke" but it's more than I'm feeling more and more disconnected from what makes a film successful or popular, which means I'll eventually become disconnected from Transformers as they retool it to become more successful and popular.


Wondering bot
I gotta be honest, as a transformers fan, finally getting a great Transformers movie and watching it flounder financially is REALLY bumming me out.

I've made the "This is why we can't have nice things joke" but it's more than I'm feeling more and more disconnected from what makes a film successful or popular, which means I'll eventually become disconnected from Transformers as they retool it to become more successful and popular.

I blame the previous lackluster films on top of poor timing, but then most international markets have yet to actually open, I know a lot of people sing phrases about the BB movie, but honestly, its best scene is the openning act! I honestly, expect this film to find more sucess on streaming when it comes out, but we'll see what the next couple of weeks hold in regards towards its takings, of course, Hollywood is still suffering from the covid era on top of a LOT of stupid choices that have been made, plus there is infilation of ticket prices from what I gather, is covering up the fact that a lot of people, just aren't going to the cinema to see movies, espeically those deemed, lackluster, so there is a lot of factors at play here.


Continuity Nutcase
I gotta be honest, as a transformers fan, finally getting a great Transformers movie and watching it flounder financially is REALLY bumming me out.

I've made the "This is why we can't have nice things joke" but it's more than I'm feeling more and more disconnected from what makes a film successful or popular, which means I'll eventually become disconnected from Transformers as they retool it to become more successful and popular.
My biggest concern is how much The Wild Robot is probably going to just destroy TF One's chances of success, as people are already predicting that movie as being Oscar-worthy.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I blame the previous lackluster films on top of poor timing, but then most international markets have yet to actually open, I know a lot of people sing phrases about the BB movie, but honestly, its best scene is the openning act! I honestly, expect this film to find more sucess on streaming when it comes out, but we'll see what the next couple of weeks hold in regards towards its takings, of course, Hollywood is still suffering from the covid era on top of a LOT of stupid choices that have been made, plus there is infilation of ticket prices from what I gather, is covering up the fact that a lot of people, just aren't going to the cinema to see movies, espeically those deemed, lackluster, so there is a lot of factors at play here.
The last two live-action movies have done a lot to rekindle public interest in the brand.

I'm not even sorry, but thinking that the nostalgia-driven opening of Bumblebee is a metric of quality is indicative of missing what the general public is looking for in these. "Hon, let's take the kids to see this movie, I hear Shockwave and Soundwave and Arcee are in it looking just like G1", said no casual moviegoer ever.

Bumblebee was a humbler holiday season release and was well-received, enough that the studio felt Rise of the Beasts could be put back in the summer blockbuster season, where it held its own fairly well and had a surprisingly long run. The Last Knight is now 7 whole years in the past, and blaming that era for this now is an easy but largely empty crutch.

I hope TF One does better in succeeding weeks, as it's a good movie that deserves attention and does a lot to reward audiences with a full story and compelling characters. It's a big statement to tell everyone that this is what the brand is capable of as far as stories it can tell well.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
ROTB's staying power really was remarkable. The per-theater numbers didn't move that much. It just got crowded out by the sheer volume of releases we got last year, and it still managed to outlast a few films that came after it.

If ONE can do anything like that, with much more positive word of mouth on its side, it can still end up a success.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm not sure how consequential this all is anyway. This movie will be more than profitable on home video. I just wanted Hasbro to have a theatrical success because they deserve it this time.
Yeah, I think I mentioned that on Discord. Theater times seem shorter and shorter these days, and streaming is considered the big thing now, so...


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm actually hoping it moves to streaming pretty quickly. This is a toy-centric movie, so part of the measure of it's success will be how effective it is at making kids want these toys. Movie theaters, unfortunately, are getting visited less and less for a wide variety of reasons, so it may be better to get this movie into living rooms quickly so that the majority of kids will have seen it by the Christmas purchasing season.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
She definitely put real effort into the role, and apparently was personally chosen for it:



...I'mma just take your word for it.

I dunno, Tangled and Big Hero Six both switched art styles (and actors in BH6's case) for their sequel shows, and those both ended up awesome.

I know Paramount's not Disney, but it's at least possible.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem vs. Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


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